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Chapter 899 Dumb Hairy King: It Smells So Good! (Seeking Subscription)

Chapter 899

The Lesser Holy Grail, which has accumulated the souls of five servants, activated its own effect.

The ritual of the Great Grail starts automatically.

On the outskirts of Fuyuki City, the summit of Mount Enzo shines golden.

Soon, the Great Holy Grail that absorbed the spiritual power of the earth veins appeared at the highest peak.

According to the normal situation, the remaining two teams of masters and servants will start the final battle of doctors.

The winner will have the right to make a wish to the Great Holy Grail.

However, the current situation is somewhat unexpected.

Because there are no enemies anymore.

Rin Tohsaka, who left the chat group, looked at the top of the mountain.

Even with her eyesight, she could see the golden light there.

"I remember that if you want to activate the Great Holy Grail, don't you need the souls of seven servants? Why do you activate it now?"

Rin Tohsaka asked doubtfully.

"That's just a setting passed down from the Yusan Family. Normally, five are enough, and Gilgamesh's soul can be worth three."

Bai Chen explained with a smile.

"So his death is still meaningful, otherwise, it will only be a few from the remaining followers.

Having said that, Tohsaka Rin and Sakura who were present subconsciously looked at Ishtar who was holding the camera and smirking.

"Look... look at what I do?! This goddess is not dead! She is still alive and well in the Age of Gods!"

She also thought about putting the photo in Uruk to publicize it.

Ishtar has already decided.

I sat on the bull of the sky early in the morning every day, took a picture and went around Uruk city, sending different pictures every day, it would be best to make the wise king Gilgamesh angry.

"...I am willing to sacrifice myself.

Mordred said.

Although she is a young father, her wish to apologize to her father has been fulfilled, and she has nothing to miss.

"Kotomine Kirei is my Master, and if he dies, I won't last long."

While speaking, her figure became much lighter than before.

"That's just a situation where the soul is not enough, it's not needed now" ~.

Bai Chen shook his head.

Then he looked at the girl who was carved out of almost the same mold as King Arthur and said.

"Do you want to stay in this era and live again?"


Hearing these words, Mordred raised his head subconsciously.

"Eh? Is that kind of thing possible?"

"You just need to find another master to make a new contract, and that's how Gilgamesh came here.

Bai Chen said with a smile.

Speaking of this, Tohsaka couldn't help but make a sound.

"But...there is a lot of magical power needed to maintain the Servant's appearance? Otherwise, Kotomine Kirei would not have captured ordinary citizens to renew Gilgamesh's life."

"In that case, I'd better leave."

Hearing this, Mordred shook his head.

Although she betrayed King Arthur and Britain, she was also a knight for the time being, and she would never attack innocent people under any circumstances.

Kotomine Kirei's actions would only be despised by others.

Moreover, if you do this, the young father will definitely beat her up again.


"By the way, as long as you make a wish to the Great Holy Grail, wouldn't it be fine?"

Sakura made a suggestion.

"Theoretically yes, but the process is very complicated."

Bai Chen shook his head.

"Why? Isn't the Great Holy Grail a universal wishing machine?"

Sakura asked curiously.

"That's just a cover that the original Yusanjia announced to the outside world. The Great Holy Grail is essentially just a container for storing magic power. Of course, if you really want to make your wish come true, it's not impossible, but you must understand the corresponding magic method that can make your wish come true."

Bai Chen explained.

It's like when you play a game and want to control the character to shoot.

In the player's hand, just click the mouse.

But game characters need complex code to run to carry out activities.

A person who makes a wish to the Great Holy Grail is equivalent to a programmer who makes a game.

If you want to make your wish come true, the person who makes the wish needs to know how to realize the "miracles that cannot be achieved by magic" [and then use the magic power accumulated in the rate cup to realize Kangwang.

"It's so pitiful?"

Rin Tohsaka was shocked.

Then what is the purpose of their Tohsaka family fighting the Holy Grail War so hard?

"It is indeed a trap for ordinary magicians, but the Great Holy Grail was originally a tool used by the Einzbern family to realize the third method. Unfortunately, they are too stupid, and the same thing failed five times."

Bai Chen said with a light smile.

The Einzbern family even completed the magic project to realize the "Third Law - The Cup of Heaven", but the Holy Grail War started because of insufficient magic power.

However, it is such a simple thing, but it has been lost until now.

"I... we are not stupid at all!"

Elijah protested weakly.

It is reasonable to say that you are stupid. Hercules is the most famous hero in Greek mythology, but you actually made him lose his mind. If he hadn't become mad, his strength would have doubled.


The Illya is completely sunk!

"Although I still want to live again, but if there is no other way, then forget it."

Although Mordred said it was relaxed on the surface, he still felt a little regretful in his heart.

"That's a pity."

Bai Chen said.

Afterwards, he changed the topic and asked Lily, who was on the side.

"Lily, do you want to stay in this era?"

In this regard, Lily seemed very calm.

"This era does not belong to me. The Holy Grail War is over, and the duties of a knight have also been fulfilled. I am satisfied, and it is time to say goodbye, master."

In response, Sakura showed a sad look.

"Lily, don't you really want to think about it?"

"M (Nuo Lihao) aster, although parting is sad, but there is nothing I can do. I will remember this journey in my heart."

Lily said.

Bai Chen smiled at this moment.

Then he said to Tohsaka Rin beside him.

"By the way, since the Holy Grail War is over, let's go back tonight and hold a celebration banquet. You can have a portion of tofu balls, rice noodle meat, crystal elbow, sauced beef, stir-fried kidneys, steamed shark's fin, vinegared pork slices, and crucian carp in sauce."

For some reason, when it came to the topic of eating, Tohsaka Rin froze for a moment, and subconsciously hummed.

But listening to the name of the dish reported by Bai Chen, she suddenly felt a little hungry.

The dumbo on the side shook violently.

Before Bai Chen could say anything, Saber Lily said decisively: "Master, I think the journey of this era is a good experience for my chivalry, so I want to stay in this world for a while."

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