Chapter 863

"Can it really be exchanged for points?!"

The private reminder from the chat group gave Cordoli a small surprise.

It also made her feel at ease.

It takes 5,000 points to release the entrustment, and there are a total of thirteen holy swords, which can be achieved no matter what.

[Group reminder: The group member "Golden Fairy" exchanged for the Holy Sword——Desolate Realm, and got 1544 points. 】

[Group reminder: Group members "golden goblins" exchanged for the holy sword - golden mead, and got 1314 points. 】

[Group reminder: Group members "golden goblins" exchanged for the Holy Sword——Black Contract, and got 985 points. 】

[Group reminder: Group members "golden goblins" exchanged for the holy sword——Eir Weng, and got 672 points. 】

Halfway through the exchange, Cordoli found something strange.

But the group members are more perceptive.

I don't want to go to hell: "How do I get fewer and fewer points for redemption?"

Blue Slime: "Could it be swallowed?"

The Spirit of Time: "The chat group shouldn't be so open-minded, at most, the probability of the lottery will be lowered."

Little Spider: "That's scary enough!"

Bai Chen: "Don't you forget that if you repeat the exchange of items too many times, the value will continue to decrease, just like the holy relics I collected before, it may only be exchanged for a bunch now

Field points.

Butterfly Shinobi: "But that's a holy sword..."

Bai Chen: "Holy Sword 033 is just a code name. These weapons are essentially the most produced weapons by human beings. Although their abilities are different, their principles are similar."

This is like a low-level artifact in the world of Demon High School.

Although they all have different powers, the gap is not that big, and the value is not high.

What is really different is the God Extinguisher.

After all, the soul of the strong is lodged inside every god-killing tool, and those are the truly valuable artifacts.

Elegant lady: " the diamond considered a mass-produced product?"

Seeing this, Rin Tohsaka, who is in class but peeking at the screen, can't sit still.

The Spirit of Time: "As long as there is enough carbon, I remember that diamonds can be mass-produced manually, right? You can buy many pieces online for 10,000 yen."

Elegant lady: "No, no, no, I mean natural diamonds, the kind that are very pure and handcrafted.

The Spirit of Time: "Should...there is no difference?"

The maturity of modern technology makes it easy to artificially manufacture diamonds.

And they are larger than natural diamonds, and the cutting process of machines is better than manual work.

The reason why diamonds are so expensive is completely speculated by capitalists. (cbcf) As a woman, she is quite thorough.

Elegant lady: "Then... are you adding a little magic power to it, or magic?"

Bai Chen: "Maybe the first few pieces will sell for a good price, but the latter will not. If you keep repeating the exchange, everything will depreciate."

The Elf of Time: "That's right, even the Time Bullet I made has depreciated a lot! This chat group system is too annoying!"

The elegant and decent young lady: " did this happen?"

Rin Tohsaka, who was about to use the magic gems he made to score points, cried out directly after hearing this ruthless reality.

"This is too bad! It's all made by me one by one!!!"

The classroom was silent.

Tohsaka Rin, who was belatedly aware of it, just realized that she was still in class.

The classmates nearby all looked at her in shock.

The gazes from all directions made Wan Wan feel like he wanted to shrink down on the spot.

"Tohsaka-san, what's the matter with you?"

The teacher asked with a dark face.

If it weren't for the fact that Tohsaka Rin is a top student, he would have told the mischievous problem children to get out of the corridor.


Rin Tohsaka said awkwardly.

"Then you answer this question."

Seeing the mathematical formulas on the blackboard, Rin Tohsaka stepped onto the podium and wrote out the process and answers eloquently.

The expression on the teacher's face was obviously relaxed.

After all, there is no teacher who does not like good students.

"Student Tohsaka, pay more attention to rest, don't be too tired."

"Yes, teacher."

Relieved, Tohsaka Rin sat back and looked at the chat group again.

The golden goblin: "So that's how it is. Although the depreciation is a bit unexpected, it should be able to make up to 5,000."

Until the eleventh holy sword, Cordoli looked at more than 4,900 points.

"There are dozens of points left. The remaining two halves are definitely enough."

And at this moment.

Cordoli suddenly heard a voice from outside the warehouse.

"Coldoli... what are you doing?"

The voice was startled and dull.

Nigolan, who is the manager's lady, came here when she saw that the warehouse key on the table was missing after returning to the room.

This kind of thing happens from time to time.

After all, the goblins here occasionally use the holy sword for training.

However, as soon as he entered the door, he saw one holy sword after another disappearing from Cordoli's hands, disappearing without a trace.

Full of questions linger in my mind.

"Miss Nigoran..."

Cordoli, who was concentrating on the exchange, was taken aback when she saw Nigolan.

"Where are those holy swords?"

Nigolan asked after reacting.


Cordoli was a little confused.

But the chat group needs to be kept secret after all.

In this way, the girl who is not good at lying doesn't know how to explain where the holy sword went.

"What's going on?"

Nigland could easily see what Cordoli was thinking.

Since she is a manager, she is also a member of the Orlando Chamber of Commerce.

It can be said that more than half of those holy swords are the property of the chamber of commerce.

One must know that even the lowest level of holy swords can be sold for 200,000 yuan, not to mention that most of the holy swords here are above the middle level.

"I...I just want to change the status quo!"

Cordoli, who really couldn't speak, yelled helplessly in the face of Nigolan's persecution.

"Change the status quo? Cortori, what are you talking about?"

Nigland felt that Cordori was quite strange during this time.

Then, as if realizing something, the expression on his face became a little sad.

"You are dreaming more and more frequently, right?"

That's a symptom of personality erosion.

Before the personality completely collapses, these goblins usually make weird and unusual experiences that do not match the usual.

As an administrator, she knows a lot.

Cortori was fifteen years old.

Generally speaking, this age is already the actual age of most elf soldiers, who either died in battle or died of personality collapse due to excessive use of magic power.

Either way, you can't escape the end of collapse.

Because of this, Nigolan changed from the mentality of taking care of weapons at the beginning to now taking care of all the fairies like her sister.

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