Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1105: Heavenly Court

In terms of the police system, Shi Xiaotian’s anti-black operation can be described as the ultimate failure, so that the entire police system in Anzhen has no face, but the most dull one is Guo Guoyuan, the new boss of Pingchuan Province, because everyone knows Shi Xiaotian was Guo Guoyuan's hand-up. This fire did not burn Xu Shiping's political achievements, but burned Guo Guoyuan's own majesty.

Guo Guoyuan wanted to use the strength of the sects and shadow forces to suppress and deter Qin Lang and others. Who knows that the shadow troops and the sects of the sects have just assembled, and they have been completely suppressed by the squad of Qin Lang, even the people of the six doors. It was smashed by Qin Lang, and it was simply arrogant.

Guo Guoyuan can't wait to break the two sons of Qin Lang and Lu Qingshan, but he is a political official after all, and Qin Lang and Lu Qingshan are nominally legal businessmen, taxpayers, and lawyers, even Guo Guoyuan is Pingchuan. The big boss of the province, in the absence of evidence, can not directly convict the two, after all, these two people are not ordinary **** people can freely handle.

Although his heart was furious, Guo Guoyuan still did not lose his mind. He ignited a cigarette for himself and began to plan how to cope with the situation. The “Wanshi Plan” that Guo’s preparation for many years is nearing the stage of success. Once this plan is successful, then Guo’s family The thousands of years of foundation can be expected. At this time, it means that Guo Guoyuan can't take too much risk, so as not to affect the implementation of this great plan.

The smog of smoke lingered in the office, Guo Guoyuan looked like a smear, and gradually saw the situation in front of him: he saw the key point of the whole problem with the savvy eyes of politicians, and shot the birds and thieves. First smash the king.

In Guo Guoyuan's view, it is not Wolongtang, or Xu Shiping, who is far away from Nanhai Province, but Qin Lang, the kid. As long as he has dealt with Qin Lang, then everything will be solved. Before that, he will deal with Wolongtang in a drastic manner. It is really a miscalculation. As long as the poisonous tumor of Qin Lang is removed, it is a breeze to defeat Wolongtang.

Guo Guoyuan suddenly became very open-minded. He annihilated the cigarette butt, then picked up the special phone, reported the current situation to the seniors of Guojia, and said his thoughts. The phone was slightly silent, and then responded: "We will mobilize two Shadow Warriors to you, I believe that it is enough to solve the problem, this time, I hope you bring good news to the family."

Hearing the "Magic Warrior", Guo Guoyuan was overjoyed. As a member of the Guo family, he knew what the Shadow Warrior meant in the Shadow Force. It was the same as the existence of a nuclear weapon. They could not describe their strength with super-warriors. .

Got a response from the upper echelons of the family, Guo Guoyuan has settled a lot in mind, and even inevitably has a bit of pride. He thought that Qin Lang’s kid was only a monkey, and Guo’s family was a high court. Once Tian Ting was angry, Xiao The little monkey can catch up again.


Guo Guoyuan was actively planning, but Qin Lang was not idle. The elders of the ancestors had been turned into poisonous slaves by Qin Lang. From his spiritual world, Qin Lang got an important message: the plan of the world.

The Wanshi plan, Qin Lang once heard from Wang Xiongzhou mouth, this is the first time Qin Lang heard this word, Qin Lang is not very concerned about this, and now hear this word again, and this word is also considered secret by the Tantric people, by This shows that this "world plan" is extraordinary.

It is a pity that from this sect, the elders of the sect can not get more information about the "Age of the World", but Qin Lang vaguely feels that this plan should be the link between the sect and the Guo family, if you can know more about this plan. Information will help Qin Lang to disintegrate the relationship between Guo Jia and Shu Zong.

Fortunately, Qin Lang is not alone in the battle. He sent the information of the Wanshi plan to the Dragon Snake Force, hoping that the geniuses of the Dragon Snake Force can trace more things about the Wanshi Plan.

Just when Qin Lang investigated the Wanshi plan, the counterattacks of the six doors had arrived.

Cao Ming is a master who must be reported. He was so humiliated by Qin Lang last night. He naturally couldn’t swallow this breath, so he asked for help from the upper floors of the six doors overnight, hoping to be ashamed.

After all, the strength of the six doors is extraordinary. For thousands of years, they have shouldered the heavy responsibility of monitoring the rivers and lakes. As long as they are rivers and lakes, they have to give six faces more or less, and Qin Lang publicly beats the six heads of the "heads". This is the reverse scale of the six doors. The six doors naturally need to "represent" to Qin Lang.

Cao Ming had just been beaten last night, but today he has resumed his arrogance. He took people in the school and intercepted Qin Lang. He sneered: "Qin Lang, you must have thought that the retribution will come so soon."

"What do you want." Qin Lang didn't look at Cao Ming's eyes. He just looked at the person next to Cao Ming. This is a tall-looking woman wearing a black coat and setting off Cao Ming on the side. Very short, regardless of height or momentum, this woman is much stronger than Cao Ming.

"Attack six doors to catch the head. According to the rules of our six doors, you will be detained for three years. However, I think you should not be jealous, but if you resist the arrest, you will be detained for five years. "Cao Ming smiled at Qin Lang. "How do you want to get rid of it, or you want to see the means of catching it below."

"The villain got the ambition." Qin Lang snorted with disdain. "Cao Ming, I can't tell you, I did hit you, but this beat you."

Cao Ming has not spoken yet, but the black woman on the side has released the murderousness of Ling Xiao, which makes Qin Lang feel that the temperature around her body suddenly drops.

The arrest of the six doors, known as the "Jianghu Guangming arbitrator", the genius in the genius, it is unusual.

Qin Lang moved the darkness of the heavens to see the thoughts, suddenly smothered the murderousness around the invisible, and then leisurely felt something from the body shaking in front of Cao Ming, this is a dark brand, which reads A few traditional characters.

"What, I want to fool me."

"Idiot, don't you know traditional Chinese characters." Qin Lang said coldly. "Look clearly, these four words are called 'Monitoring the world'. You know what it means."

"Monitoring order." The black woman's Liu Mei picked one, and the strong mental strength passed from Qin Lang. "How can you have this thing?"

"What...this...this is the supervision order." Cao Ming seems to be afraid that there will be such a "high-end goods" in the hands of Qin Lang. This thing has not been seen by Cao Ming. Today is the first time. However, he knows that those who control the order are not the hegemonic characters of the squad, but how to match the deep meaning of the words "monitor the world".

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