Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 860 Gold, Golden Legend!

Chapter 860

Little Spider: "Are you going to start delivering?"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Damn! What is sending, can't you expect to be friendly?!"

Little Spider: "It's just a hunch.

Blue Slime: "Who? Who is going to give it?"

Railgun: "Heh! Now I have the future in my hands! Quack too confident.jpg.

Then, several minutes passed.

Miss Pao still didn't speak.

Blue Slime: "I remember that the lucky draw only needs a little thought, right?"

The Spirit of Time: "Indeed."

I don't want to be damned: "So now it's pretty obvious."

Little Spider: "Sister Pao is sinking again hhhh.

Blue Slime: "It's also possible that the enemy will come and beat you."

Little Spider: "Damn it! You actually robbed me of the words "Two Five Zero"!"

Elegant and decent young lady: "This... is Misaka-san's life so miserable?"

She remembered that Misaka Mikoto wasn't a junior high school student, was she?

Getting revenge now?

Railgun: "?"

Railgun: "I'm just preparing for the ceremony now!"

Elegant lady: "Ceremony?"

Little Spider: "Newcomers, you don't understand this. If you draw a lottery in this group, there is a ritual that can improve your luck! We have tried it all!"

Butterfly Ren: "Just pay respects to the handicrafts or portraits of the boss. Of course, you must be pious in your heart."

Elegant lady: "???"

Tohsaka Rin never thought that there would be such a show operation in this group.

Isn't this the same as going to a shrine or temple to pray to gods and Buddha, and pray for good luck?

Elegant lady: "Is this really useful?"

Black-haired loli: "Of course it's useful. It's because I met my elder brother that my fortune has come!"

Blue Slime: "After all, the boss is a god, it's always right to worship and pray.

Bai Chen: "I don't think it's good. How can there be any metaphysics in the group?"

Seeing Bai Chen's speech, other group members subconsciously ignored his words.

You are a godslayer, the god of the Bible, and the existence of a part-time demon king. The ordinary double-yolk eggs can no longer satisfy you. A few days ago, you directly produced four-yolk eggs, and you said there is no metaphysics in it?

Irreverent white-haired loli: "Indeed, where is the metaphysics of this group breaker? Point stud is all about it! If you win the club, you will become a young model, and if you lose, you will become a young model!"

The chat group designated non-chiefs to speak out.

Elegant lady: "Is it difficult to draw a lottery?"

A few days ago, she saw Bai Chen winning four SSRs in a row, so she subconsciously thought that the lottery was very simple.

Little Spider: "If shipping was easy, Miss White Yaksha wouldn't become that kind of person.

at the same time.

Academy City, in an apartment in the seventh school district.

Sister Pao placed Bai Chen's figure in the middle, with fruits and snacks bought from the supermarket on both sides.

By the way, she secretly took these out of Index's snack library.

"Great God Bai Chen, bless me, I must get good things! I'm not greedy, I just need the ability of Thor's omnipotent mode!"

With palms together, Sister Pao sincerely bowed three times in front of Bai Chen's figure.

Then immediately click the ten-connected button in the resident pool.

A brilliant light appeared in front of his eyes.

"Golden...golden legend!"

Staring fixedly at the screen, Sister Pao murmured a word.

The animation is too long and refuses to skip, for fear of missing every gilded light.


White light appears.

Sister Pao was not surprised when she saw the first white light.

After all, every time a lottery is drawn, the first ones will be garbage, and the good things will come later.

Until the sixth white light is finished, and when the seventh green light is emitted, Sister Pao's face is almost green.

Even the eyes watching the too long animation began to tremble.

Shouldn't blue light or even purple light be emitted normally at this time?

Until the last shot, the blue light finally appeared.

After all, Blu-ray represents SR.

There are also many things in the rewards!

[Group Reminder (Private): Congratulations on obtaining the Holy Relic (N)*5, Computer Accessories (N), Space Movement v2 (R), Four Bullets (R)*2, Guatai Doll (N)]

It turned out that Sister Pao was not well.

Seeing Aite in the group, she subconsciously posted the screenshot to the group.

It was too late when I wanted to withdraw.

Little Spider: "Scary!!!"

Blue Slime: "Wonderful!"

I don't want to see a ghost: "This should be the standard blue sky and white clouds..."

Chaos Evil: "It's not just the blue sky and white clouds, it's just that the clouds are so thick that they almost block the blue sky!"

The Spirit of Time: "Four bullets can turn back time, shop!

Butterfly Endurance: "No loss by force, no loss!"

The elegant and decent young lady: "Turn back the time? This has already involved the level of magic, isn't it a loss?"

Chaos Evil: "But it's a one-off, and it needs to be hit to be effective."

Bai Chen: "It's such a puppet to draw. For Sister Pao, it's actually not bad."

Golden Fairy: "It's amazing! It even has spatial movement!"

Railgun: "Iv2's spatial movement can only move a few meters, which has no practical meaning at all. Can you understand my pain?"

In other words, only the space movement of IV4 can be regarded as helpful to the battle.

The elegant and decent lady: "Although I don't understand these things for the time being, as long as you can draw something from it, basically no matter what you draw, you will earn money, right?"

This kind of special prop that can involve magic may even affect followers.

Little Spider: "I really envy such an optimistic newcomer."

Black-haired loli: "If you go on this road of no return in the lottery, Sister Tosaka Rin will become a person like Miss Shiraiyasha in the future, hehe...I really look forward to that day coming soon

At this time, Sister Pao has already begun to doubt the 4.8 life.

"Obviously... I have already worshiped Bai Chen, how could it be like this? Could it be that my heart is not pious enough, or that worshiping God is only effective for the first time, could it be that the figure is too small?"

Just then, heavy footsteps came from outside the door.


The door opened.

When the silver-haired nun in school uniform saw all kinds of snacks on the table, an invisible flame of anger burst out of her body.

Sensing the chill behind her, Sister Pao woke up with a jolt.

When she saw that Index behind her had started to grind her teeth, she panicked and said, "Wait a minute, I can explain, I didn't steal your snacks on purpose."

"It's useless to talk too much!"

Index pounced on her and bit Sister Pao on the forehead. .

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