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Chapter 818 Sing Praises To My Name

Chapter 818

When all the dust settled, Bai Chen saw a different scene.

One by one, the exorcists were lying on the ground with painful expressions, without any breath of life.

The previous spark is the fire of sinful karma aimed at the soul, except for the soul, it will not cause any harm to reality.

Only the soul will be judged, and the soul of those who have committed great sins will be burned and die in pain.

But more than two-thirds of the people survived, and those elderly elders all fell to the ground with distorted faces, their faces pale


The results were not unexpected.

After all, the ancient rules in the clan were made by the elderly elders.

Although some of the younger generation are acting as minions, the vast majority of others are not bad in nature.

However, even so, the fighting power of the five major clans still lost more than half.

After all, although those elders are pedantic and the main black hands who persecute the clansmen, they are also responsible for the fighting power in the clan.

Now that they are all dead at once, the only ones who can still be seen are the five successor suzerains who have inherited the power of the spirit beast.

Himejima Suzaku and the others lay limp on the ground and panted heavily, with the slack remaining in their expressions.

Beads of sweat dripped from the girl's cheeks to the ground.

But she didn't care about such trivial matters at the moment.

She looked up at the sky that had regained its golden color, with a bit of longing mixed with fear.

Looking back at those figures who fell to the ground or turned into pillars of salt, Himejima Suzaku was sure that they had passed the test.

At this time, a voice came down from the sky again.

However, compared to the previous low-pitched male voice, this voice is a beautiful female voice.

"Those who were turned into pillars of salt and burned to death by the fire of sin are villains who have carried extremely heavy karma. Those who survived, the gods have witnessed your courage and will, and you can sing the name of God.

Hearing these words, the exorcists who were still alive were relieved as if the stone in their hearts had finally fallen.

Himejima Suzaku also heaved a sigh of relief.

Although a lot of people died in the clan, but from a rough look, as long as she knew them, they were all obstinate and obstinate, which led to the destruction of many new clan families.

As the pagan god said.

Those who fail the test are all those who bear heavy sin karma.

If the laws of the world are used, it is not too much to sentence those people to death.

Therefore, this result is not unacceptable.

After all, no matter what, it is better than the ending of total annihilation.

The power of that god is far stronger than imagined, just the moment of appearance, it can oppress everyone and be unable to move.

In other words, the opponent also has the power to wipe them all out in the blink of an eye.

———— Unimaginable power.

To be able to survive so many clansmen, she really has to thank the other party for their kindness.

And while the others were still immersed in the fear of this mighty power, Himejima Suzaku seemed to think of something, stood up and tried to maintain his ego and calmness, knelt on the ground like the most devout believer, and opened his mouth to the sky anxiously.

"I will wait for Himejima's family, Ou Song Beiming, until Chiyo, Wandai".

Although it was not her original thought, there was no other better choice right now.

Now that all suzerains and elders are gone, if they are not controlled, they will definitely be in complete chaos in the future.

In a few days, it is not surprising that the ancient family that lasted for thousands of years fell apart.

Instead of letting the family's thousand-year-old heritage be destroyed by the arrogance of the elders in the family, it is better to rely on powerful pagan gods.

Perhaps, new opportunities can be found in the future.

Just as Himejima Suzaku was anxiously waiting for a response, a voice finally came down from the sky.

"God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to let the world be saved through him. Those who believe in him will not be condemned, but those who don't believe will already be condemned, because he loved darkness instead of light."

Hearing this sentence, Himejima Suzaku was slightly stunned for a while, unable to understand the meaning.

After reacting, without any hesitation, he bowed to the existence in the sky with all five bodies.

"Sister Suzaku..."

Not far away, the silver-haired girl in casual clothes with a tortoise shell on her back saw this, and realized it belatedly. Like Himejima Suzaku, she bowed towards the existence in the sky.

"The successor of the Tongmen family, Tongmen Xuanwu, would like to sing your name until thousands of generations ago."

Then, the reaction of the other three successor suzerains was also the same.

Originally, as the successor suzerain, they had no right to decide such a major event.

But now they are the only ones with the highest status, and they should stand up to decide the fate of the family because of emotion and reason.

Willingness to sing the name of God means surrender.

If you don't want to, you are a sinner in the eyes of God.

So, the answer is already very simple.

No one wants to die.

And there was still no resistance, and he died like a crushed bug.

not to mention.

Better to die than to live.

It is better to become a vassal than to die meaninglessly.

Then, it seemed that the gods in the sky were satisfied with their answers.

Like the intricate mandala phalanx of Buddhism, the layered sea of ​​golden clouds quietly faded away.

The holy light spreading to the earth also dissipated for a moment, and the feeling of heavy pressure lingering in people's hearts disappeared immediately.

Everything comes and goes quickly.

The surroundings were quiet as if nothing had happened.

But when the salt pillar and the lifeless body come into view, everything is so real.

"Good aptitude, it's a pity to serve the gods here."

A magnetic male voice came to Himejima Suzaku leisurely.

I don't know when, a handsome black-haired (already) young man in pure white clothes appeared in front of him.

When Himejima Suzaku saw the man for the first time, he froze in place, speechless.

Although she had never seen him before, the girl recognized the young man's identity at a glance.

The body trembled quietly, two complex emotions of fear and longing intertwined, when subconsciously kneeling down, was lifted up by a gentle force.

"Since you are a righteous person who has been baptized, you don't need to salute so frequently."

Bai Chen showed a gentle smile, and an older woman whose face was half or six like Zhu Nai's came into view.

"Besides, you are my friend's cousin, so you don't have to be so nervous."


Hearing this, Himejima Suzaku was stunned.

The topic changed too quickly, and she couldn't change it for a while.

But soon, she remembered the only person in the world who could call her cousin.

"Could it be... Zhu Nai?".

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