Chapter 816

It used to be the same with Black Wing, but now even White Wing is so aggressive.

"Do you really think that people from our five great clans are easy to bully?!"

"We must let those heretics take a good look at the determination of our five great families!"

"I heard that there used to be a heir of the Himejima family who was a hybrid of Black Wing, and now that Black Wing and White Wing are united, maybe it's that evil seed who got in the way!"

The atmosphere in the main hall was warm, and many young elites even looked forward to the possible battle with the foot aliens.

But only one girl remained silent from beginning to end.

A head of black hair reflected a bright luster as if wet.

Dressed in a red and white priestess outfit, it gives people a majestic and methodical feeling.

The girl's name is Himejima Suzaku.

As early as the age of sixteen, she had succeeded the "Seven Two Three" spirit beast "Suzaku" in charge of the Jidao family, and she was a well-deserved talented woman in the family.

As one of the few existences who knew something about the outside world, Himejima Suzaku was not optimistic about the decisions made by the elders of the five major clans.

No matter what the other party said, he was also the god who was famous all over the world.

Although the current five major clans are not bad in power, they cannot be compared with the entire power.

Especially the frequent conflicts within the clan.

Clansmen who have no qualifications, cannot inherit the family inheritance, or have awakened other abilities will be ruthlessly abandoned, and even the law.

Although this behavior made the clan's internal lineage extremely pure, it also curbed too much potential.

Her cousin, Tobio Ikise, who has now been adopted by Asachel as his adopted son.

Even the fallen angel governor was amazed by its awakening artifact.

And so on, and many more.

But without exception, they all became the enemies of the five great clans.

As the younger generation and the future successor master of the Himejima family, Himejima Suzaku scoffed at the rules of the five major families.

But as a junior, she is temporarily powerless to change anything.

Only by becoming the suzerain in the future and developing the power of the spirit beast Suzaku to a higher level, maybe there is a way to change the status quo in the clan.


Time waits for no one.

The last time the clan rejected the pagan envoy who came with good intentions, she felt a little uneasy.

It was only a few days before such a decision was made.

Himejima Suzaku closed his eyes helplessly.

Or because there is no power to control everything.

At this time, Himejima Zhuhuang's eyes fell on Himejima Suzaku.

"I want to ask you, the next suzerain of the Himejima family, to activate the Suzaku spirit beast to those pagan gods and show the dance of flames?"

All eyes focused on Suzaku.

"Yes, my uncle."

Her own voice is still unable to defy the tide.

Although he is the successor suzerain, the right to speak is still too little after all.

At the same time, the other four major clans also issued the same instructions to the younger generation who inherited the spirit beasts in the clan.

"Everyone, the world is in chaos. Ever since the chaos in Kyoto last time, those lowly demons hiding in the corners have surrendered to the feet of pagan gods. As members of the guardian island country for generations, we will never surrender to any evil monsters. Wait for the monsters to bow their heads! If monsters dare to attack, we and the five great clans will surely make them pay the price in blood!"

"The price of blood!"

"Let them come and go!"

"We are not easy to mess with!"

In the end, as the elders of the five major families made their conclusions, the militants in the hall began to cheer even more enthusiastically.

It seems that as long as they move out, all obstacles can be swept away.

And at this moment.

The worried Himejima Suzaku looked out of the window suspiciously as if he had noticed something.

At the same moment, all the members of the five major clans in the hall, including those clan masters, also raised their heads subconsciously.

It was completely involuntary, and even they themselves didn't know why they raised their heads.

Just when people are wondering about it.

next moment.

Compared with the sun at noon, the golden light illuminated the sky, and the dazzling light covered the day.

The glorious holy light broke through the barriers protecting the five great clans, and sprinkled on the roof of the hall to prevent monsters from invading.

At the same time, people seem to be able to hear faint hymns singing.

It was as if the glory of God appeared in the clouds.

Then, a magnificent and lofty voice descended from heaven...

"For the glory and continuation of the family, challenge me with courage and passion, this belief is indeed commendable, hehe..."

When this sound came down, the eyes of all the members of the five major clans suddenly became shocked, and thoughts emerged in their hearts that made their bodies tremble.


"Could it be a pagan god?"

"When did you come here?!"

The hall suddenly fell into turmoil, and there was no previous enthusiastic atmosphere at all.

"Stupid question, do you even have doubts about where the sun is?"

The grand and arrogant voice came down again.

The exorcists of the five major families opened their mouths, but were horrified to find that they couldn't make a sound.

And not only the figure, but even the limbs of the body were restricted in movement, unable to move as if frozen.

The same is true for the elders of the five major clans who were still giving orders before and the younger generation who hosted the spirit beasts.

The proud Shinto technique and spiritual power cannot be used, and the five spirit beasts as symbols are as quiet as a lake in the abyss.

In the next second, as if they were sinking into the deep sea, they were overwhelmed by the suffocating pressure from all directions.

The body that could not move was forced to bend due to fear and actual pressure.

Both knees brushed together, and with a plop, 5.4 knelt on the ground.

Fear, panic, unbelievable and many emotions linger in people's minds.

At this time, they don't have any blood, but only fear of the unknown.

The other party just sent their eyes over, making all of them lose their resistance.

Is this really something pagan gods can do?!

Just when they all fell into chaos.

The voice fell from above again.

"As a reward for your courage and will, I will send down trials, and those who pass may sing my name.

next second.

Ripple-like patterns of light spread out from the sky.


What trial?

The hearts of the exorcists who were unable to move due to fear were beating wildly, and then they suddenly found that they could do it. .

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