Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1096: Snoring

After leaving the police station, Shi Xiaotian had a meeting with a person. This person is his brother Yan Guang. The place to meet is in the Yanguang martial arts hall - Guangtian Taekwondo martial arts hall, which is a famous Taekwondo martial arts hall in Anrong City.

"Shi Shi, I haven't seen you for a long time, I am so lucky!"

Although Yan Guang is the curator of the martial arts museum, the people do not fight with the officials. Compared with Shi Xiaotian, the police chief, there is still a big gap in status. Therefore, he took the initiative to meet and invited Shi Xiaotian to the living room and let the disciples soak. The tea came up.

"Brother, business is good?" Shi Xiaotian asked while drinking tea.

"It's still okay." Yan Guang said, "Where you have the prestige, you are already the head of the police department. - I said that the younger brother, you are now the chief of the bureau, so you can take care of the unskilled brothers who care for us." ”

"My brother is polite, I still count on the day when I mix with my brother." Shi Xiaotian said, "However, the younger brother has just taken office recently, but there is a little resource in his hand, I don't know if the brother is interested."

"Shi Shi, you are an expensive person now, even if it is a little resource, it is enough for our gangs." Yan Guang accompanied the laughter. "I don't know if the stone director gave me the way to tell me?"

"Wolongtang." Shi Xiaotiandao.

"What!" Yan Guang Huo stood up. "Shi Shi, we can't afford this Wolongtang. You don't know that Wolongtang has already controlled the black road in Pingchuan."

Shi Xiaotian waved and interrupted Yan Guang’s words and asked very calmly: “Do you think it’s Wolongtang’s strong boss or the provincial boss’s big boss?”

"Of course, it is the big boss!" Yan Guang thought about it. The Chinese state machine is the most powerful existence. Yan Guang naturally understands this truth. "You mean... the new big boss has to deal with Wolongtang?" ”

"Exactly!" Shi Xiaotian said, "So, you should know that it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you! Brother, I know that you know a lot of people on the rivers and lakes, you can unite them to do this thing, how can you be better? Do you want to sell the dog meat door to the Korean martial arts hall?"

"Hey... my brother, nowadays, no one likes to learn Chinese martial arts. The little boy likes Hantai's flower shelf. What can I do? However, although I know many people on the rivers and lakes in Pingchuan, I want them to talk to Wolongtang. In the war, I am afraid that the odds are not great. The strength of Wolongtang is stronger than before!" Yan Guang is a person on the rivers and lakes in Pingchuan Province. He is quite familiar with Wolongtang.

"I said that you want to fight with Wolongtang? If you want to go hard, what do we want?" Shi Xiaotian found that after the director was different, the words between the words showed the feeling of the superior, the leader It feels good.

"That is the meaning of Secretary Shi?" Yan Guang carefully tried to understand the intention of Shi Xiaotian.

"I want you to quickly pull up a group of people to sing against the Wolongtang. Then no matter what method you use, you have to provoke a fight. It is best to have a big fight, then I can use the name of disturbing the order of public order. After a big blow to Wolongtang and pressing down the Wolongtang, you can enjoy it!"

Shi Xiaotian said, "Think carefully, the risk is not big, but the income is very impressive, which is much better than the income of the martial arts museum."

"That is... that is, thank you Secretary Shi." Although Shi Xiaotian is nominally his younger brother, Yan Guang can only use the attitude of treating leaders to Shi Xiaotian. No way, one is the people, the other is the official.

Shi Xiaotian is very satisfied with his conversation, but he did not forget to put some pressure on Yan Guang when he left: "Brother, I have already given you the opportunity. I hope you don't waste it. If you waste your chance, don't blame me for being cheap. It!"

"Yes, Secretary Shi, you can rest assured, I will not let you down!" Yan Guang said with excitement, the heart has begun to fantasize about the hundreds of millions of industries in Wolongtang.

After sending away Shi Xiaotian, Yan Guang immediately began to get excited. He began to prepare for recruiting people. There are many people in the rivers and lakes in Pingchuan Province, and there are many people in the rivers and lakes that are destitute. Others don’t say that Yan Guang opened the martial arts hall these years. There are thousands of disciples, and it is not easy to call a group of masters, but it is still very easy to call a bunch of people. Anyway, Shi Xiaotian also said that these people just do what they want to do, and they can provoke the anger of Wolongtang. It is not necessary to really charge, because Shi Xiaotian will take the national machine when he arrives.

Yan Guang’s heart was so excited. After the excitement, he began to take action. He was ready to call and gather the same rivers and lakes. He felt that this time he was an opportunity to become the leader of Heichuan Road in Pingchuan Province. Later, he would be black. The figure of the class, can be traversed across the rivers and lakes in Pingchuan Province...

Hey! ~

When Yan Guang was thinking about it, there was a cry of wild cats in the room. He followed the sound and saw that there was a fat wild cat in the room.

"Damn wild cat, get out of here!"

Yan Guangzheng was kicking the wild cat with his foot, but his foot just kicked out and half of it was hard to live, because the wild cat actually spoke to him!

"Shi Xiaotian, dare to start with your cat grandfather, looking for death?"

Yan Guang vowed that he really heard the wild cat talking, and the other party was still threatening him.

This kind of thing, Yan Guang has never seen it, but as a martial artist, Yan Guang’s courage is still bigger than ordinary people. He looks at this wild cat on alert and asks: "You... really are you talking. ?"

"Crap! Yan Guang, you listen to me, my master asked me to bring you a sentence!" The big cat said to Yan Guang in a condescending tone.

"It’s just a cat, but I dare to call and drink from Laozi!" The ambition is inflated, and the strict courage is big. He even kicks the big cat, but this big cat looks very lazy. It was very fat, but the body was unusually flexible. He slammed from the ground and jumped to the neck of Yan Guang. He hurriedly hurriedly grabbed his hands, but the big cat was faster and his paws were flying faster. He crossed his neck and left a few clear claw marks on his neck.

"Damn!" Yan Guang anger is unstoppable, ready to shoot again, but the brain has sounded the voice of a big cat, "idiot! You have been poisoned yet!"

"Bee! You are poisonous on your paws?" Yan Guang stared angrily at the big cat, and wanted to smash it. However, the next moment he felt the whole neck was numb, and the whole head seemed to be numb. It seems that this big cat is right, his claws are really poisonous.

"You...what do you want to do?" Yan Guang’s body fell obliquely, and before the gods had completely disappeared, he was not willing to ask the big cat.

"I want you to be obedient - listen to the words of my master." The voice of the cat seemed to be a banter, and then he flexibly fell on the stern head and stuffed a fat worm into his sturdy ears.

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