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Chapter 804: Is Kangkang's Development Normal?

Chapter 804

That's why Bai Chen said that the world was a tragedy from beginning to end.

After explaining the setting over there to Maki, the girl fell into silence.

Afterwards, Bai Chen looked at the sunset outside the window, sat back on the sofa, and clicked into the chat group.

By this time, they should all have read the group information.

The golden goblin: "It turns out that there was such a history before? I don't even know it at all.

Golden Fairy: "It feels a little weird to be explained..."

However, since it is a god, it is normal to know more than her.

Anyway, Cordoli only knows that human beings were completely extinct more than 500 years ago, and then "beasts" ravaged the earth, and her family of golden goblins needed to fight the beasts in order to protect the floating island and the people on it.

Super Electromagnetic Gun: "It's outrageous! This is the first time I have encountered a world where human beings have been destroyed."

Blue Slime: "What's more outrageous is not the origin of human beings? It turned out to be a beast whose form was distorted by the star god."

Little Spider: "It feels like a god's creation, but it feels weird."

The Spirit of Time: "Without the package of soul 120 soul fragments, there is no way to maintain the shape and will of a human being. No matter how old or how strong a human being grows up, he will turn back into a monster because of the deterioration of the soul... To be honest , quite helpless.

Electromagnetic Gun: "The human beings over there are really miserable. I'm afraid many people watched their relatives turn into monsters, and then had to kill them."

Goddess of the Moon: "Strictly speaking, beasts are also victims. In their eyes, humans and other species are not alien invaders."

Grandpa is so cute: "Yeah, maybe they just want to go back to their previous lives.

Speaking of beasts, Yingmei suddenly thought of Qiuqiu people.

Those monsters living in the wild were also the people of the Kingdom of Kanria in the past.

Why do they miss their former homeland?

Little White Cat: "So, everything is the fault of the Star God, right? After coming to this planet, he decided to transform the bodies of the aborigines without authorization."

Little Spider: "The murderer has been found! Is everything Tokiomi's fault?"

Elegant young lady: "What (cbee) does this have to do with my father?"

Seeing this, Tohsaka Rin felt that it was out of line.

If her father has such a strong strength, how could he lose in the fourth battle?

Already unified the Clock Tower and become the strongest magician, okay?

Fubuki from Hell: "However, beasts don't have much thought in the first place, and the star gods are also a group of poor people. They changed the surrounding environment because they missed their homeland.

Little White Cat: "That's true."

Electromagnetic Gun: "Speaking of which, human beings are really filial sons. Although it is for the continuation of their own race, they took the initiative to kill the star god who created them."

Blue Slime: "Goodbye, father, and my cowardice..."

I don't want to see a ghost: "Although it is a filial son, the ending is not very happy."

The death of the last star god accelerated the extinction of mankind.

Elegant lady: "What a complicated relationship."

Goddess of the Moon: "In that world, who is wrong?"

After seeing what Artemis said, they continued to argue.

Everyone seems to be right, but it happens to be the worst ending.

Bai Chen: "There are not so many right and wrong, or everyone is wrong.

For this tragedy, Bai Chen saw clearly.

Bai Chen: "As the initiator, the Star God created human beings without comment, but as the creator of the human race, he must at least take responsibility for managing human beings. The unscrupulous reproduction of human beings and the connivance of the Star Gods are the reasons for the tragedy."

Bai Chen: "Beasts are just a group of uncivilized monsters, let alone right or wrong."

In fact, the most tragic thing is the group of golden goblins.

One is born to be used as a weapon in battle "there is no right to choose life.

The real victim is only the golden goblin.

Irreverent white-haired loli: "Bai Chen is right! From our point of view, let alone the continuation of races, there is no right or wrong. The reason why star gods and human beings are going extinct is all because of problems in race management."

Irresponsible white-haired loli: "If the family planning could be done well in the first place, there would be so many broken things. The star gods are a group of irresponsible managers, and the human beings are the same. They reproduce without restraint. If they are controlled early, there will not be so many Is something wrong?"

In the eyes of her, the stratum ruler of the Eastern District, it was a complete chaos caused by the collapse of order.

It was a mess from top to bottom.

Little Spider: "Is it possible that although they lost their lives, they got freedom.

Little white cat:......

Bai Chen: "It's meaningless to discuss so much, it still depends on Cordoli's own opinion.

The golden goblin: "Although I didn't expect it to be that kind of truth, I can't change anything. Now I just want to protect everyone. This is the fate of us goblins."

In the future, he may die in the battle with the beast just like his predecessors.

Irregular white-haired loli: "That's easy, just say what you want? We will do our best to help you realize it!"

Bai Chen: "Why are you so generous today?"

Irreverent white-haired loli: "Because I have the feeling that the newcomer is a beautiful girl! The beautiful girl is in trouble, how can I, as a girl's friend, just sit idly by?! But it drives me crazy.jpg.

Bai Chen: "Can you leave Little Garden casually?"

Irregular white-haired loli: "Of course it's not allowed, but newcomers can come here on their own, let us Kangkang see if your development is normal... Uh, no, let's study the body structure of the goblin, if it doesn't work, Wouldn't it be over if you gave her a godhead?"

What past life erosion, magic poisoning, she does not believe that there is no problem that cannot be solved by a godhead.

Golden Fairy: ...Thanks, but it would be selfish of me to be saved alone. "

Cordoli declined Shiroyasha's proposal.

Although she knew that the road ahead was a dead end, and she could not get a chance for happiness, she had already made up her mind.

She cannot obtain happiness, but at least she can protect the happiness of others. .

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