Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1248: Clear world

There is a powerful force that is driving a series of things in the territory of Hirakawa.

This is Guo Guoyuan's view. Recently, a series of things have caused Guo Guoyuan to have a feeling of losing control. As the big boss of Pingchuan Province, everything should be under his control. But what happened in the past few days, he is already unable to control.

How to control?

The officials under his command broke out one after another, and all of them were things that made the people hate the people, such as dozens of real estates in a certain name, a dozen mistresses in a certain person, and some people to support underage girls... Come out, I can’t stop it. What's more, there are people behind this who are deliberately pushing this matter.

The rain is coming from the wind.

This is what Guo Guoyuan thought at this time. It’s not a good thing that the men and women are arrested one after another. According to the normal practice, Guo Guoyuan should consider the transfer, because if this matter continues, his big boss may be overtaken, and the final bomb may burst on his head.

Guo Guoyuan is a true sect of Guo. If he uses the relationship of Guo, he can still transfer to other places, but in this case, his political future may be dim, because he is transferred to other places, I am afraid It is not necessary to have a position of "one prince".

In addition, Guo Guoyuan knows that the pressure faced by Guo family has also been unprecedented. Guo has already turned a face with some big families in the Imperial City. This means that there may be a battle between the two sides before the battle. Among them, I don’t know how many people will lose their black hats and become prisoners.

However, Guo Guoyuan did not expect to be on his head so soon.

Seeing the material that suddenly appeared on the office desk, Guo Guoyuan realized that his IQ was also higher than other officials. The "selling of officials" alone is enough to let Guo Guoyuan go down from this position. What's more, Guo Guoyuan's previous crimes were also pulled out one by one. For example, he used to engage in some ghosts in the national people's livelihood project. Although savvy has been accounted for by professional accountants, the problem is still exposed. A lot of hidden things are listed one by one. He thinks that God knows that you know what I know, and almost all have been given light.

Seeing these materials in front of them, Guo Guoyuan sneered, even if there is material? When he is at this level of officials, it is not the one who wants to move. The reason why the other party handed him the materials may be a threat. For example, he wants to achieve some political or economical materials through these materials. interest.

There is also a note in the material that says a phone call.

"Sure enough," Guo Guoyuan sneered, calling the other party's mobile phone according to this phone number.

"Who are you?" Guo Guoyuan asked quietly.

The other party did not answer Guo Guoyuan’s question, but said to him: “You take the initiative to confess to Zhongji. You are finished.”

"When are you a child?" Guo Guoyuan sneered. "There are many people who threaten me in this life, but I am still sitting in this position. This is the best proof! I don't care who you are, you Small people, little punks, it is impossible to move me. If you know each other, or you can get some benefits, otherwise, you and the people around you will be in a nightmare, I promise!"

It is an official, the level of this speech is high, and even the language that threatens people is so subtle and powerful.

"Do you want people around me to have a nightmare?" The man on the phone said, "You should have not noticed that there is a yellow paper in the kraft paper. Take a closer look at the above."

Guo Guoyuan really found a separate yellow paper inside the leather file bag. When I saw the above content, Guo Guoyuan was dumbfounded!

On the yellow paper, there are several bank accounts of Guo Guoyuan overseas, including his daughter studying in Australia and information about an illegitimate child who bleeds in the UK. In addition, Guo Guoyuan’s real estate at home and abroad, even those assets that he deliberately made in other people’s accounts.

The things on this yellow paper are even clearer than Guo Guoyuan himself, because some assets, Guo Guoyuan himself can not remember. Even at this moment, he has a feeling of sorrow: "Hey, I have been an official for many years, I have so many assets."

However, Guo Guoyuan has another sigh in his heart: it turns out that all this is rich in paper. What he has is just a piece of yellow paper. When this piece of yellow paper is announced to the world, what wealth, fame, and official position will disappear with this yellow paper.

Guo Guoyuan is about to fall into the nightmare, and Guo Guoyuan apparently realized this. His tone began to soften: "What do you want?"

"Proactively confess."

"Isn't that the same as letting me go to die?" Guo Guoyuan said.

"Don't you die?" the other sneer. "I want you to confess. It gives you a chance. If you don't take this opportunity, then you will wait for the victory."

“Is it broken?” Guo Guoyuan sneered. “Are you pushing me?”

"The Ching Ming Festival is coming, everyone wants to be clear in the world. Although the real world is very difficult to see, but after cleaning up some garbage, the air will always be good for a while, you say yes."

"Do you think that you are the savior? You are just a piece of chess in the hands of others. Since it is a chess piece, it is best to understand your current situation, beware of the end of the dead rabbit cooking! Conversely, if you cooperate with me, The benefits you can get are definitely much more than you think. You also saw that there is a lot of wealth on the yellow paper. Are you not tempted at all? Conversely, if you force me to surrender, even if it is If you succeed, what substantial benefits can you get, will your superiors give you a certificate of commendation, or can you be promoted to the first level? Do you think it is interesting? What is clear in the world, when do you think this time? Really clear, if it is clear and clear, then there will not be so many souls waiting for others to convince them during the Ching Ming Festival."

"It’s a politician. It’s really a tongue lotus. Unfortunately, I am not interested in what you said, house, money, and money. You have no right to these things, but I have no interest at all. Since it is something I am not interested in, why do you think you can buy it? Well, you are going to surrender, although the world will not be clear, but Pingchuan should be able to clear it for a while."

"If I refuse?" Guo Guoyuan said.

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