Chapter 52

Less than half an hour after the opening of the finals, the firepower value of the live broadcast of “Song of September” has exceeded 20 million!

Twenty million!

Sister Zhou had no idea of ​​winning at all.

She wants to end the game as soon as possible and get a good night’s sleep!

Lin Jiayue now has over 10 million viewers in the live broadcast room!

This data directly broke the record of Xiaopozhan!

It also raised the record to a level that no one can match.

Almost no one can break it!

And Lin Jiayue herself, from a small anchor, directly became a big anchor with more than 4 million fans.

It can be said that Lin Jiayue has already booked a place for this year’s Top 100 Up Masters.

And Lin Jiayue has just started to be an anchor for more than a month.


A miracle created by Chen Xiao himself!

11 o’clock.

competition is over!

“Song of September” officially crowned champion!

Lin Jiayue once again lived up to expectations, and the game was just over and it was broadcast directly at the speed of light.


Lin Jiayue threw herself into Chen Xiao’s arms again, her voice was so sweet and greasy.

Chen Xiao smiled and said, “What’s the matter?”

“Thank you!”

“Then how are you going to thank me?”

“I…I want…”

Lin Jiayue’s voice was almost inaudible, and she plucked up the courage to say:

“The general treats me… the grace is as heavy as a mountain, and the concubine has nothing to do with her, she can only… only, with her body…”

When Lin Jiayue said the last four words, it would be impossible to hear it unless Chen Xiao had a good hearing.

Chen Xiao laughed, full of pride and joy in his heart.

“That general, you’re welcome!”

“…I still hope, I hope the general will pity…”

Chen Xiao hooked Lin Jiayue’s chin with a finger. Lin Jiayue raised her head, not daring to look at Chen Xiao, and closed her eyes with embarrassment.

Chen Xiao looked at the beautiful face in front of him, couldn’t help but kissed, and said, “I will take you to the best hotel in Los Angeles!”

The next day.

After Chen Xiao woke up, he looked down at the little anchor who was curled up in his arms and smiled slightly.

Then opened the Eye of True Seeing.

[Target: Lin Jiayue]

Age: 21 years old

Height: 165cm

Weight: 47 kg

Face value: 94 points

Body: 95 points

Relationship: 99 points

Physique: 90 points

Special: a

After a night of fighting, the special score of the little anchor has changed from s to a.

Lin Jiayue now belongs to Chen Xiao completely.

Chen Xiao pressed his hand slightly, and the little anchor murmured softly, squeezing into a more comfortable posture.

At this time, Chen Xiao found that there was a lottery option on the system panel.

‘Ding! ’

‘The system has detected that the host has completed the [Continuation of the Legend] task and has a special chance to draw! ’

‘Do you want to start the lottery? ’

At this time last night, after the little anchor won the championship, he already got the chance to draw a lottery.

It’s just that the situation at that time was worth a lot of money for Chen Xiao.

But now, definitely can’t wait any longer.

“Start the lottery!”

Chen Xiao gave instructions to the system in his mind.

‘Ding! ’

‘The lottery is complete! ’

‘Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Talent [Higher Person’s Temperament]’

‘Explanation: [Superior temperament] is an upgraded version of [Mature man temperament]! ’

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly.

Yes, this talent is very useful!

Chen Xiao nodded in satisfaction.

At this moment, the voice of the system continued to sound in my mind.

‘Ding! ’

‘Extraordinary effects are triggered when the host is detected to complete the task, and additional rewards will be obtained! ’

‘Congratulations to the host for getting: 20 million yuan in cash! ’

‘Congratulations to the host for gaining: physique enhancement! ’

‘Congratulations to the host for obtaining: The Ultimate Experience Card of Oneness of Soul! ’

‘Description: The cash has been transferred to the host’s private account through a secure channel! ’

‘Explanation: The physique enhancement reward has been issued! ’

‘Description: The Soul Unity Ultimate Experience Card is a passive use item, and it will be triggered automatically when it meets the conditions! ’

System prompts sounded in my mind one after another.

Chen Xiao was stunned.


The phone on the bedside rang, and a text message prompted.

“Your end number is 7070 card, Bank of China has received 20,000,000 yuan, and the balance is 40,571,819 yuan. [Bank of China]”

Chen Xiao’s personal account balance has grown to 40 million!

Before Chen Xiao could be happy, he felt a change in his body.

Become stronger!

Chen Xiao felt that he had become stronger.

【Host: Chen Xiao】

Age: 19 years old

Height: 181cm

Weight: 75 kg

Physique: 99 points

Skills: talent [superior temperament], professional driving, true sight

Items: Gourmet Experience Card, Ultimate Experience Card of Oneness of Soul

Chen Xiao saw his own data on the system panel, and was stunned.

It actually grew two centimeters taller!

From 179 to 181!

The weight has also increased by two kilograms.

What shocked him most was that his fitness score became 99!

I’m afraid this has reached the limit of mankind, right?

In other words, even if it has not reached the limit, it will exceed% of the people in the world!


After Chen Xiao was excited, he looked at the system item.

Soul unity ultimate experience card.

What is this thing for?

The name is very special! .

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