Juvenile Medical God

: 1192 and talk to the spirit sword

When Duan Nao got the Spirit Sword, Qin Lang was the first time he was involved in the poisonous pouch.

Although Duanjia still has a lot of Lingshi. There are Lingshi veins. Or there is still a lot of wealth. But these things Qinlang does not want to get involved. He does not want to be a target of greed, too many masters come tonight, more important It is he who has got what he wants. There is no need to continue to work hard with the Taoist forces.

Early the next morning, Qin Lang flew directly to Vietnam.

Out of the airport. Qin Lang, this section of the Nagano family was thrown out of the poison bag.

There is no time concept in the venomous sac. The section of the Nagano family only thinks of the blink of an eye. They went from Pingchuan to Yueguo.

The Li family has been waiting at the airport gate for a long time.

Because of the support of Qin Lang and the poison sect. The location of the Li family is as stable as Taishan. After the establishment of the base of the Duron Peninsula, the elite of the Li family is also trained in the Duron Peninsula. Although the training of the Duron Peninsula may be dead, it has been trained. The people. It is indeed a great increase in strength. This is also the reason why the Li family’s power is expanding.

Of course, the people of Lijia are very respectful to Qin Lang. Although Qin Lang is only the identity of the "speaker" of the poison sect, the Li family does not dare to have a trace of disrespect.

After entering the territory of Lijia, Duan Nao couldn't help but be a little surprised. He said: "Mr. Yin. This Lijia is a powerful ‘local tyrant' on the border of the country. I didn’t expect you to have a relationship with Li’s family.”

"My relationship with Li Jia. It's not just a little friendship." Qin Lang smiled modestly. "So. You can stay at the Li family with confidence. As for how you develop in the future. That is your own choice of the road. I won't interfere. Even you can do nothing. It's fine to be old here."

Indeed. When the Nagano family arrived at the Li family, they knew that the Li family was not a little respectful to Qin Lang. Even the owner of the Li family. He was also respectful to Qin Lang.

Duan Nagano’s wife had no confidence in the trip to Vietnam. She came to Vietnam only to avoid trouble with her husband and daughter. But after arriving at Li, the wife of Nagano began to like it. Although there is no Chinese bustling here. There is no smog, the air environment is better. And the residence of the Li family is also very luxurious. It is just like the legendary local palace. In the territory of China, although the family is very rich, but has to keep a low profile. Therefore, the place where I live is not as good as the Li family.

The more you live in a poor country, the more extravagant the life of the rich. This is really true. In addition, almost everyone likes luxury life and enjoys pleasure. This is also a sure thing.

Obviously, Duan Nagano’s wife has begun to get fascinated by the extravagant life in a foreign country.

After Duan Changye’s family of three settled down here, Duan Nao was still somewhat worried. So he asked Qin Lang to help him re-arrange the Feng Shui array. Re-enclose the red-eyed sword.

To tell the truth. Qin Lang also wants to take a closer look at the magic of this red-eyed sword. So he promised Nagano's request. But he did not arrange the Lingshi array around the house where the Nagano family was located. Around the mansion. Rebuilt a feng shui array. Take the aura in the nearby veins and supply it to the red-eyed sword. This way, this sword can almost the entire Li family. The people are shrouded. Give them a layer of protection.

Subsequently, Qin Lang took the rooster that Li Jia had prepared for a long time. The blood of the rooster's **** was spotted on the red-eyed sword. Suddenly, the sword of the red-eyed sword was heard and the sound of a tremor was heard. Qin Lang concluded that this red-eyed sword seemed to "face up" him.

Qin Lang entered the state of the heart as a mirror. He clearly felt the change of the red-eyed sword. Finally he sensed the "will" of the red-eyed sword. This red-eyed sword is itself a sword. At the time of its casting, it has been integrated into the master's blood and will. Later, the spirit is getting stronger and stronger. Finally, it has its own unique spirituality. However, although it has unique spirituality, it is very loyal to its owner. So I have been fulfilling my promises for the owner. I guard the people who have the blood of the section.

But this sword is only spiritual, but it has no complete consciousness. It does not distinguish between black and white. But as a sword, it has its own personality. In addition, it also has the understanding of kendo.

The will left by the master of the sword has been fully integrated with this sword. This master should be a comprehension. And he has a good understanding of the kendo. So he left his essence of the kendo in the sword. The sword has been practicing for centuries. He cultivated the kendo of the sword itself.

Now, Qin Lang is ready to "learn" the sword. I hope to learn some of the essence of the kendo. At the same time, I understand some of the mysteries about the flying swords of the comprehension. Qin Lang once worked with a comprehension woman named Zeng Yi in Emei Mountain. I have seen the power of the self-cultivator Feijian. And Qin Lang knows that this woman is only the end of the comprehension. The masters in the realm of the realm are surely numerous.

Qin Lang knows. One day sooner or later. He will be the same as Wu Minghou. He will go to the mysterious comprehension community. So before he must understand the comprehension, the comprehension and the warrior. Although they are all practitioners, but practice The road is completely different. And the comprehensions always feel that they are superior. These people often live by the "Xianchang". The pride inside the bones cannot be concealed.

The weapon of the comprehension is mainly Feijian.

Therefore, Qin Lang feels that to understand the comprehension. It should start from Feijian.

The great thing about Qin Lang is that his mental strength is very powerful. And his mental perception is very sensitive. He can communicate with many spiritual things. Whether it is a strange animal or a Zerg. For Qin Lang, you can communicate with them. Now, Qin Lang believes that he can also communicate with this red-eyed sword.

However, when Qin Lang tried to communicate with the red-eyed sword, he immediately felt its deep hostility. It seems that this sword refused to communicate with Qin Lang. Or, this sword is afraid to communicate with Qin Lang. .

Although this sword reveals hostility, but Qin Lang is not against it. It is just a gesture of talking. And Qin Lang tells it through spiritual power. The aura of pure spirit and the blood of pure yang are all by him. Come to provide. Even Qin Lang tells this sword. He can give this sword a blood of true yang that he can't imagine. The blood of the ancient dragon.

The cock's blood of the rooster. Nature is a rare blood of pure yang. It can be used to practice or temper the ceremonial. But the blood of the rooster is good. Compared with the dragon blood, it is a world of difference.

In order to show sincerity, Qin Lang took out a drop of dragon blood that had been purified by the red lotus industry. It was bounced on the blade of the red-eyed sword.


When the dragon's blood dripped on the sword of the red-eyed sword, there was a blue smoke. Even the blue smoke had a strong aura. The sword of the red-eyed sword suddenly trembled fiercely. It’s like a traveler who has been thirsty for a few days in the desert. I suddenly saw a green oasis.

"It seems that it is exciting!"

Although this red-eyed sword does not speak, Qin Lang can feel the excitement of it at the moment.

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