Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 797 Newcomers Join The Group

Chapter 797

To prevent him from entering Gensokyo to catch black slaves... Yakumo Zi is still too young to see the scenery of the new world.

The forerunner can let Bai Chen make all the layouts in advance.

At that time, once Yakumo Zi persuades all the monsters to attack Yuedu, as long as the power of Yuedu is the same as the original design, then most of the monsters will never return.

At that time, Yakumo Zi, as a big demon, will definitely be arrested first and be crazily humiliated by the moon people.

If Yakumo Zi hadn't lost her dignity and knelt in public, it would be hard to say whether Yakumo Zi could survive.

As for the present that has not yet happened.

At that time, Yakumo Zi will definitely start the live broadcast.

Until then, even if she doesn't want to ask for help, it's impossible.

After all, if you really want to kneel in front of a group of friends, it is unlikely that you will be able to hold your head up for the rest of your life.

Compared with integrity and dignity, as long as the thinking is normal, you should know how to choose.

Of course, if Yakumo Zi was more cautious and knew in advance that the power of Yuedu was far greater than that of the demon world, his plan would not have happened.

However, that also did no harm to Bai Chen.

After all, I reminded 21 her.

At that time, the trust will deepen, and I will also be able to go to Gensokyo and take Yakumo Zi, a thousand-year-old old woman who pretends to be young, into my pocket.

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "I understand, thank you for your guidance. 11

After receiving information from Bai Chen, Yakumo Zi became more and more active.

There is no need for Bai Chen to deceive himself about this kind of thing.

Whether there are other races on the moon, you only need to go there to know.

Moreover, if Yuedu is really as rich as Bai Chen said, the establishment of the Great Barrier will be smoother.

Bai Chen: "It's okay, everyone is a group of friends, if the information is useful, that's naturally the best.

On the surface, Bai Chen is calm and calm, but in fact, he is smiling in his heart.

Yakumo Zi was completely hooked.

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "But for me, it is the biggest help so far, thank you."

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "Then everyone, I still have something to do, I'm leaving for now, if anyone wants to find me, feel free to chat privately.

Eastern world.

An ordinary town in an island nation.

There are white thin clouds floating in the sky, adding a bit of hazy artistic conception to the moonlight.

Although it has not been long before nightfall, there are few lights in the houses in the town.

Compared with modern times, it seems too calm.

But if you consider the current era, it is understandable.

Under the oriental worldview, bizarre events happen from time to time.

All kinds of figures that only exist in legends and folk stories in modern society actually exist here.

Demons and ghosts, ghosts and ghosts walk in the night.

At night, especially at midnight when the cloudy and cold air is the heaviest, even in towns where humans live, you can be lucky enough to see all kinds of floating ghosts.

If it is in the wild where there are few people, it will be even more lively.

In other words, only some large cities where exorcist families gather, the towns at night will be noisy.

And against this background, a beautiful girl in a purple robe with gossip patterns printed on her back and a soft silk hat stood quietly under the moon holding a parasol.

With consciousness separated from the chat group, Zi Yakumo looked up at the hazy Banyue.

It was supposed to be a quiet night, but Yakumo Zi's heart became more and more active.

In the past, she never thought that there would be people living on the moon that only appeared at night.

"Sure enough, the gap between me and the gods is not so big."

Although Bai Chen claims that he has the ability to "speculate", as an aborigine in the eastern world, he needs to obtain information from other people, which makes Yakumo Zi feel a little helpless.

Recall the last words Bai Chen said to her.

Yakumo Zi also felt somewhat ashamed.

As a god-level boss, he gave her preferential treatment and information everywhere, but he was always on guard that the other party might have evil intentions.

Does this count as judging the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain?

Keep these things to yourself for now.

No matter what happens in the chat group, the establishment of Gensokyo is the most important thing right now.

After receiving the information from Yuedu, Yakumo Zi also knew what to do next.

Lobby the monsters, describe the prosperity of the Moon City, and then get them to agree to their request. At the price of the Moon City, build a world that only belongs to the monsters.

For humans, Yakumo Zi also knows to observe the balance of yin and yang harmony.

But if the other party is a lunar person, then there is no need to be polite.

Before Gensokyo was established, Yuyuko Saigyouji, the first generation Hakurei Priestess and other friends, Yakumo Zi's heart was always black.

Didn't think much about it.

Yakumo Zi began to experiment with ways to get to the Moon Capital.

Although she is a realm demon, she can freely control the realm and move instantly, but the distance between the earth and the moon is too far, if there is no suitable medium, even with her power, it is difficult to teleport there.

At this time, the lake not far away came into view.

Yakumo Zi looked at the half moon reflected on the lake, and gradually had an idea in her heart.

After Yakumo Zi left, the topics in the chat group started to go off track.

240 Bai Chen, who has nothing to do, wants to find Tacheng Kitty to learn about the situation at the Devil's High School.

After all, not a short time has passed since I left last time.

Subduing the Hero faction, and also thwarting the plan of the Greek god Hades to capture Orpheus, it is unlikely that the other party will let it go.

But until now, there is no news, which is indeed a bit noticeable.

In addition, Bai Chen is not very satisfied with the speed with which the three parties in the Bible searched for Li Zeweimu and Beast Emperor 666.

I have already given detailed information, and the speed can be so slow, it is really unreasonable.

If there is no more news from them, I also plan to take some time to go there to solve the troubles in the world over there, and further flow out my "reason" to more worlds.

At the same time, the girls in the devil's high school naturally cannot be let go.

To be honest, what Bai Chen values ​​is not their looks and figures, but their talent.

Appearance and figure are at best a plus.

At this moment, a notification sound from the group chat interrupted Bai Chen's thoughts.

[Ding! The group member "Elegant Miss" joined the chat group, let's say hello to everyone~~~]

[Ding! Group member "Golden Fairy" joined the chat group, let's say hello to everyone~~~].

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