Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1297: Rumor of the devil

Qin Lang "closed" in the underground base for half a month.

From the underground base, Qin Lang realized this.

After going home for a bath and changing clothes, Qin Lang went to the base of the China Killer Group and planned to take care of the poison.

Of course, there is nothing big about the poison, otherwise it has already received news.

Since the last time the sect, the Guo family, and the Emei team failed to deal with the poisonous sect, the rivers and lakes in Pingchuan province should have been calm and calm for a while, but the Emei sect was suddenly ravaged by the "devil", but many people People began to feel uneasy.

Even inside the poison sect, I began to talk about some rumors of the "devil".

At this moment, Tang San and Lu Qingshan and Zhao Wei are talking about this matter with great interest.

"My grass! Devil's head? What ages are there, really there is a demon head?" Zhao said while playing with the power with a coin, "Do you have a hatred with the devil? Why is the devil? Is it going to find the trouble of '蜀山'? Isn't it, Nima's devils are not all things in the realm of comprehension, do we have birds to do with them?"

"So let you usually go to pick up the girl, add more knowledge of the rivers and lakes!" Tang Sanxiao said, "The martial arts of the rivers and lakes, there are also the devil's devil. Once these people become enchanted, they become the devil's head, and they are repaired. It will advance by leaps and bounds, but it will become cold and bloodthirsty, and eventually become a public enemy of the martial arts and be killed by the crowd."

"Into the devil, can really be repaired into a realm of rapid development?" Zhao said with a heart and soul, "Then I need to enter the devil, it is too much need. The devil is simply a living Lei Feng, can make my realm leaps and bounds, and does not need Diligent and hardworking, how good is that you say? Where is the devil, let me see and see."

"Do you guys really die? Do you know what the devil is?" Lu Qingshan said with a sigh of relief. "Once you are enchanted, your consciousness and memory may be erased by the devil, and you will change." Into another person, the equivalent of your body is occupied by the devil, your woman can only sleep for the devil, do you still think the devil is good?"

Listening to Lu Qingshan’s explanation, Zhao Wei finally knew the power of the devil, and said with a blank face: “No, what is the devil?”

"If the devil is not guilty, this time the Emeis will not lose so many people." Tang Sandao, "However, the Emeis are also alive and unlucky, who let them collude with the sects, smash our knives in the back! It is really dead." --Qin Lang, why don't you talk?"

"There is nothing to say, the devil is me." Qin Lang said calmly.


The three men stared at Qin Lang indiscriminately, and their faces were full of horror and horror.

"What is this worth making a fuss about?" Qin Lang looked at the three people inexplicably. "I did it as a worm, Tang San should know that the worm is another identity of mine."

"What, really you?" There was no news from the horror on Tang San's face. "I said Qin Lang, you are too bullish. You will kill Lushan alone, hey, kill the Emei pie, you also It’s too fierce! However, I heard that this time the Emei School lost two masters of the Wusheng level. Are you doing it?”

"I did one, hurt one, and one ran." Qin Lang said, "It is not very difficult to defeat the saints. However, this time I met a Golden Age in the Emei School. The comprehensioner was almost suppressed by him."

"Golden Dan comprehension?" Tang Sandao, "That is a powerful role in the realm of cultivation, can you actually run back?"

"I am lucky to escape a robbery." Qin Lang said, "Golden monk, it really is very powerful. However, that guy should not easily leave Emeishan, do not care about him, or think about the situation of the poisonous sect now. I I thought that this time I could kill all the people of the Emei School, but I didn’t expect to encounter such a powerful Jindan period comprehension in the Emei School. So it seems that the Emei people can’t kill it for a while, and can only continue to poison. The plan for the next step."

"The next step? What plans do you have next?" Tang asked.

"The black road in Pingchuan Province is completely under our control. The next step is to integrate and clean up other black roads in China. This time, although the Emei School has not been completely cleaned up, they have been badly hurt. I am afraid that I will never have the guts to do the right thing against us. It is impossible for the Emperor and Guo to launch a second large-scale attack in the short term. Therefore, the situation of the rivers and lakes in Pingchuan Province has stabilized, and it is time to expand our forces. Wherein the two-way plan is made by the singapore. The pattern of rivers and lakes also changes the atmosphere and situation of society.

Black. It exists in any age and in any country, just like any other place, any era will have a lawless person. Moreover, Hei Dao is the “river and lake force” that has the greatest impact on ordinary people. Although they are the lowest level of the Tonghu Tower in the rivers and lakes, they have the greatest impact on the people and society because they are deeply rooted in the ordinary people.

Nowadays, the forces of the Black Road are becoming more and more mad, and the damage and adverse effects caused to this society are also growing. Moreover, the current black powers are closely related to some white people, and the black and white collusion not only causes more damage and adverse effects, but these black powers are hard to be hit under the protection of "protective umbrellas". Therefore, it is not the violent institution of the country that is really capable of hitting these bad black and powerful forces, but the forces from the rivers and lakes. It is not because the state's violent institutions do not have the strength, but because there are too many umbrellas and have not yet launched a blow. These black and powerful forces have already got the news. It is only a few small flaws that have not been backed up.

I think about Wolongtang, which was under the control of Ye Family, and has been in the province of Hirakawa for decades. Who can attack the military and police system in Hirakawa?

Nowadays, Qin Lang’s plan is not to completely annihilate these black powers, but to control and compile them, because the black power cannot disappear completely, and it can only be transferred from one person to another. To put it bluntly, the current Chinese black. Road is just a "tool".

Since it is only a tool, it does not talk about the distinction between good and evil. Just like the same knife, in the hands of good people, this knife can be used to cut wood, hunt, etc.; in the hands of the wicked, it may become Become a weapon of robbery and slashing.

In the hands of the righteous justice, even the weapon will only be used to benefit the society; in the hands of the wicked, even good things will be used to harm others.

Now, Qin Lang is trying to completely control this "tool" in the hands of the poison sect, so that those who are guilty of speculation will have no tools to use.

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