Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1116: Cause of origin

The root of the lord's father was removed, but why did he "middle evil", the security measures of the family, it is quite high-end, perfect; the diet of the old man, it is also a person responsible, special person to check, want to the father Unfavorable, almost no chance to start.

However, under such circumstances, the old man is actually "in the middle of the move", which shows that the other party's means is really not simple, and for the old man's "middle evil" things, Qin Lang still has a lot of doubts, now the father has already When I am awake, Qin Lang certainly likes to get the answer I want.

Chai Jiayu had already gone out with interest, but he did not leave the family immediately because he had to ask Qin Lang for medical treatment.

"Daddy, my name is Qin Lang, and now I am the staff of the Dragon Snake." Qin Lang knows that the old man is not an ordinary person. To get the cooperation of the old man, it can only be paid. Anyway, Qin Lang has entered the spiritual world of the old man, knowing that the father is a The true revolutionary is also a qualified soldier.

"The staff of the Dragon Snake Force." Father did not seem to believe.

Qin Lang took out the supervision order and handed it to the father.

"Monitoring order."

My father really knows this thing. "This should be given to you by Wu Minghou. Where did Wu Minghou go?"

"Where he went now, I am not sure, but the place where he went is a mysterious place. I am afraid there is no way to contact us in the short term." Qin Lang said truthfully.

"Since you got the supervision order of Wu Minghou, it shows that he is completely trusting you, Xiao Qin, what do you want to know from me." The old man told Qin Lang.

"The first is the cause of the father." Qin Lang said, "Your father, your illness, in a sense, is ‘zhong evil’, and the country is also called ‘ghost upper body’.”

"Ghost upper body." The old man snorted. "I never believe in ghosts and gods. Where are the ghosts?"

"Some things, you don't believe it doesn't exist." Qin Lang said calmly, "Why don't this happen to the old man himself, don't you feel it, if you don't feel it, I can let you look at it again." ""

Qin Lang took out the black gas that he "deducted" from the spirit world of the old man. This black gas has been completely suppressed by Qin Lang, but it still makes the three of the family feel cold and cold. It seems that this A group of black gas seems to be the incarnation of evil spirits. Among the three, the old man feels more profound, because he has already dealt with this group of black gas before, knowing the power of this thing, asked Qin Lang with a sigh of relief. "It's just that this thing makes me sick, this... really a goblin."

"It's just a group of fierce temperament, but this group of fierce temperament is not the same thing. Every day, with 100,000 cows, ghosts and snakes, you fight with the old man. If you are not a strong man, if you are determined, I am afraid it has fallen."

After listening to Qin Lang, the old man finally believed in Qin Lang’s words and said to Qin Lang: "Yes, how did your boy enter my dream?"

"How do these cow ghosts go in, how can I go." Qin Lang said, "Don't say the origin of this thing, I can be sure that this time someone deliberately targeted the father and the family, but because of what, I am not It's very clear, Father, can you give me some advice?"

"We have made a lot of people's lives, and we have also overturned many families. There are a lot of enemies. I can think of it at this moment." The old man thought about it and seemed to have no clue.

"Actually, your dream of your father is your subconscious expression. You are always in the environment, and you always want to get rid of the king of the king. You still have no impression." Qin Lang reminded the old man.

Qin Lang’s words are not targeted. A person’s dreams and illusions are likely to be manifestations of his own subconscious mind. The king of the prince’s spiritual world has always been his greatest enemy. Then this King of the Kings will be what is in reality. What is it, it definitely represents something.

After Qin Lang’s reminder, what the old man seemed to think of, the expression began to become dignified: “You are right, it seems that someone deliberately is in our home.”

In the spiritual world of the old man, the king of the king was actually the emperor of the Qing Dynasty. It was because of the subconscious mind of the old man, the biggest enemy was the "Qing Dynasty emperor". It seemed to be unreasonable, but after passing through the old man When he dialed, Qin Lang knew that his own knowledge was somewhat shallow. Although the Qing Dynasty had already been overthrown, the Qing Dynasty’s "emperor", royalty, feudalism, and slave thoughts still existed and became China. A big heartache.

The "Qing Dynasty emperor" in the spiritual world of Laozizi actually refers to the remnants of the Qing Dynasty. These poisons include the legacy of the feudal remnants of the heirs and the slaves, but also those who used the feudal remnants to make waves. It is a real revolutionary family. It has been engaged in revolution since the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. It has continued to revolution until now, so they know the revolutionary meaning and understand the true face of the revolutionary enemy.

Seeing more, naturally there is experience.

At the beginning, the family followed Sun Wen’s revolution and overthrew the decaying Qing empire. But in the blink of an eye, the former Qing officials cut off their scorpions and became the members of the Republic of China. As a Qing official, Yuan Shikai became the president and then From the president to the emperor, the people of the family witnessed the power of the emperor's robe; later, Yuan Shikai was killed, the warlord ruled, the nominal democratic country, in fact, the feudal remnants, the old and the widowed are in power; Later, the people of the family broke away from the revolutionary party, followed the revolution of the great ancestors, and the floating bodies were thousands of miles away. Finally, a new Huaxia country was established. However, soon after the founding of the People's Republic, various feudal remnants began to recover, and they made waves and almost shake the country's foundation. Taizu was suppressed by the thunder.

Nowadays, in the new era of reform and opening up, many people think that we have thoroughly cleaned up the feudal remnants, but we have not noticed that the feudal forces have begun to make waves, and unconsciously, the power of the Imperial City has controlled the economic lifeline of China. Controlled the lives and deaths of countless civilians; unconsciously, the public servants became "officials" and the people became "farters"; unconsciously, the dignitaries used the land as a tool for exploiting the people; unconsciously, Class differentiation has begun again; unconsciously, the court dramas that beautify the Qing Empire are full of television; the old legacy and old people have begun to appear in front of the people, and even high-profile ancestors and souls...

Many people did not realize that many people turned a blind eye, but the people in the family experienced too many struggles. They shed too much blood for the revolution, so when the old man realized that the "royal gown" was starting to move again, He immediately began to prepare for the struggle, but at this time the old man had an accident.

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