Chapter 866


The crystal skull on the chair upholstered with goose down blankets began to shake.

The booming reverberation shook the space.

A strong hurricane blows from the hall, and unparalleled magic power sweeps across the building.

Even the thunderclouds and rain clouds surrounding the No. 2 floating island became more violent.

Similarly, an old man in a white robe with white hair and beard stood next to Hei Zhugong's head, with white light gathering in his left hand and both hands.

The coercion is very strong, far surpassing the average goblin soldiers.

Cordoli never thought that such an existence existed in the suspended continent group.

Not least, a talking skull!

So scary! Scarier than beasts!

"I think we should sit down and talk.

The light and fluttering voice calmed down the magic power shaking the floating island like a spring breeze.

Hei Zhugong was stunned.

The sage Swan on the side noticed the collapse of the magic power, and looked strangely at his friend who had been private for many years.

"what's wrong with you?"

The enemy is currently, as the strongest combat force among the 21 people, how did he lose the chain?

Although there is only one head left of the former Black Candle Lord, his strength is still beyond doubt.

"It's not me, it's him..."

Black Candle's voice trembled a little.

Without warning, his magic power was suppressed.

No matter how he mobilized the magic power in his body, it seemed to have disappeared and could not be used by him.

out of intuition.

He knew it was the young man in front of him who did it.

"Then why am I okay?"

The sage looked dumbfounded. Could it be that you did it on purpose?

Knowing his friend's temperament well, he knew that this guy's character was quite black-bellied.

It's just playing chess, and they will use all kinds of tricks.

"...Probably because you are too weak."

Black Candle said openly.


People are unbreakable, my friend!

Although he has changed from a human to a dead spirit, he still wants to save face, okay?!

"Why are you here?"

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Hei Zhugong pretended to be calm and spoke.

"Swear allegiance to me, and in exchange, I will assist you with the issue of floating islands and beasts.

Bai Chen cut to the chase.

Although these two guys are not the core of power on the floating island, they have a very high reputation, have their own special channels, and control the military organization "Guardian Army" that protects the floating continent group.

Although it would be more convenient to use Dominion, after all, Bai Chen is not that kind of god without integrity.

Being able to persuade others through talking, he doesn't want to use that kind of power that dominates people's hearts.


Swan the Sage opened his mouth.

He never expected that the other party would be so direct when they came up.

But just when he instinctively wanted to refuse, Hei Zhugong spoke before him.

"Can you tell me the reason for waiting for your Excellency to do so?"

The opponent has overwhelming power.

Black Candle believes that even in his heyday, facing the youth who looks like a human being in front of him...


This man is not human at all.

It's a strange shape covered in human skin, but filled with extremely huge energy inside.

Closer to home.

Even the three earth gods at their peak still have no chance of winning against the young man in front of them.

A hero left by mankind?


"Coldoli, it's up to you to explain this matter.

Bai Chen didn't intend to waste his words, and instead let Cordoli explain the problem.

As a member of the group, you must have an appearance scene.

"Yes, it is.

Unlike Maki, Kodoli, who has rich emotions, feels very nervous looking at the sage and the earth god standing at the highest peak of the suspended continent group.

However, thinking of having Bai Chen behind her to rely on, she felt a lot more relaxed.

Soon, she explained the situation to Hei Zhugong and the investor.

Of course, the chat group needs to be concealed.

And Bai Chen is also described by her as an alien god who prayed to the heavens and answered her prayers.

He has the power to end everything.

"Is that your reason?"

heard the words.

Black Candle and Sage Swan fell silent.

At first, they subconsciously took the girl's explanation as a lie.

But after thinking about it, there is no reason for this powerful being to deceive them.

"Yes, Lord Shenming is really strong! Even monsters that are bigger than planets can be dealt with!"

Cordoli gestured with both hands to describe the monster size of the star suppressing weapon of the EXE civilization that was defeated by Bai Chen in the world of Devil's High School, trying to describe the horror of that guy as much as possible

That was the first time she saw the starry sky.

It is also the largest object I have ever seen in my life.

But even then, Bai Chen still got rid of him.

"And God-sama has also found a way to turn the beast back into a human!"

"Turning beasts into humans?!"

Hear this sentence.

Candles flickered in Black Candle's eye sockets, but Sage Shiwan's reaction was even more violent.

He jumped up and approached Cordoli excitedly.

"Is everything you said true?!"

"When...Of course it is true, Lord God said that he can do anything to restore peace to the world."

Cordoli said intermittently.

She didn't quite understand that the old man in front of her would be so excited.


Hei Zhugong was unusually calm at this moment. 040, as the guardian of the Star God, knows the truth between beasts and humans.

Tired of the endless journey, the star gods committed suicide, but before they died, they wrapped their souls around the "beasts" on this planet, changed their former forms, and became humans.

But later, there are more and more people, and the soul of God is not enough to envelop everyone.

Then, the beast riot broke out.

In just one year, humans either died or became beasts.

The strongest race that once ruled this planet has also withdrawn from the stage of history.

"Whether it is true or not, you will not know until the results come out.

Bai Chen said with a smile.

"No matter what I say now, you won't believe it, will you?"

"But now I just want to hear one answer, do you agree or disagree?"

Bai Chen made another announcement.

And make a decision, once the two of them disagree, they will directly control the matter.

His patience did not increase as his strength became stronger, but the lower limit became lower and lower.

He failed to become a native of the Crescent Moon, and everyone had to burn incense.

Just when Cordoli was also nervous.

"Agreed! Of course!"

The sage Swan threw away his crutches and chose allegiance. .

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