Juvenile Medical God

: 1182 interesting things

“Duan Nagano, the chairman of the Nagano Pharmaceutical Group of Hirakawa, although a CEO of a listed company, is a low-key person and rarely shows up in public...”

After Qin Lang returned to the underground base of the Killer Group, he began to look up the information of this "section Nagano". In Qin Lang's view, the Taoist people gave him this task is certainly not simple, otherwise it will not be at the cost of three gas gathering Dan. Although these three gas-filled dan are medium-quality, it is also a panacea, and everyone who can take it with martial arts can take a year to breathe the reiki. .

However, Qin Lang did not have much interest in these gas gathering dan, so he was directly thrown to the fat tiger.

"Master, give this task to me to do it." The fat tiger got the benefit from Qin Lang, and immediately began to take the initiative.

"Take it to you, oh, it seems to be a solution." On this section of Nagano, the killer group has no more detailed information. It seems that this guy is a normal businessman. However, Qin Lang is 100% sure of him. It is not a simple drug dealer, but he does not know what kind of secret this person hides. Since he cannot know it, he can only pass the method of temptation.

Or, the fat tiger is really a good choice, after all, it is a cat.

"Master, you can rest assured, I will go get the guy." The fat tiger actually laughed and looked very weird. It seems that this guy has eaten more and more, like a "monster".

"Wait." Qin Lang hurriedly stopped the fat tiger. "If you don't want to die there, just go with me. It's not that simple."

"Master, how can it be so complicated, I haven't just read the material of this person." The fat tiger said in disapproval.

"What you see is only superficial information." Qin Lang reminded the fat tiger. "Don't think that you have become a real professional killer. As a killer, the first thing to consider is not **** the target, but how to think about it. It won't die, the killer will kill, this principle will not change forever. Don't think that you are a cat can do whatever you want. If you don't care, you will reveal your identity, I am afraid that it will die very badly."

"It’s miserable, how bad is it."

"Human killer, if the murder is unsuccessful, it is likely to be slaughtered by others, but you are a cat, you may not only be slaughtered, but may also be eaten." Qin Lang threatened the fat tiger.

"Humans are cruel." The fat tiger did not know how to sigh.

"The weak meat is strong, this is not reasonable." Qin Lang said, "The first thing to understand is the true origin of this section of Nagano. He can never be an ordinary businessman. In this way, you should go to the section of Nagano to observe and observe. Live, only observe, not allowed to shoot."

"Boss, are you too careful?" The fat tiger seems to disagree with Qin Lang's "indecisiveness."

"Remember the words of Laozi, otherwise you will not have the spirit to eat." Qin Lang snorted.

If this section of Nagano is so easy to be killed, how can the Taoist group of people give Qin Lang such a high treatment, don't think that Qin Lang can give the fat tiger a random drug, as if the drug is not worth the money, but in fact, Qin Lang is only right. The people around them are generous, and the number of people who have won the dragon snakes and the killer group is still limited.

When the fat tiger saw Qin Lang insisting on this, he would not dare to violate the words of Qin Lang and sneak into the mansion of Nagano.

Two days later, the fat tiger returned to Qin Lang and said to Qin Lang: "Master, that section of Nagano does not see any problems. Although some people are practicing martial arts in the family, there are only a few people who enter the Wuxuan level, even if it is I can solve him with my shot..."


"What, but." Fat Tiger asked.

"But you think there is something wrong." Qin Lang said, "It's critical."

"I don't know why, when I entered the courtyard of the Duanjia, I always felt creepy, just like being stared at something." The fat tiger said to Qin Lang.

"That's right." Qin Lang said, "I entered the Duanjia for the past two days. I tried to find you through the spiritual imprint, but my mental strength has been cut off, so I am sure there is a weird inside the Duan, and, more The strange thing is that something that cuts off my spiritual power is definitely not a human."

"Not a person, is it a monster." The fat tiger also began to be a little scared, and the whole body hair jerked up.

"You are not a monster, so even if there is a monster in the section, it is normal." Qin Lang said, "However, if you have nothing to do, it proves that the thing should not pay attention to your existence."

The fat tiger breathed a sigh of relief and the hair of the whole body was taken down.

"You think about it again, there are special places for those in Duanjia." Qin Lang said, "As long as it is a wicked thing, there should be traces to follow. Think carefully."

The fat tiger recalled it carefully, and then seemed to think of something: "Right, the people in Duanjia seem to kill chicken every day. They have a chicken house in the backyard, and they all feed cocks."

"Oh... all are cocks." Qin Lang thinks this may be the key point. The chicken blood of the rooster is the evil thing for the yang. The people like Duanjia are not lacking in chicken. It is indeed unusual to raise these roosters. .

It seems that these roosters of Duanjia should be the problem.

Qin Lang thought for a moment and said to the fat tiger: "Go back and continue to stare at the roosters and see what they are doing with these roosters. If there are unusual things, report them to me immediately."

The fat tiger responded to Qin Lang’s request and continued to return to monitor the movement of the section.

The reason why Qin Lang did not go with the fat tiger is because he still wants to know why the Taoist gangs are going to clean up the house. If they don't know the stakes, they will be involved in it. It will be very dangerous.

However, the channel of the killer group has not found the problem of the segment, which means that Qin Lang can only rely on other channels, but fortunately, Qin Lang does have other channels to use: Qingcheng School.

Twelve Taoism, Qingcheng is one of the best, and the Qingcheng School is also the largest Taoist force in Pingchuan Province, so you should know some things.

In order to quickly understand the situation, Qin Lang went to the teahouse where he and the real person of the water mirror met. After entering the teahouse, Qin Lang said to the inside service: "Working to inform the real person of the water mirror, he said that a friend wants to see him."

"Water mirror real people are not everyone can see." The waiter does not seem to give Qin Lang face.

"Then tell him that there is a person called 'bug demon' who wants to see him. If he is not available, then I will leave." Qin Lang does not have a general knowledge of this waiter. He knows that this waiter is also a Qingcheng school. of.

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