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Chapter 941 You Can Also Become Light

Chapter 941

Dagu, as a special combat member of the victory team, was sent to the front line urgently.

Just as Bai Chen predicted to him in the chat group.

The R'lyeh Ruins are alive, and they are monster islands where monsters are sealed.

Although the ruins of R'lyeh are still on the bottom of the sea, a monster named Zoga drilled out of the ocean, as planned, and purposefully flew to the capitals of various countries in the world to attack.

But even the Victory Team has already made defensive preparations, but even so, due to Zoga's high mobility, none of the existing mass-produced aircraft in service can catch up with Zoga's speed.

And the speed is so fast that the plane can't even lock them.

However, the model that Dagu took this time was the Snow White that had been refitted with a Max power engine.

At this moment, he is taking this plane, together with a female team member named Lina, "250" is chasing Zojia.

The live broadcast had been on for a while before Bai Chen arrived.

Therefore, when Bai Chen first came, he saw a fierce chase in the live broadcast room.

All kinds of difficult aerial maneuvers were presented in front of everyone in the live broadcast room.

Let the group members who are almost used to the gorgeous special effects see a different battle.

In the live broadcast, Dagu was engrossed, completely different from his usual naive look.

Seeing this scene, Bai Chen couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Sure enough, as long as they don't attack with Xincheng, the plane won't crash easily.

In the final straight-line chase, Snow White activated the Max power system, and the speed of the snow-white body increased explosively, and the flying speed exceeded Mach 9 in one fell swoop.

If there is no special antihypertensive suit, only human flesh and blood would have passed out under the too strong G value.

"It's now!"

Lina, who was the driver, commanded.


Dagu locked the target and launched the needle missile.

The missile flew out at a speed exceeding Mach 10, and quickly hit the target.

A burst of flames erupted in the live broadcast, and the group members expressed their congratulations on the barrage.

Bai Chen: "This kind of equipment is very difficult to deal with Zoga. Don't be too happy too early."

Bai Chen's words poured cold water on Dagu.


When the smoke cleared, Zorga did not fall to the ground.

The monster's stone-like appearance is very solid, and it is impossible to break through the defense with the Snow White's weapon system alone.

Afterwards, Zoga began to climb, trying to get rid of Snow White's pursuit.

The Snow White followed closely behind and climbed up.

"Lina, Snow White doesn't have the equipment to fly out of the atmosphere!"

Dagu shouted.

Corina didn't respond.

It is useless to let Dagu, or even Captain Hui from the headquarters order.

Unknowingly, the sky where Snow White was flying turned from crowd to black.

"A little higher..."

Lina murmured to herself.

"What? Team Lina, what are you talking about?"

The ancients are unknown.

"The old man, why didn't you tell me?"


"Why bear it alone? Why alone?!"


Hearing this, Dagu knew it by heart.

Facing Lina's questioning, he didn't know how to reply.

At the same time, I frantically recalled in my heart, when did I expose myself?

It's obvious that I have hidden it very well!

"Is Ultraman obliged to take the responsibility of protecting the earth alone?! Dagu, don't you think it's unreasonable for you to fight alone all the time?"

Lina knew that her emotional venting was illogical.

But that's what's on her mind.

In the live broadcast room.

Blue Slime: "Oh! The identity of Ultraman can no longer be hidden."

Little Spider: "What if Ultraman's identity is exposed? Wait online, it's very urgent."

At this moment, Dagu also wanted to know what he should do?

It was obviously just an attack, why did it become like this?

Which part went wrong?

Now, should I continue to hide it, or admit it directly?

At this time, he received a private chat from Bai Chen.

Bai Chen: "Let's transform directly, we've reached this point, and there's no reason to keep hiding."

Big bone boiled into soup: "...um."

At this moment, Lina had already cried unconsciously.

"If I could...I want to become light too, then...fly higher..."

"It's not an obligation because I'm human and I'm just doing what I can..."

Just like Bai Chen, travel to different worlds to save the world...

He thinks he can't reach that level, but... Dagu has been protecting his world in his own way.

"I can't turn back now, so...you change..."


Dagu took out the spark prism from Yuexiong.

...you too can become light, no matter who you are.

Lina closed her eyes.

But even through her closed eyes, she could still feel the strong light emanating from the back of the seat.

The light receded from the cockpit.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that Dijia was flying with Snow White in his arms.

Afterwards, Tiga turned into an air type, and soon caught up with Zoga and shot him down.

The huge impact caused the ground to shake.

Dagu followed closely behind, and after gently placing the Snow White on the ground, he turned around and confronted Zoga.

Different from previous monsters.

Zoga's eyes are blood red, and it has a simple thinking consciousness, showing strong hatred for Di Jia.

——Cut the Warrior of Light into pieces.

However, after Di Jia became a powerful type, he still defeated him without any risk.

However, everyone in the live broadcast room, seeing his panting appearance, also understood that the monster this time was more difficult than before.

Lina also breathed a sigh of relief.

But before she was happy, news came from the headquarters.

Just when Tiga solved the first monster, dozens of Zoga monsters appeared all over the world at the same time!

This situation made the big 4.3 ancient freeze in place.

For him who had just experienced a life-and-death struggle to defeat Zoga, wanting to defeat dozens of Zoga monsters was simply a dream.

However, this is not the worst news.

Just as Bai Chen predicted to Dagu earlier.

The real ruler just woke up.

It can be seen by surveillance satellites.

Black mucus like ink is constantly oozing from the ruins of R'lyeh on the seabed.

The black liquid that surfaced on the surface of the sea vaporized and turned into a pitch-black smog, spreading from the Pacific Ocean to the continental islands.

In just a few minutes, almost half of the earth was covered.

At the same time, before being blocked by the smog, the satellite also sent the final intelligence to human beings.

As described in ancient texts, the [Dark Ruler] appeared. .

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