Chapter 808

The biggest gap is that his growth does not require faith.

The reason why I chose Christianity is because of mistakes, and it is easy to take advantage of the situation.

The prestige of Christianity has a wide reputation in many worlds, so his outflow speed will be much faster than normal.

As for whether there are sects and believers, it does not affect his purpose.

The plain declaration made the angels stand up again.

As for Bai Chen, he glanced at the seraphs whose faces were covered in tears and who were no longer as holy as usual, and asked a little amusingly.

"Why do you cry when you see me?"

"That...that's because..."

Michael sniffled.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Naturally, I can't control my emotions."

"Yes, you old man has been away for so long, it is inevitable to show your true feelings... Ah, thank you.

Uriel took the tissue that Asia kindly handed over, hurriedly wiped off the tears on his face, and said with a complicated mood.

"Although you have only been away for a few months, you have learned from the past after all. It is really uneasy not to be able to watch you and stay by your side."

Gabriel was still sobbing softly, looking weak and weak.

At the same time shaking, there is also a proud heart.

Looking at the circle of seraphs who are usually majestic but now look like little white rabbits, Bai Chen thought it was funny, but when he noticed Gabriel's proud bust, he couldn't help but think of one thing.

The reason why Devil's High School became popular all over the Internet was not because of how good its plot was, nor was it because of how well-produced the fighting was, but because it also took into account the gentleman's strike zone while producing the fighting and plot.

Various benefits emerge in endlessly.

Otherwise, there would not have been the saying that I am the most burning meat, and I am the most meat burning meat.

Moreover, in this world, there is actually a hidden setting.

That is the general strong female, the bigger the place, the stronger the strength.

Rias, Himejima Akeno, or Gurefia.

Especially the latter, when Gurefia was in the civil war in the underworld, she had the nickname of "Silver Hair Annihilation" 々 Ji, which sounded very strong.

As for the infinite cute dragon Orpheus.

Although the image Bai Chen saw was just a loli, in fact, her peak record was in ancient times, when she defeated the gods who wanted to capture her on the earth.

At that time, Orpheus' figure was much better than it is now.

Maybe Gabriel's strength is even stronger than Michael, the "Godlike".

"Okay, I'm coming back this time to deal with the funeral."

Bai Chen didn't think too much about it.

It doesn't matter whether Gabriel or Michael is stronger or weaker, anyway, the entire heaven is his now.

Even if Gabriel was to come over to sleep at night, and to test eighteen martial arts, it would be a matter of one sentence.

"Follow... next thing?"

Michael suddenly thought of something bad again.

"It's not the funeral, it's a question I asked you to pay attention to before I leave."

Bai Chen glanced at Michael.

I always feel that after I came, the IQ of this group of Seraphs plummeted.

But if you think about it carefully, there is indeed such a possibility.

After all, in the past, the affairs of the heavens were handled by the God of the Bible, and the other angels only needed to be a tool.

Now that he is here, these angels are probably ready to be a qualified tool man.

Forget it, it's not a bad thing anyway.

"Oh, is it Lizvim's problem?"

Michael looked at Bai Chen and said.

Then, she saw Bai Chen looking at a fool in his eyes.

Michael is innocent, did she say something wrong?

And just when she was about to speak again, Gabriel on the side suddenly pushed Michael's head down, and his forehead collided intimately with the pole of the earth.

Gabriel, who made a sudden move, returned to his appearance as a soft girl after doing all this, and replied piously and gently: "We have already got an idea about the beast of the apocalypse. Li Zevim, the son of the Apocalypse, appeared in the vampire's territory a few days ago. I don't dare to make decisions on the following matters, so I have been waiting for your decision.


Bai Chen nodded.

According to memory, the reason why Li Zevim appeared in the vampire territory was because the God Execution Tool "Holy Grail of the Underworld" was kept there.

It is said to be used at the last supper to hold the blood of Jesus, compared to other powerful destructive god-killing tools.

The Holy Grail has the power to reverse or distort life, and the most important thing is to resurrect the dead.

Li Zevim will use the Holy Grail to resurrect the dead....evil dragons" and make them his thugs.

However, for him now, the threat is not great.

Even if the beast of the apocalypse reappears, the damage it can cause is extremely limited.

So, instead of putting your mind on an ugly man, plan for the future.

The reason why he is so diligent in flowing out in different worlds is not only to enjoy the pleasure of becoming stronger, but also to make himself live a more stable life in the future.

Bai Chen, who had already decided to develop in Little Garden, naturally needed to develop his own power.

Therefore, Bai Chen's main goal today is to accept talents from various worlds and flow them out in different worlds.

And this process will continue until he has established a firm foothold in Little Garden.

Li Zevim and the evil dragons were excluded.

Although the Beast of Apocalypse is strong, it is his old enemy, unable to control it, and is also excluded.

As for the three forces of the holy (king) scriptures, it is not difficult to get them after a little turnaround.

But besides that, what Bai Chen wants most is Orpheus, the infinitely cute dragon.

Only she must be obtained.

So, the next thing to do is very simple.

"The vampires continue to send people to watch, and at the same time go to find traces of Orpheus."

Bai Chen said.

"Then, you go back."

"Yes, my lord."

After recovering to normal, Michael suddenly realized a problem.

She asked cautiously.

"Aren't you going back to heaven with us?"

"I won't go to heaven? I'm not used to living here."

Bai Chen shook his head.

Then, the conversation changed, and he stared at Gabriel and confessed.

"In order not to make you think too much, Gabriel, you just stay here with me."

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