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Chapter Eight Hundred And Ninetieth Old Scum Girl

Chapter 890

After receiving the order, Hercules rushed towards the nearest Sakura like a mad cow.

Wherever it reached, the floor was washed and smashed by the violent force.

The tall body like a hill suddenly bumped towards Sakura.

Although Sakura has received professional gladiator training from the Edelfelt family, and her physical fitness is far stronger than her seemingly weak appearance, she is still far from enough to face the berserker Hercules.

If one is hit, the bones of the whole body will inevitably end up being shattered.


A loud bang like thunder bursting into the sky.

The figure of Hercules engulfed where Sakura was originally, and gravel and sawdust flew in all directions.

When the dust settled, it was revealed that Mordred was holding up Pulidowen, struggling to support under the attack of Hercules.

Before that, Lily had sent Sakura to a safe place.

That is next to Bai Chen.

Although she didn't know this man at all, and he was not a follower, but out of the knight's intuition, Lily believed that there were still many unknown secrets in Bai Chen.

This intuition has allowed her to avoid many dangers.

This time, she still chose to believe.

"Mr. Bai Chen, I will leave the master to you."

After putting down Sakura, Lily turned around with a serious face while holding the sword, ready to go to assist Mordred.

After all, on the surface, Hercules who broke in suddenly is not easy to mess with.

Besides, Mordred spent a lot of mana before that, and it was already quite incredible to be able to react at that time.

But just as Lily was about to make a run-up, she heard Yoyo's voice from behind.

"You are asking for help? At least you have to be sincere, right?"

As she was about to rush out, Lily staggered, and Lily turned her head to look at the black-haired young man with black lines all over her head.

Bai Chen looked over with great interest, with a teasing smile on his face.

"Promise me one request..."

Hearing this, Lily subconsciously wanted to refuse.

After all, the knight's intuition flared up again, making her instinctively aware that after agreeing, something unforeseen and uncontrollable would happen.

"Lily, I'm the one asking for help now, and since I'm the elder brother, I won't take advantage of it, so just promise to come down.

Sakura blinked her eyes and said.

"Okay...well, please protect my master, I swear in the name of Arturia, I will promise you a reasonable request, and I will never break my promise!"


Bai Chen said lightly.

As soon as the words fell, Lily's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Mordred couldn't stand it anymore.

She was deficient in strength and magic power and was sent flying by the ax sword in Hercules' hand.

The Noble Phantasm Pridowin was stuck on the ground, but when Mordred was about to hit the ground, Lily, who arrived in time, flew to catch him.

"Father... father king?"

The dazed Mordred saw the pretty face close at hand.

Although he looks young, his outline and his heroic posture in battle gradually overlap with the most perfect King Arthur in his memory.

"It's great to have the opportunity to redeem your sins..."

Mordred said weakly.

"I have already said that I am not married, let alone your father!"

Later, Lily seemed to realize something, and added.

"At least, now I'm not the King Arthur you know."

"As for atonement, I don't even understand it."

"Once again, I failed to practice the way of chivalry and betrayed the new master. Sure enough, your father is right, I have never been a qualified knight."

"Betrayal? You betrayed your lord. It is indeed contrary to the way of knights, but you can turn to the light and walk on the right path in time. Helping the weak is what knights do. In short... I will not say those high-sounding words. Thank you for saving my lord just now."

After speaking, Lily stood in front of Mordred and rushed towards the mad Hercules.

Mordred, on the other hand, stood alone, motionless, as if stunned.

The camera lens gave Xiao Mo a big close-up.

The picture is clearer than 8K, but the red eye sockets are only faintly visible.

Teacher Loli: "This acknowledgment [that has been separated for thousands of years] is finally here."

The Elf of Time: "For Mordred, this should be the best wish."

Lord is so cute:...I thought the Holy Grail War was cruel, but I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen between servants.

I don't want to see a ghost: "Yeah, after all, the servants are summoned by the contestants to fight."

Railgun: "...But, even without using the Holy Grail, they can fulfill their wishes."

The queen who wants to fall in love: "I didn't expect that among so many people, the ones who seem normal are the servants who are used as weapons.

Chaos Evil: "Although they were summoned from the Hall of Valor, they are all flesh and blood after all.

Non-staff individual: "Heh, none of these servants can fight!"

Jibril expresses that she cannot empathize with the feelings between humans.

Blue Slime: "You're an old scumbag."

Non-staff individual: "What is a scumbag?"

Railgun: "That's what you are.

The Spirit of Time: "Stop arguing, everyone be kind and watch the live broadcast."

Lily's situation is not optimistic.

Although, as the future King Arthur, under the teaching of Merlin, he has amazing skills, but he can't gain the upper hand in the face of the berserk Hercules.

The heavy ax and sword paste (Nuo Wanghao) slashed across Lily's flat moon, and directly hit the load-bearing pillar of the Holy Church.

One, two, three.....

The whole building crumbled and then collapsed.

After that, Bai Chen took Tohsaka Rin, Sakura and Kallen out.

The battle in the ruins continues.

Bai Chen looked at Rin Tohsaka: "Where's Kotomine Kirei?"

"I beat him half to death, so he should have been buried under the ruins by now."

Rin Tohsaka took a breath.

After her revenge was avenged, she finally became more relaxed.

At the same time, I was also surprised that the boxing technique I drew from the chat group was unexpectedly easy to use.

Needless to say, Tongarm Fist, the attainment of Bajiquan is far higher than that of Kotomine Kirei who has been practicing hard for decades.

Recalling what Bai Chen told her before, Tohsaka Rin really had the urge to abandon magic and open a martial arts school in China to teach ancient martial arts.


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