Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1068: confusing

At night, Qin Lang and Wu Caiyun departed from the Anrong military airport and were already in the South China Sea at dawn.

When Qin Lang departed from the port, he saw the only "big Mac" of Huaxia in the ocean. He has seen the only one aircraft carrier on TV and the Internet for the first time. There are many negative information and comments about it. Many people on the Internet are skeptical about this aircraft carrier, but in Qinlang's view, this is undoubtedly a great progress of the country in the ocean power. Because according to the information Qin Lan received from the Dragon Snake Force, the coastal defense of these years has been improved a lot. The most obvious feature is that the Chinese ships have been able to carry out law enforcement activities away from the coastline. This was completely unimaginable. of. In any case, in Qin Lang's view, this is already an improvement, and it is also one of the signs of the rise of the Chinese military.

On the other hand, China's aircraft carrier can only be regarded as a symbol and a deterrent. At present, it cannot be a weapon of war, but the real war has already begun, or never stopped. These battles are carried out in the dark, little known, but they always exist.

Many people only know that Shengshi enjoys peace, but they don’t know that Shengshi Taiping is fighting for war and blood. It was a well-known thing that many people sacrificed their lives for the liberation and peace of the country. However, few people know that after the founding of the country, in order to maintain this peace, how many unknown heroes sacrificed.

The war conflict on the bright side seems to have disappeared, but the secret sneak attack, intrusion and infiltration have never stopped, because the Dragon Snake Force has a list of deaths every year. The Dragon Snake Force was originally a force that was active in the dark and dangerous areas, so the danger they encountered was unimaginable by other forces.

This time, even Wu Minghou had problems, and things seemed to be tricky. In the past, Wu Minghou had also had problems. He accidentally took the poison, but they all had traces to follow. This time, Wu Minghou’s accident seemed to be too sudden. Because Wu Minghou is not an ordinary person, there is no splash in the sea. Wu Minghou is a dragon. Even if it falls into the sea, it should be able to make waves. It is impossible to disappear so suddenly.

Unless the opponent is too strong!

"Qin Lang, what are you thinking?" Wu Caiyun saw Qin Lang frowning, could not help but ask.

Moreover, at this time, on this military speedboat, except for the driver, there is only her and Qin Lang. Because Wu Caiyun did not spread the news of Wu Minghou’s accident, on the one hand, it was to stabilize the military heart, and on the other hand, she had her own considerations.

"I am thinking that Mr. Wu has been through a hundred battles. His life does not know how many big winds and waves have been encountered. Who is it, can he suddenly disappear?"

"Are you worried? Still afraid?" Wu Caiyun said so directly.

"Worry is for sure. As for fear, there is also a little bit. Mr. Lian Wu, his old man is not sure, we may not be able to make two, you say yes?" Qin Lang said with a smile.

"The coward!" Wu Caiyun snorted. "You can be considered a soldier if you lose money. You are so guted."

"Is it really fearless for military personnel? Moreover, in my opinion, anyone should be in awe, and the military should be like this. Well, these are not mentioned. Since I have already come here, I will find a way to get things done. The reason is clear." Qin Lang knows that Wu Caiyun's personality makes it natural, and naturally will not move with her.

Facing the morning breeze, the speedboat shredded the fine waves and headed for the vast expanse of the sea.

Until the emergence of an island in the vision of Qin Lang, the speed of the speedboat gradually declined. Qin Lang does not need a telescope. It only needs to pay enough attention to see everything on this island. This island is not too big, but a few square kilometers, covered with coconut trees and plants, can not see any artificial buildings. It seems to be just a desert island without resources, but with the tension in Southeast Asia today, any island, even a reef, has become a **** of the national game. On the bright side is the diplomatic dispute, secretly In the middle, it is the swordsman who meets.

The speedboat decelerated and circled the island for a week before it docked on the island.

Qin Lang and Wu Caiyun quickly landed on the island, and Qin Lang’s mentality began to explore the island, and even the island underground. However, Qin Lang did not find any traces of life. There should be no other people on this desert island.

"Nobody." Qin Lang said to Wu Caiyun.

Wu Caiyun flashed a suspicious color in her eyes. She did not seem to believe that all the people on the island had disappeared, so she quickly rushed to the secret training base on the island.

The entrance to the base was built in a pile of rock on the desert island. This pile of rock and coconut trees has become a natural cover. If it is not someone who leads the way, even if it is lucky to come to the island, it is impossible to find the underground base. presence.

After Wu Caiyun opened the entrance with the electronic key, he quickly entered the base, but as Qin Lang expected, this underground base that can accommodate hundreds of people training, there is no one!

All people are gone!

It’s not like being taken away, but it’s like disappearing out of thin air, because there are no traces of fighting on the spot, and the equipment at the base is also very good, and the lighting facilities are working normally.

"This... how could this be!"

Wu Caiyun thought that this was forcibly broken by the enemy, but through the traces of the scene, it is not like fighting here.

Although Qin Lang knew that there was no one in the base, he could not explain the reason. However, Qin Lang firmly believed that "people have passed the swan yan yan to leave a mark", he felt that everything should be traceable.

Wu Caiyun found the surveillance video of the base, but found that these surveillance videos have been completely emptied automatically, and even the data can not be recovered at all. It can be seen that the other party is very careful, and the means also want to be smart. She knows that to clear these surveillance videos requires a lot of permissions, and it is not so easy to force password cracking.

Although there are many means for Qin Lang, but on such a sea, encountering such a strange thing, he could not find any useful clues for a time. Not only can no useful clues be found, but Qin Lang is even more confused at this time: "Since the people in the base have disappeared, how can Wu Minghou have an accident? When Wu Minghou came here, these people have not completely disappeared? ”

"Miss Wu Da, what exactly is this base doing?" Qin Lang couldn't help but ask again.

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