Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 843 Are You Good At Fighting?

Chapter 843

Although Bai Chen is now taking the mysterious route, it does not prevent him from having a heart to follow the technological route.

Even if he doesn't leave, it's like the e-sports room and toy room that every man dreams of, his own secret base, this machine empire can definitely be played by him for a long time without getting tired of it.

"Oh, don't you want to challenge me alone?"

Regalzewa chuckled disdainfully.

A weak chicken whose combat strength can't even be measured by an analyzer, dares to speak out at this time.

Such ignorant remarks were not taken seriously by him, but instead he focused his attention on the great red.

"Great Red... Right, use your full strength, let me enjoy as long as possible before you are killed by me.

After finishing speaking, Regalzewa opened his palm, aiming at the great red to gather light.

"So, are you good at fighting?"

Seeing this, Bai Chen suddenly asked with a leisurely expression.

As if hearing some funny joke, Regalzewa and the dependents behind him all laughed in a low voice.

"What idiotic question is that flesh creature asking?" 217

"There are still people who question the power of our tyrannical ghosts and gods."

"The power of Lord Ghost and God can easily crush even stars. If it wasn't for plundering resources, this planet would have already been turned into dust in the universe."

"you are very funny."

Regalzewa's eyes flashed red.

"Since this is the case, consider it the answer to your question. I can decide to keep you until I destroy the last flesh and blood creature on this planet."

"It turned out to be a punk."

Bai Chen chuckled lightly.

Silent for half a second, Regal Zewa seemed to have a hole in his head for the flesh and blood creature in front of him.

in the chat group.

Elegant lady: "So what's the situation now?"

The Spirit of Time: "I don't know, but according to what I know about Mr. Bai Chen, he should be playing tricks."

Little Spider: "Are you good at fighting?"

Little Spider: "What's the use of being able to fight? When you come out to mix, you must have influence (referring to the chat group), and you must have a background (or refer to the chat group). Which path are you in?"

Blue history (cbcc) Lime: "You can call me Ajie, if you don't mind, you can also call me Jiege (disorder)."

Little Spider: "So it's a little bum (disdainfully).

Electromagnetic Gun: "Outrageous! There is still a stalk at this time."

I don't want to see the hell: "How on earth do you two know these memes? I climbed over the wall and didn't see it."

Little Spider: "Hey, this is the accumulation of more than ten years in my previous life! The title of dead house is not for nothing!"

Grandpa is so cute: "But this time, the other party seems really strong."

Elegant lady: "Even the stars can be destroyed, and that thing is tens of thousands of times larger than the earth, or even hundreds of thousands of times!"

The queen who wants to fall in love: "It's really strong, but I didn't expect to be able to achieve this level with technology alone."

Estes was lost in thought.

Now that science and technology can develop to such a degree, shouldn't I vigorously support Dr. Fashion, who specializes in researching weapons for the army?

After all, the current imperial army equipment is still dominated by cold weapons. If there are more powerful hot weapons, the battle between the army and alien races and dangerous species will reduce many casualties.

Irregular white-haired loli: "Well... if it is a four-digit number, it is normal to have the power to destroy planets or stars, and from Bai Chen's previous explanation, the robots in the EXE world are civilizations with inter-dimensional travel. It is not impossible to have this level of power.

The elegant and decent lady: "Then Mr. Bai Chen is in a very dangerous situation this time?"

Butterfly Shinobu: "I'm really a little worried."

Little Spider: "Have confidence in the boss, you are not qualified as pendants!"

Having said that, the spider is also a little guilty.

Non-staff individual: "?!"

Non-staff individual: "He finally met a tricky enemy?!"

Jibril expressed a little bit of excitement and happiness.

After all, it was Bai Chen who taught her personally in this group, Bai Chen who regarded her as a group combat unit, and Bai Chen who killed the creator of the Flügel.

If she could see Bai Chen deflated, Jibril decided to eat two extra bowls of rice today.

The Spirit of Time: "Speaking of which, about how many Jills are there in that tyrant evil spirit?"

Electromagnetic Gun: "I think it should be at the level of Wuliang Daji, which is a little more powerful than Artoxiu at that time."

Bad woman: "The master never does anything uncertain, I think your worries seem a little too much.

Fubuki from Hell: "Yes, otherwise Bai Chen wouldn't have acted so quickly."

The Spirit of Time: "In short, watch the live broadcast, after all we can't help you."

Regal Zewa didn't say much, and raised his hand to give Bai Chen a palm shot.

The crimson light beam came quickly, this was a blow at the speed of light.

The energy contained in the beam is enough to destroy the island nation under its feet.


Even the atmosphere is distorted by burning.

There is no doubt that if Regal Zewa exerts his full strength, this earth will be turned into dust in an instant.

However, in the next second, Bai Chen, who looked like a dead man in the eyes of tens of thousands of mechanical life forms, disappeared from the spot.

Not just disappearing.

In a world where even a ten-thousandth of a second is infinitely stretched, Bai Chen pressed the path of the energy beam with his right hand that seemed to have not undergone any exercise, and then approached instantly with a terrifying force that Regal Zewa could not resist, blocking the cannon in the palm of his hand.


Dazzling sparks emerged from the center of Bai Chen's palm, but it was like hitting a stone with a pebble, but the expression on Bai Chen's face remained the same.

But in the eyes of others, what they saw was that Bai Chen disappeared from where he was, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Regal Zewa.


The tyrannical ghosts and gods who knew it later, the data flow in front of them was beating wildly, like a scared creature, and subconsciously wanted to retreat.

But no matter how hard Regal Zewa exerted himself, he couldn't pull his arm away from the man's hand.

Just when Regal Zewa was about to mobilize other weapons to fight back, an irresistible force came from his arm.

His body was easily knocked into the air.

A powerful force erupted suddenly, bringing the tyrants and ghosts to the sky, and the impact dispelled all the surrounding atmosphere in an instant.

At the same time, a large number of mechanical life forms were blown away. .

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