Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1079: People are not for themselves

The people inside the prison swarmed out.

The gangs were probably irritated by the detention, and they stepped on the skeletons of the Black Wings until they smashed the bones of the guys.

When the bones shattered, the blue **** of the body was extinguished.

This makes Qin Lang realize that even if the Black Wings can really die and resurrect, it is not really invincible and cannot be killed. When their flesh and blood were smashed, when their bones were shattered, they were completely finished. Now these guys are dead and can no longer die.

After the reserve members of the Dragon Snakes left the prison, they immediately found the route to retreat. In fact, all of these people are talented people in a single place. They can even be regarded as geniuses in certain fields. Once their hopes are stimulated, the potential of these people will be stimulated. They will soon be black. Entering the computer network of this military base, the internal structure map and security of the base were obtained, and the route of retreat was formulated in a targeted manner.

However, if you want to successfully withdraw from here, you can basically rely on Qin Lang and Wu Caiyun.

Here is the other party's site, but also with a group of reserve members of the Dragon Snakes who have lost their ability to protect themselves. Qin Lang students feel a lot of pressure, so in order to vent their pressure, the method adopted by Qin Lang students is to kill! And create trouble for the other party!

Qin Lang’s venomous sac is almost directly opened, and the black-squeezed stag beetles, desert murderers, **** cockroaches, and viper snakes rush out like a tidal wave, but the entire base is “submerged” for a moment. . The sound of the alarm and the screams rang.

No one would have thought that Qin Lang would have caused such a powerful destruction. Even Wu Caiyun did not think that this was because Qin Lang never fully demonstrated his strength. However, the destructive power of these poisonous insects is obvious. Those stupid soldiers of the Philippines have almost not figured out the situation and died, and then smashed the food for the poisonous insects. The members of the Black Wings showed a strong fighting power and a high level of combat literacy. Even in this dangerous and unexpected situation, most of them actually supported and counterattacked and defended. The invasion of the poisonous insects began to search for the whereabouts of the Qinlang people.

Because of the defense of the poisonous insects, Qin Lang was in front of the front, and the reserve members of the Dragon Snakes were basically not attacked and injured. In the eyes of the reserve members of the Dragon Snake Force, Qin Lang is simply the reincarnation of Chu Bawang, and it is a mess! His army of poisonous insects is like a god, and the blood flows into the river and the corpses are everywhere. The soldiers of the Philippines are simply slaughtered like fat pigs, and they cannot stop the Qinlang people from fleeing.

Occasionally, a few black witch regiments appeared to stop, but still could not shake the "fighting sergeant" composed of Qin Lang's gang. The people of the Black Wings had no time to shoot and shoot, and they had already been used by Qin Lang. The trick is to get rid of it. Once the guys were picked up, Qin Lang immediately let the poisonous insects completely smash the flesh and blood of these people, and did not give them a chance to "resurrect".

The style of Qin Lang at this time is very spicy!

Even the reserve members of the Dragon Snake Force were shocked by the **** and hot style of Qin Lang, and even stunned, because Qin Lang’s watch is too fierce! He is not alone in fighting, he is clearly carrying an army that is invincible and pervasive!

It should have been a breakout, but it was turned into a killing by Qin Lang!

When Qin Lang and Wu Caiyun rushed out of the base with a group of people, when they saw the light, these talents woke up like a dream, knowing that they had successfully escaped from this defensive military base. Although this military base is nominally under the jurisdiction of the Philippines, these people know that this military base is actually under the control of the country. To break through this military base, it is simply a tiger's mouth.

Fortunately, this time the tiger's mouth extraction has been successful. Unfortunately, when the people broke through successfully, they found that the ship in the area did not appear!

Responsible for receiving ships, it is naturally linked by Wu Caiyun, because it is in the waters of the Philippines, so the matching ships can not be warships, only civilian vessels, otherwise it will cause serious national diplomatic accidents. Wu Caiyun naturally knows this, so she has contacted a civilian cruise ship through the channel of the Dragon Snake Force and is ready to take these people out of the military base of Bahrain. Who knows, this key ship is actually "late".

The emotions of everyone suddenly fell into the trough. They thought that they had successfully escaped. If they knew that they had escaped from the military base, they did not have the vessels to meet them. This is simply a failure!

Rumble! ~

The machine motor suddenly appeared above the head, this is the sound of the helicopter!

Undoubtedly, this is of course not a civilian helicopter, because the sound of the machine gun has begun to roar, and the bullets began to pour down from the top and sprayed toward Qin Lang and others.

"Take them back to the base!"

Qin Lang can only make such an order to Wu Caiyun. After he broke down, he took advantage of the poisonous army to attract the firepower of the other party and return the time to Wu Caiyun and the rest of the people.

Undoubtedly, this is a very deliberate decision. Everyone feels that the pocket is full, but there is nothing to help. Even Qin Lang, in the face of crazy machine guns, will give birth to a sense of helplessness. Although the machine gun bullet can not penetrate his body, but it can quickly consume his body, if not Qin Langwan If there is a vein in the poison sac, I am afraid that he will fall into the rain of bullets soon. What's more, these helicopters are not just organic guns, but also artillery and light missiles. These things can't be felt even if they are Qin Lang.

Rumble! Rumble! ~~

In the explosion of repeated explosions, Qin Lang and his party were re-entered into the base.

At this point, the base has been cut off, and the entire base has fallen into the dark.

In this darkness, Qin Lang felt that the gas of death was constantly becoming strong, and there was an inexplicable danger in the darkness. If Qin Lang is alone, he is not afraid of any danger. He is completely confident that he will fight with the Philippine and American soldiers, but now he has to take care of Wu Caiyun, and he is annoyed that there are still many reserve members of the Dragon Snake Force. These people are currently losing their skills and losing their strength. Their lives and deaths are all in Qinlang.

Qin Lang never felt that she would encounter such strong pressure.

In the past, he did not understand the meaning of the words of the mission and responsibility, because the old poison never taught him these things, the old poisons would only tell Qin Lang a world of reason: people do not destroy themselves.

For the truth of old poisons, Qin Lang took it for granted. However, at this moment, watching these reserve members of Wu Caiyun and the Dragon Snake Force, Qin Lang deeply felt his responsibility and mission, because at this moment, Qin Lang suddenly realized that he and the dragon were facing the foreign enemy. These people of the Snake Force have stood on the united front and become comrades-in-arms, so it is necessary for him to be responsible for his comrades.

"Grass! Laozi is sublimated!" After realizing these things, Qin Lang made a deep sigh in the heart.

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