Chapter 59

“Yes, Xiaopozhan wants us to broadcast live together.”

Lin Jiayue said.

Chen Xiao nodded, indicating that he understood.

Yesterday, “Song of September” won the championship, and the most discussion was not about anchor Xiaojiu, but “General Xiaoqi”.

Now the general is more famous at Xiaopozhan than Xiaojiu.

And the two of them have already exposed their relationship in the live broadcast room.

Therefore, the official live broadcast platform wants the two of them to do a live broadcast together.

Lin Jiayue asked, “How can I reply to them?”

Chen Xiao thought for a while and said, “Then agree.”


Lin Jiayue was a little surprised. Although Chen Xiao appeared in her live broadcast room, he did not formally show his face.

Some old fans have heard his voice at most.

Is Chen Xiao willing to show his face in her live broadcast room?

Isn’t this inappropriate?

Lin Jiayue mainly considers that Chen Xiao’s identity is not suitable for exposure to the public’s eyes.

Chen Xiao is too rich.

What if there is someone who hates the rich among the fans?

Lin Jiayue cannot but consider Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao pointed to a model in the corner of the room and said, “How about I bring this?”

Lin Jiayue turned her head and took a look.

Chen Xiao refers to an Iron Man armor model.

It’s a real one-to-one size.

Although the helmet cannot be worn completely, if only the visor is removed, it can be used as a mask.

“The general is about to transform into an Iron Man!”

Lin Jiayue cheered.

In fact, of course she wants Chen Xiao to live stream with herself.

Now that the worries are resolved, she is of course happy.

Lin Jiayue immediately replied to the live broadcast platform, and the two of them broadcasted the live broadcast together at 6 o’clock in the evening.

“But…what shall we broadcast tonight?”

Lin Jiayue thought for a while and wanted to ask, “Do you do outdoor live broadcasting? But we are not familiar with the magic city either! How about going for a drive?”

Chen Xiao said: “I’m tired today, so don’t go out. There is a computer in the room, or do you want to do live games? Don’t you know how to play lol?”

“If you know how to play, you know how to play, that is, the level is relatively good!”

Lin Jiayue said embarrassedly.

Chen Xiao smiled: “What does this have to do, the big deal is to let the fans take you to the points.”

“okay then.”

Lin Jiayue thought for a while, and it was indeed not a problem.

Just play it.

Six p.m.

The user of Xiaopozhan suddenly received a push.

“Xiao Jiu no longer sings and plays games, please fans to take me to the top!”

? ? ?

what’s the situation?

Many people go in curiously and jump directly

I arrived at Xiao Jiu’s live broadcast room.

“What’s the matter? The anchor stopped singing and played games?”

“No, the anchor has never sang! Have you ever heard Xiao Jiu sing?”

“September’s song, it’s already October, it’s like a song until next year, let’s talk about it!”

“I heard that today’s live broadcast was broadcast by the general and Xiao Jiu together. Is it true?”

“Really, my uncle said, the boss of the broken station knelt in front of the general’s door and begged for a long time, and the general saw him pitifully agree!”

“Fuck! I believe it!”

“Can you see the general today?”

“The small bench is moved, the melon seeds and the drink are ready, just wait!”

There is still a black screen in the live broadcast room, but the barrage has started to refresh.

A few minutes after 6 o’clock, the screen suddenly turned on.

A big hand filled the screen.

After adjusting the angle of view several times, Xiao Jiu appeared in the live broadcast room.

Xiao Jiu didn’t look at the camera now, but looked to the other side and urged: “Are you ready, it’s already started!”

Xiao Jiu’s tone was full of coquetry.

The fans in the live broadcast room heard it, and their hearts were broken.

“Ahhhhh! I’m going to die!”

“Xiao Jiu can act like a baby! But it’s not at me! Grandpa Qingjie!”

“General! General! I’m here to see the general!”

“Finally I can see the true face of the general!”

At this moment, a voice full of magnetism with a hint of petting tone came out.

“It’s here, don’t worry! It’s only 6 o’clock, and it’s going to be broadcast for two or three hours!”

I have to say that the service standards of the top suites of the Bulgari Hotel are quite high.

Chen Xiao told the hotel’s personal butler at 4 pm that they were going to do a live broadcast in the evening.

An hour later, the hotel prepared a full set of professional live broadcast equipment for them.

Except for the computer in the room at the beginning.

In addition, professional cameras, streaming equipment and recording equipment have been set up.

Even the whole house was re-installed with lights.

The live broadcast effect is directly full.

Chen Xiao hadn’t appeared yet, and the voice reached the live broadcast room first.

“Is this the voice of the general? This is too good to hear!”

“As a girl, it means this is the sexiest voice I have ever heard!”

“Ears will get pregnant!”

“Xiao Jiu draws his sword, the general is mine!”

“Where is the upstairs so confident? Your face is better than Xiao Jiu? Can you be better than Xiao Jiu?”

Originally, Lin Jiayue’s fans in the live broadcast room were more boys than girls.

However, many female users have heard of the legend that the great general spent all his money on Xiaojiu.

I heard that the general will also appear in the live broadcast room.

Out of curiosity, they also came to see Xiao Jiu’s live studio.

Unexpectedly, many people have not seen the true face of the general, and only hear the voice, they will directly follow the general! .

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