Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1076: Rescue operation

The moment when the base channel was closed, Qin Lang and Wu Caiyun had entered smoothly, but the two were still in the potential water, hiding in the belly of the dragon tortoise. The amount of water gradually decreased, and two dragon turtles gradually emerged. The Philippine soldiers who guarded the passage saw two large "turtles" here, and they could not help but curiously came over and prepared to catch the two turtles. However, when the two Philippine soldiers were close to the turtles, a figure quickly smashed out of the water and both of them were fixed.

After a while, the corpses of the two people became the fruit of the dragon turtle.

Qin Lang and Wu Caiyun have already put on the clothes of the two men, took away the documents of the two, and then left the place with great sway. Any military base is basically a tight outer pine. The old saying is that "the strong fortress is broken from the inside." Once sneaked into the military base, the next thing is much simpler. Qin Lang and Wu Caiyun have quietly entered the base. This base is much larger than the "Dragon Nest" base. After all, "Dragon Nest" is just a training base. And inside Balaam is a real military base.

After entering the base, the primary task of Qin Lang and Wu Caiyun was to rescue the reserve talents of the Dragon Snake Force. These people were attacked and attacked the military base of the Philippines, and now most of them have been shackled.

Qin Lang’s spiritual strength quickly extended to the entire base, and then quickly recognized the specific location of the reserve talents of the Dragon Snake Force. Since entering the chaotic world, Qin Lang has been more sensitive to the aura of heaven and earth and the perception of life and death. Not only can he easily perceive the position of each person, but also distinguish whether these people are Chinese or Philippine.

This kind of spiritual and life perception is very subtle, because the spiritual pulse is the source of all life, the heaven and earth aura and vitality in the spiritual veins derive and nourish all things in the world, so the "living magnetic field" of every creature and every individual They are all very different. The members of the Dragon Snake Force are the elites of the Chinese nation and inherit the excellent qualities of the Chinese nation: benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, and faith. This is the precipitation of the great country and thousands of years of cultural history. It is something that the Philippine country, such as a small country and a land of bullets, can never reach. More importantly, these people have the pride of the Chinese nation and the descendants of the dragon. This is a totem and symbol that other nations can never have.

Feeling the magnetic field of the members of the Dragon Snake Force, Qin Lang and Wu Caiyun immediately slipped past. Although there were many guards in the base, there were no doubts about the clothing and documents of Qin Lang and Wu Caiyun until Qin Lang and Wu Caiyun were close to the prison in the southeast corner of the base.


The guards next to the prisoners sang in English to Qin Lang and Wu Caiyun.

These guards are completely different from the uniforms of the Philippine soldiers, and the momentum of these guards is much stronger than that of the Philippine soldiers. They are well-trained and let people know at a glance that Qin Lang immediately thought of it. Wu Caiyun said "Black Witch Legion." This is known as a first-class mercenary group, naturally it is unusual. Do not say anything else, the vigilance of these people alone is much stronger than the soldiers of the Philippines. In addition, both Qin Lang and Wu Caiyun discovered that there are strange power fluctuations around the body of these guards. It is not the fluctuation of the aura of heaven and earth, but the fluctuation of other forces.


Qin Lang greeted the guards calmly, and it seemed to be very kind. However, Qin Lang’s acting did not deceive these people. Several guards had already taken the guns in their hands and pointed them at Qin Lang and Wu Caiyun with their guns. It seems that as long as the two people are slightly different, several The guarded gun will shoot at the two people with impunity.

"Hello, you are paralyzed!"

Qin Lang can't deceive these guards, directly open the shackles, and take the lead, the Sparks of the Sparks suddenly attacked, and dozens of St. Beetles spurted out in an instant.

These streak beetles instantly became the sharpest and most horrific hidden weapon, whistling to the guards to spur the past, during the high-speed rotation, these streak beetles collided with each other to make a beautiful and fireworks, these few The guards have not fully understood what the hidden weapon that Qin Lang released is, and it has been stabbed into the body by the scar beetle.

Nowadays, the sacred beetle of Qinlang, which uses the blood of the wild beast as a "bug feed", because Qin Lang has no way to "point the palace needle" to the stag beetle, **** scorpion, etc., so he thought of it. An alternative approach: feeding the poisonous insects with the blood of the wild beasts. For Qin Lang, this is only an attempt, but the facts prove that this attempt was very successful. After the scars beetle and **** blood absorbed the blood of the wild beasts, they also had a strangely wild blood system. Stigma beetles and **** worms, including desert murders, have become extremely fierce.

Now, these scarred beetles have gotten into several guards and then immediately swayed on them, and when these guards haven't reacted from the horror, these streak beetles have penetrated their hearts.

woo woo woo woo! ~

A few strong guards only had time to make a horrible whine and fell, because they didn't even have enough time to make a screaming voice.

call out! call out! call out! call out! ~

With the whistle of Qin Lang, these scarred beetles returned to Qin Lang and disappeared without a trace.

Although Wu Caiyun was also a person who killed the fruit, but Qin Lang’s means also made her feel scalp tingling. She couldn’t help but ask Qin Lang: “The worms, what exactly is it, horrible?”

"It’s just a few special poisonous insects." Qin Lang smiled faintly. "I am with the poison **** "removing soldiers."

Wu Caiyun took a look at Qin Lang. She obviously would not believe that Qin Lang had “removed the soldiers”. However, she knew that the most important thing now was to rescue the reserve talents of the Dragon Snakes, instead of inquiring Qin Lang’s secrets, so Wu Caiyun quickly came to prison. Nearby, this prison is a "water prison", because the prison is full of water, the reserve members of the dragon snake army are basically immersed in the sea, and these people are locked by the alloy steel subway chain, abolished the whole body Kung Fu can be described as terrible.

Even if they are rescued, these people lose all their skills, which is equivalent to a pile of waste.

These people in the dungeons have empty eyes and completely lost their fighting spirit. They look like they are walking dead, or like death row prisoners in ancient death row.

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