Juvenile Medical God

: 1167 What is a drug?

Under normal circumstances, Qin Lang rarely pays close attention to the specific business of Ponzi Pharmaceutical Group. Hongbang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is only a branch company acquired by Ponzi Group. At present, it mainly produces some health care products developed by Ponzi Pharmaceutical Group. A series of men's health care and five-line health products developed by Ponzi Pharmaceutical Group are very popular at present. The response is very good and the profits are naturally very impressive. However, Luo Bin knows that Qin Lang is not very concerned about the profit of Ponzi Pharmaceutical Group. She is very curious why Qin Lang suddenly began to care about this.

"Hey, I am not concerned about the issue of income. I am not worried about management. I am not mistaken about this person. She can manage Hongbang Biotech Company, but the health products of Ponzi Pharmaceutical Group, etc. To put it bluntly, it is just a blind man. Its purpose is to make a name for itself and occupy the market. As for the real goal, it is to enter the pharmaceutical market. This is the meaning of the Pang's Pharmaceutical Group."

Qin Lang mentioned the word "meaning" because he never forgot his promise to the old poison: to revitalize the poison, but how to revitalize the poison, the old poison did not tell Qin Lang the specific method, because the old poison in this matter It also failed, so it will be the turn of Qin Lang's head, and Qin Lang wants to revitalize the poison sect. He can only touch the stones and cross the river. In the great achievements of the dynasty lords of the dynasties, Qin Lang could not find any experience to learn from. Because the lords of the poisonous ancestors studied poison and murder, this concept was adapted in the past, but there is no way to adapt to the current era. Nowadays, the times have changed, and the concept of the poison sect is not suitable for this society. Decline, now Qin Lang wants to revitalize the poison, everything can only be slowly tried.

The direction that Qin Lang tried was medicine. He needed to reverse the image of the poison sect through drugs. People know that poison can not only kill people, but also cure diseases. In the end, this is a kind of buying people. The former poison sect only knows killing people. However, I don’t know the role of buying people’s hearts. The huge religions like Buddhism and Taoism know the importance of buying people’s hearts. They take the script in one hand and hold the sword in one hand. This is the basis for supporting a huge religion. The poison is not lacking in killing. The sword lacks only a "Book of Scriptures".

From the dead cockroach, Qin Lang found an opportunity. He knows that the current pharmaceutical industry is really a demon wearing an angel coat. This industry is full of copper smell, interests and sin, but it is an indispensable industry. These people of the sect are also between the angel and the devil, and they are hated and sent to hope.

For example, patients in this world always hate those high-income black-hearted doctors, but they can't guarantee that they don't get sick, so when they are sick, they can only hand over their bodies and years of savings to the doctors. Its slaughter.

A practising doctor can also treat patients with due diligence and consider the patient's financial situation. Those unscrupulous doctors are even more terrible than the executioners, because these people will not only damage the patient's body, but even It will also drain all the savings of the patient and even the family, which is cruel than the vampire.

Therefore, some doctors are really devils dressed in angel coats; and medicines may also be poisons coated with sugar, some medicines, which exist for the purpose of collecting money, claiming to be able to treat certain diseases and incurable diseases. In fact, it is useless. It is only the last bit of oil and blood of the patient to be dried up at a high price. (Miaomi’s father took a kind of “Li Rutai” and “Liruzole Tablet” when he was sick. The drugs are not expensive, the key is almost useless. These drugs are purely for the purpose of collecting money, extracting the blood and sweat of patients and their families.)

Nowadays, China's pharmaceutical market is in the hands of the drug sect. This is undoubted. Even if foreign drugs enter the Chinese market, the pricing power is in the hands of the drug sect, not in the hands of the drug company itself, in the pharmaceutical industry. The medicinal sects are the only ones. Even if they are Buddhism or Taoism, they cannot intervene in their territory. Of course, there may be other agreements between the two sides. Qin Lang has no choice but to know, but Qin Lang has already investigated through the Dragon Snake Force. It has penetrated into the entire Chinese pharmaceutical industry. Of course, a long time ago, the medicinal people had already controlled the Chinese medical market, controlling the lives and deaths of countless people and poverty and wealth.

“Many people think that real estate and finance are the most profitable industries, but they tend to ignore another industry. This industry is the pharmaceutical industry. I have investigated through some channels. Currently, the profits of individual drugs in the pharmaceutical market are as high as 100%. Thousands, that is, the selling price is dozens of times the cost price, so this industry is actually a real wealth black hole, constantly inhaling wealth.” Qin Lang told Luo Bin about his views on the current pharmaceutical industry. .

"It is true. I have seen similar data analysis on the Internet. It is said that a decade ago, the hospital went to see a cold medicine bill about 10 yuan, about 20 yuan a year ago, and now, Basically, it is at least one hundred yuan, even as high as several hundred yuan. In addition, the former doctor prescribes medicine as a dose of one medicine. Now basically one box and one box are opened... This is hidden. What kind of disgusting work, I think it is terrible. It is true that it is not easy to become a doctor now, so it is understandable that doctors have high incomes, but if doctors build high incomes on the patient’s body and the patient’s wealth. In the words of plunder, those people are even more terrible than the robbers, or, as others have said, they are really devils in angelic cloaks." Lobin’s words were also sentimental. She had seen it on the Internet some time ago. The hepatitis B vaccine caused news of the death of young children. At that time, she could not wait to ask these unscrupulous drug dealers personally and ask if they still have at least a conscience and medical ethics.

However, this is an era when laughter is poor, and conscience is not worth the money.

Wu Minghou is a true wise man. As one of the guardians of the Chinese nation, he not only witnessed the rise and fall of this nation, but also saw the rapid lapse of morality and faith in the context of the country’s economic boom over the years, for money and rights. Many people in the Chinese nation have become political hooligans, social bandits, national scums, blood-sucking successes, unconsciously...

Is it necessary to sacrifice morality and belief in the development of the economy? Is it necessary to forget the bones and blood of the descendants of the descendants of the Yellow Emperor and the Dragon in order to cover the quality of life? Is it necessary to take the foreigners as the master and willing to go again? Do you have a long slave?

Of course not.

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