Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1283: Letter to me

When Qin Lang returned to Pingchuan Province, he learned that the fighting between the two sides had begun. He was slightly pleased that the Qingcheng School and Fang Hongyue did not disappoint him. With these two strong support, the poison sect this time. The loss should not be great.

After getting off the plane, Qin Lang borrowed a military vehicle and rushed to the battlefields of both sides.

When Qin Lang rushed over, it meant that the battle was coming to an end.

Because the other person's people have begun to retreat, probably know that Qin Lang has returned.

According to these people's plans, the battle should be completely ended before Qin Lang returns. The poisonous sects will be completely cleared, but these people did not expect the Qingcheng faction and the six doors to come to drowning, plus these two The power of the stock, especially after the addition of six door catchers, became complicated. It is obvious that these people do not want to be enemies with the six doors.

When Qin Lang rushed to the battlefield, he only killed a few small shrimps that could not escape. Most of the other people had retreated. After all, they are all masters of kungfu. They are all coming to the wind. The retreat is naturally very fast.

After the end of the war, Qin first thanked the Qingcheng School and Fang Hongyue and others for their support. Although this poisonous sect was somewhat damaged, it was not hurt, and the personnel were injured a lot, but not many people actually died. This should be attributed to the Qingcheng School and Fang Hongyu, so Qin Lang intends to thank the two parties.

Of course, the first is to treat the injured. Fortunately, Qin Lang does not lack the elixir now. As long as there is a wounded person, it can basically save his life. Even those who have broken their hands, as long as they are broken hands and feet can find Back, Qin Lang also has a way to re-surgery.

For people in the rivers and lakes, it is not a miracle to have a surgical limb, because there are even meat-bone bones and medicines that come back to life. However, after all, it is a legend. The limbs are only the scope of modern medicine. However, the surgical instruments and procedures required for the limbs are relatively cumbersome, and there is absolutely no such thing as Qin Lang. Qin Lang gave people a quick limb, and soon sutured and fixed it, and then healed the wound with the elixir. The limbs of these people will soon recover.

However, all the injured people, Qin Lang gave a few Ling Dan, which is a reward for their efforts for the poison. However, for those who have already died, there is no ability to return to life. For these people, only enough comfort and pension can be given to the family.

The efficiency of Qin Lang's aftermath is very good. Even the people in the water mirror can't help but sigh: "Mr. Qin is really generous to the door of the poison sect. It seems that these spirits don't cost money. Unfortunately, my arm was completely destroyed, otherwise I I have to ask Qin Zongzhu to pick it up."

"In fact, it doesn't matter. Next time you pick up an arm you like, I am responsible for picking it up." Qin Lang said to the water mirror.

"Does this work?" The water mirror people seem to disbelieve.

"Of course it is ok." Qin Lang said, "Yes, today you should pick up some people's arms, pick a good one, I will pick you up."

This time, the water mirror people have helped Qin Lang to be very busy. Qin Lang naturally wants to give the water mirror a "welfare." As for revenge, Qin Lang is not anxious because he almost guessed who the enemy is.

It is more troublesome to pick up an arm for the water mirror, because after all, it is not your own arm, it is difficult to be compatible with each other, but since Qin Lang opened his mouth, naturally there is his way. Whether it is someone else's body or an organ, it will repel the patient's body. This kind of imagination is called "rejection phenomenon". Whether it is surgery of the body or the limb, it may cause rejection. The phenomenon of rejection is the "killing" of the patient's own immune function to the external organs. This is actually the patient's own immunity to treat the transplanted organ as an "enemy".

For the basic knowledge of medicine, Qin Lang naturally knows, but Qin Lang not only has the elixir, but also the dragon vein. You can use the aura of the dragon vein to wash the water and the injured place and limbs, and carefully refine it with the red lotus fire. So that the toxins and impurities in this arm are completely refining, and then Qin Lang re-injects the vitality of the dragon vein. This anger gradually penetrates the meridians of the arms and the body. Qin Lang uses the vitality of the dragon vein to forcibly connect this arm and water mirror. The body of the Taoist.

Of course, this process requires a lot of Qin Yuan, and it takes a lot of elixir. However, Qin Lang is doing this to show an attitude. He wants everyone else to know that people who are in the same camp as the poison can Get enough benefits; on the contrary, if you are enemies with the poison, you will encounter a brutal blow.

The water mirrored the human arm was connected, which made the water mirror people and the Qingcheng faction greatly amazed. Qin Lang was able to do this, not only showing that he has a lot of panacea, but also showed superb Medical skills. Also, Qin Lang never reneged on the words and said that to give the benefits of the water mirror real person and the Qingcheng faction, it is absolutely unambiguous.

After this battle, the poison Zongmen only lost dozens of people, because the Qingcheng faction and Fang Hongyue joined, making the other party's plan completely ruined. What's more, the Qingcheng School invited many rivers and lakes to help each other. The Qingcheng School is a martial art of the thousand-year-old industry in Pingchuan Province. Naturally, there are many friends. This time, the Qingcheng School invited to help out, which made the poison The pressure on the Zongmen people has been reduced a lot. In addition, it is the reason of Fang Hongyue. Fang Hongyue is the arrest of six doors. There are six doors behind it, so the other party has to scruple her identity, which will inevitably be impossible to open.

If it is not because of the change of Qingcheng School and Fang Hongyue, perhaps this time the poison Zongmen people may be suffering from the loss, and may even be badly hurt. When Qin Lang rushed back to Pingchuan, I am afraid I could only collect the corpse for my own doorman.

It can be seen that the other party's plan to adjust the tiger from the mountain is really vicious, and it is extremely vicious, and it is almost successful. However, the gas transportation of Qin Lang and the poison sect is obviously not so easy to be shaken. This time, the crisis facing the poison sect is finally passed. Next, it is time for Qin Lang to retaliate.

"The people of the Emeis are really damn!"

When the water mirrored people tried to move their newly-connected arms, they encouraged Qin Lang to start the Emei school. "The Emei-style squad is also the same river and lake in Pingchuan, and it does not help to maintain the rivers and lakes in Pingchuan." It’s **** to fall into the water!”

"Yes, this time even the heads of the Emei people have personally shot, it is just looking for death!" Tang San said in a hate. The people in Tangmen have killed more than a dozen today. It is no wonder that Tang San’s heart is not good.

"You don't have to say it, I will go to the trouble of the Emei School." Qin Lang said, "However, let's put our people in the first place. I will definitely check with them carefully."

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