Chapter 45

“The general is awesome!”

In Lin Jiayue’s live broadcast room, these five words began to swipe the screen.

“General Xiaoqi” entered the live broadcast room.

Chen Xiao returned to the live broadcast of “Song of September”.


[General Xiaoqi] Renew the Governor*5 in the [Song of September] live broadcast room!

[General Xiaoqi] Renew the Governor*5 in the [Song of September] live broadcast room!

[General Xiaoqi] Renew the Governor*5 in the [Song of September] live broadcast room!

Chen Xiao started to brush gifts in the live broadcast room.

When the installed ape surrendered, the comparison of the firepower value of the two sides of pk was 830,000: 130,000!

700,000 gap!

Chen Xiao renewed the Governor’s barrage for two minutes.

830,000: 1.13 million!

The general renewed the Governor for 50 months in the September live broadcast room!

Brushed a million gifts!

From 700,000 behind, over 300,000 firepower.

In fact, the installer has already voluntarily surrendered.

Even if the current firepower value increases, it will not be counted in the results.

However, Chen Xiao was unwilling to take advantage of the crew, so he simply increased the firepower value.

At this moment, the fans in the installed ape live broadcast room were completely convinced.

“Kneel to the local tyrant!”

“It turns out that the general gave face so much, let Old Yuan voluntarily surrender and keep his face!”

“Hehe, if the old ape doesn’t admit defeat, I’m afraid it will be even worse!”

“The old ape has made a lot of money, not only gains the lining, but also gains face!”

“The general is awesome!”

“Since the general gave us a lot of face, everyone should pay attention to the opposite anchor!”

“This wave is not a loss, pay attention to the other side!”

“It’s over, I went to the opposite live broadcast room and took a look. The opposite anchor is too beautiful… I’m sorry, I have defected!”

“Me too! Don’t tell me, I’ll go and give the goddess Xiao Jiu a fan sign first!”

Chen Xiao’s operation completely conquered the fans in the live broadcast room of the installer.

In addition, many people say that “Song of September” is a big beauty.

So many people jumped to Lin Jiayue’s live broadcast room, wanting to see what the goddess was praised by the general.

But when they came to the live broadcast room of “Song of September”, they found that the live broadcast room was black.

“It’s not broadcast? Where’s the people?”

“This is… the legendary’Emperor’s Live Room’?”

“Where is the anchor? The old ape wasn’t pk with the air just now, right?”

Those who had just entered were shocked.

what’s the situation?

no one?

Is it still down?

But Lin Jiayue’s old fans are not surprised.

“Hehe, new here, right?”

“It’s normal, don’t you know that the best thing about my Xiao Jiu is to broadcast at the speed of light?”

“Don’t be a six-year-old man, I’ve long been used to it!”

Damn it!

Those who had just entered were stunned.


This… normal hairy!

Just won the next pk, the normal operation is to quickly win over the fans!

The newcomers are plunged into self-doubt.

But when they looked at the other barrage in the live broadcast room, one of them was very calm.

There was no response at all to the anchor being offline.

Even discussing with great interest, what rank the general can bring the anchor to.

At this time, everyone seemed to suddenly realize that the little anchor had already entered the finals!

The next game is the semi-finals!

If you can win the semi-finals, you can enter the finals.

Sword refers to the champion!

When Xiao Jiu’s old fans thought of this, they were all stunned!

Everyone had never thought that Xiao Jiu could get this far!

The general is awesome!

The general is mighty!

The old fans couldn’t help but started to brush these two bullet screens in the live broadcast room.

Then everyone couldn’t help but fantasize.

Can Xiao Jiu win another game?

entering the finals?

Chen Xiao sat in the McLaren lt and received a video call from Lin Jiayue.

“Brother Xiao…”

Chen Xiao looked at the screen of the mobile phone with a look of trepidation, and asked curiously: “What’s the matter, what’s the matter?”

Lin Jiayue said: “I’m fine, it’s just that…”??

Chen Xiao said lightly: “I have something to say directly.”

Lin Jiayue’s voice was very small: “I…I am not worthy of Brother Xiao, you do so much for me…”

“not worth it?”

Chen Xiao smiled, “Then what do you think is worth and what is not worth?”


Lin Jiayue was speechless.

Why did Chen Xiao spend so much money in her live broadcast room?

For Chen Xiao himself, it’s very simple.

One aspect is to complete system tasks.

On the other hand, Chen Xiao feels that the three views of the young anchor are very positive, and he is also willing to give gifts to the young anchor.

Anyway, the live broadcast platform sent by the system recharges coins, who shouldn’t it be used?

Then why not just show it to a beautiful girl who is pleasing to the eye?

But for Lin Jiayue, it is not so easy to accept.

In just a few days, Chen Xiao made so many gifts in her live broadcast room.

If it hadn’t been for Lin Jiayue’s strong psychological quality, she would have been unable to stand it a long time ago.

Not everyone can face so much money, and can still stay sober and stick to the heart!

“Brother Xiao, where are you?”

During Lin Jiayue’s video call, Chen Xiao seemed to be in the car.

Chen Xiao said: “Houshan South Road here.”

“Are you in Los Angeles?” Lin Jiayue was a little surprised, and after thinking about it, said, “Houshan South Road…I’m going to find you!”

Chen Xiao asked: “Aren’t you waiting for the next pk event?”

“I don’t care, I will find you now!”

Lin Jiayue said.

Chen Xiao could already see Lin Jiayue stand up and prepare to go out. .

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