Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1122: Will count

Qin Lang left the Imperial City overnight, this time the trip to the Imperial City, Qin Lang's goal has not been reached, originally wanted to show the big forces of the shadow forces, win the support of these big brothers, so that the Guo family's faction can be isolated Unfortunately, in the end, it was found that Qin Lang and his family, Wu Jia, and the shadow troops were mostly isolated, and they had formed an alliance with Guo.

This news made the two masters of the family and the Wu family feel very frustrated, but these two are true revolutionaries. They are all kinds of characters who are rather jade and not complete. Naturally, they will not compromise with the Guo family. Otherwise, the two will not encounter the Guo family's calculations.

When Qin Lang left the Imperial City, the two fathers of the family and the Wu family had begun to plan a struggle with the Guo family. These two are all warriors. Although they are temporarily weak, they do not use Qin Lang for them. Worried, the two also have an advantage: Guo’s people still don’t know that their bodies have healed, but with this, the two fathers have the opportunity to fight and fight against Guo’s while they are sick.

Qin Lang left the Imperial City, naturally not to avoid this, because he is now deeply involved, even if it is impossible to avoid, but Qin Lang intends to solve it in his own way.

At present, Qin Lang has already learned about some of the shadow forces. He also knows that the current center is this "Wanshi Plan." Qin Lang did not understand Guo’s plan before, but now it is different. He knows that the "Wanshi Plan" is the lifeblood of Guo. Once the plan goes bankrupt, the Guo family’s camp may also collapse.

What's more, Guo's people don't know that Qin Lang has found clues to deal with the "World Plan."

Speaking of it, Qin Lang felt that his trip to the capital of the Emperor was a lucky one. He not only saved the lives of the two families, but also earned a big human feeling, but also found the clues of the other Guo. The two groups of dragons died.

In Guo’s “Wanshi Plan”, the sect is a key link, because the things that the dragons gather together are definitely done by the sects who helped the Guo family, because the sects and the Guo family have been working on the improvement of this plan. Therefore, when Qin Lang was "tossing" in Pingchuan Province, both the sect and Guo Jia did not launch a Thunder attack on him. They all because they did not want this plan to be affected a little. Now, this plan is nearing completion, and naturally it cannot It was disturbed, but Qin Lang not only had to interfere with the plan, but also had to make the plan completely bankrupt because he had this means.

The people of the sects are naturally experts in the understanding of the spiritual veins, because these gangs are the former "guardians", they are the guardians of the heavens and the earth, who knows that later "monk self-stealing" turned into a sect, but the sect People absolutely can't think of it. Qin Lang has entered the chaotic world, and already knows some secrets of the Lingmai. He also knows how to break the influence of the Dragon's vein on the land of China.

As the old man said, nowadays the land of China, everyone has become a "transigator of the dragon", absolutely no more real dragons appear, not allowed to wear a robes, but the children of China will be changed Become a slave.

The new dragon veins began to gather, the dragon gas has begun to turn over, and the dead air and bad gas have begun to impact the pillars of China's pillars. These signs are enough to show that the Guo family's Wanshi plan is close to success, but now Qin Lang is in control of the two groups of dragons. Qi, with his two groups of dead air, he can find out where this new dragon is. As long as Qin Lang breaks up this dragon, Guo’s “Wanshi Plan” can only go bankrupt.

Because of this, the dragons of the feudal dynasty have been the highest secrets of the country since ancient times, and the imperial tombs of the national air transport, but also the most elite and loyal guards guarded, in order to prevent the dynasty's dragon veins from being destroyed and the air transport to be taken away. Even a dynasty's national teacher, Qin Tianjian, one of the great duties is to monitor the dynasty's air transport, prevent the birth of new dragon veins, and steal the dynasty's air transport.

After leaving the Imperial City, Qin Lang flew to Nanhai Province.

Because Qin Lang based on the induction of the two groups of dead air, found that the Longyan's dragon gas flow direction is in the south, and the final convergence direction should be the South China Sea.

To draw such a conclusion, Qin Lang is not surprised at all, because this can explain why the shadow troops have been deployed in the South China Sea, even at the expense of the reserve members of the Dragon Snakes, and complained to the Dragon Snakes.

In order to be safe, this time I went to Qinhai in the South China Sea to take the ordinary passenger plane. Although it is not a tourist season, there are still many tourists visiting Nanhai Province. The plane is almost full of seats. After getting on the plane, Qin Lang began to close his eyes. Inside the brain began to think about the deployment of operations after the South China Sea.

Although Qin Lang’s eyes are closed, the spiritual perception has naturally extended. Even this time his perception is more acute than the blink of an eye. This should be the effect of Qin Lang’s thoughts on the dark reincarnation of the heavens. The darkness seems to make him More like a duck.

Although Qin Lang’s perception is sharp and his mental power is exceptionally peaceful, it is hard to be perceived. Just like darkness and shadow, it is ubiquitous but easily overlooked.

When his spiritual power spread over the entire plane, he caught a few real dragons.

The true dragon's qi, this is the power blessing that the dragon pulse gives to the control. After the dragon vein gradually gathers, the dragon gas begins to gather on the "real dragon descendants", and the dragon and the heaven and earth air transport are blessed on them, but all the dragons Long Sun can almost get the blessing of the dragon, and even some of the dragons can also get the blessing of the dragon, and the evils do not invade.

Ancient rumors of official uniforms can ward off evil spirits. This is actually the dragon gas blessing from the Dragon King. The dragon gas is formed by the most pure aura in the spiritual vein. Naturally, it can resist the invasion of evil spirits. Of course, even If there is a dragon blessing, it is not true that it will not invade, but the ability to resist evil invasion will be much improved. If it is self-death, it will be useless. As the old saying goes, "I am looking for death, and the gods are also saved." No."

The person who got the blessing of the real dragon on the plane is in the first class. This person is a handsome young man. It looks like a romantic family, a typical model of Gao Shuaifu, who has a French red wine in his hand. While tasting, talk to the beautiful stewardess next to you.

I have to say that this first class flight attendant is really young and beautiful, and it can be regarded as a high-end atmosphere. The flight attendant in this economy class is indeed "economical and practical".

"Mr. Guo, are you traveling to Nanhai?" The flight attendant's tone is quite pleasing. After all, for these beautiful little flight attendants, the first class of the rich and the captain of the cockpit are the objects they blend. The handsome and handsome Mr. Guo is naturally a "prey" for their satisfaction.

"Do something, and travel by the way, if the lady is free, give me a tour guide."

"This, how good, may violate airline regulations."

"We are private parties between friends and have something to do with the company."


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