Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1267: Capture out of the way

On the road of martial arts practice, Qin Lang is definitely a person who dares to break and dare to break the rules. Because this is forced by the situation, Qin Lang wants to survive in this cruel river and lake, and wants to let the degenerate poisonous sect reborn. He must dare to break the routine, otherwise he will be submerged in the stormy waves of the rivers and lakes.

Even if it is such a crazy thing, Qin Lang dare to try.

Using the magic species, using the extraterrestrial evil spirits to refine the medicinal herbs, others do not dare to do things that even dare not think, Qin Lang dare to do.

Qin Lang’s thoughts are crazy, but there is a possibility of implementation: he is going to use the magic species and magical power to demonize some beasts and turn these beasts into “Warcraft”. These beastly beasts will naturally It attracts the evil spirits of the heavens, just like fishing. Then the "fisherman" of Qinlang will force these evil spirits out of the demonized beast to use for alchemy.

It sounds incredible, but with the many weird means of Qin Lang and the wisdom of Danling's little monk, this thing seems to be really possible.

"Boss, the demonized beasts can indeed attract some evil spirits, because your beasts have the blood of the wild and beasts, which is more suitable for spiritual practice, so it is very attractive to the evil spirits. But even if you Can attract some extraterrestrial demons, how do you capture them? In addition, these extraterrestrial demons enter the demonized beasts, how do you force them out of the flesh?” Dan Ling’s young monk gave Qin Lang a series of problems.

"Don't forget, I can even deprive the martial arts and holy fetus of the Holy Feathers." Qin Lang said, "And those who have just entered the body of the demonized beast, there should be no way to follow in a short time. The body is completely harmonious, should it be easier to force it out?"

"After it is forced out? How do you capture it?" Dan Lingxiao said, "You can sense the existence of Wuhun and the Holy Feather, so you can suppress the Wuhun of others, but can you sense the existence of the evil spirits outside the heavens?" ”

"The first time I am getting back to the second time, as long as I can successfully arrest a demon in the sky, this thing will be half successful." Qin Lang smiled and seemed confident.

"But if you catch the failure?" Dan Ling's little monk asked.

"The big deal is to lose another finger." Qin Lang said, "I will cut another one, and there are still eight fingers, and I can't die."

"Boss, I think your current state of mind is very dangerous. Your current practice is like the old saying - you are doing this." Dan Ling's little monk is still not optimistic about Qin Lang.

"Little guy, you have a lot of nonsense. If Laozi is covered now, I don't want to take a dangerous road, but the key is not that nobody covers it, and now it is calm on the surface. In fact, I can feel the crisis is approaching. This is not a good sign." Qin Lang now has a feeling of being in danger.

"Since the boss said so, let's try it." Dan Ling's little monk said, "The magical beast, this process is very easy, I believe that you must have a way. But after the magic, how to use it to arrest What about the evil spirits?"

"After those evil spirits have entered the body of the beast, we will start again. The first arrest, can not be too hasty." Qin Langdao.

"How do you prevent yourself from being invaded by demons?"

"I still continue to pretend to die." This is the only way Qin Lang thinks, but fortunately he is very good at pretending to die.

"That's a try." Dan Ling's little monk said, "However, you can't try it in a crowded place."

"That is natural." Qin Lang nodded, and then could not help but ask, "should be able to attract the evil spirits?"

The reason why Qin Lang is not emboldened is that he always regards the evil spirits as ET. He always feels that it is a bizarre thing to arrest the aliens. This is probably related to the science fiction knowledge he has been exposed to since childhood. However, according to Dan Ling’s little monk, most aliens are not deformed people with thin necks and small hands and feet, but creatures that exist in spirit and soul, because only spiritual travel can surpass the speed of light. Break the limits of time and space. The travel of the flesh by spacecraft seems to have a bright future. In fact, the feasibility is very poor, because we want to reach Mars, which is very close, it takes about half a year, and it takes up to several dozens to fly out of the solar system. Years of time. As for the navigation across the galaxy, the time required for it is in the "100 million years" unit. Therefore, for many living bodies, the flesh is a shackle, and only the spirit and soul are unrestricted. Three days."

The so-called extraterrestrial demon is the living body that is not imprisoned by the flesh. Whether these things exist or not, Qin Lang still dare not say it now, but according to the Danling monk, these extraterrestrial demons exist and always exist, just let them Inspired by the existence of magic and magic, these demons will flock.

Qin Lang went to the outskirts of Anrong City overnight and began his plan to arrest the evil spirits in a dark and empty place.

First of all, Qin Lang used a small finger in the poisonous pouch to demonize a dragon turtle. This process is very simple and very smooth, because the magic infection is very rapid. After being demonized, the dragon turtle quickly became very tyrannical and became very embarrassed. The dragon turtle's body shape became at least double after a while, and the bone spur on the tortoise shell on the back turned out to be as sharp as a blade. The tail became like a steel whip, the teeth were sharper and sharper, and the two eyes turned into a bloodthirsty red.

Hey! Hey! ~

This dragon turtle even gave off a horrible snoring. After being demonized by magic, this dragon turtle is completely like a genetic mutation!

Perhaps, perhaps magic is a substance that can cause genetic variation, Qin Lang thinks so.

Once the dragon tortoise was demonized, it no longer served as a master of Qin Lang, and was directly prepared to launch an attack on Qin Lang. However, Qin Lang had already prepared, and had already banned its limbs and tail with hernia, so that it could not move.

At this moment, Qin Lang did not have any movements. He was like a daddy, and the old wood was dormant. The whole body was surrounded by strong air and death. His spirit and aura were completely integrated with the darkness. At this time, Qin Lang became a complete one. dead.

Qin Lang is doing this, waiting for the advent of the evil spirits outside the heavens. According to the understanding of Danling's little monk, these extraterrestrial demons are very sensitive to the magical power, just like the flies feel the big feces. Once these evil spirits sense the demonized creatures, they will swarm and become the host. .

At this time, these extraterrestrial demons not only compete faster, but also who has the strongest strength, because a demonized body can only carry a demon. Otherwise, it will become a "schizophrenic" patient.

Qin Lang waited quietly, waiting for the evil spirits outside the sky - the mysterious ET appeared, no, it should be the advent, because most of the extraterrestrial demon should not see the entity, but the demon that can appear in the entity, often There is no need to rob the flesh.

Finally, Qin Lang’s spiritual power sensed the advent of the evil spirits outside the heavens. It is definitely a horrible scene that is difficult to describe!

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