Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1301: Magic stone and devil

Closed the seam, Qin Lang did not immediately leave the Duron Peninsula, but here to study the use of the magic stone.

Dan Ling’s little monk looked at Qin Lang and played with the magic stone. It seemed that even he didn’t want to be close to this evil thing. It told Qin Lang: “Boss, you should be careful when playing this thing, beware of self-immolation.”

"Let's fart! Laozi has already lowered the magic species, but also worried about what this thing is doing." Qin Lang said.

"Boss, it's not as simple as you think. Although you have surrendered the magic species, it is based on the strength of your power than the magic, and if the strength of the magic is in turn stronger than you, how can you downgrade it?" "Dan Lingxiao's monk said, "Your magic species has no parasitic magic head, but its magic can still affect you. Don't forget that in the Emei Mountain, although you have gained strength after the enchantment, your temperament is also devilish. It’s affected, isn’t it?”

"Well, it seems that there is such a thing." Qin Lang nodded and said, constantly playing this piece of magic stone, "That as you say, how should I use this magic stone? Get the magic stone, not just to train And what about the big devil?"

"Strengthen the magic species, of course, can improve your strength, but first of all, you must find a way to control the magic species. I mean, 100% control the magic species. Boss, although you turned this magic species into the original magic species, But you still don't have 100% control over it."

"Speak words! Give a practical approach."

"Boss, I have no practical way to let you control the magic species 100%." ​​Dan Ling Xiaozha said, "The magic species is part of your body, only you know how to control it 100%."

"I know a fart!" Qin Lang snorted. "I know if this magical species is not obedient, I will use poison to poison, use the fire to burn it!"

"Boss, this is not a way to treat the magic species violently. You should find a way to communicate with the magic species. Only after communication and understanding can you control it 100%." ​​Danling little monk is more like a cautious dog head. The military division.

I have to say that the Danling little monk, the dog-headed division, is still competent. The suggestions made are quite reliable. Qin Lang really needs to "deep communication" with the magic, let this thing be better for himself. .

The magical species in Qin Lang has been refining the original demon species by Qin Lang. There is no parasitic magic head inside, but it is magical. The so-called devil is bloodthirsty, brutal, greedy, and leaps and bounds...

However, in Qin Lang's view, the current magic species is only one of his exercises and a move. As long as he can control, there is no such thing as good or evil. It’s just that Danling’s little monk is right. This kind of demon has always grown up. If there is no communication between the two sides, then one day, Qin Lang will have no way to master this kind of magic, or he may be given the magic of this kind of magic. Controlled. At that time, Qin Lang was really a devil.

But how can we blend with the magic?

This requires a commonality between Qin Lang and the magic species. Only when there is commonality can there be "communication" in order to have a deep understanding, but Qin Lang itself is not cruel and bloodthirsty. It seems that there is nothing in common with the magic of the magic species. This made him a bit puzzled.

"Boss, think about it, in fact, everyone has a hint of magic, so there is a saying that 'the heart is difficult to get rid of.' Even if it is a sanctified figure, it may not be able to completely eliminate the demons." Dan The young monk said in a serious way.

"Oh... it makes sense." Qin Lang nodded slowly, and then fell into a meditation.

After a while, Qin Lang opened his eyes and said: "I have communicated successfully with the magic species."

Later, Qin Lang took out a piece of magic stone, and suddenly the strong and violent magic gas was released. The Danling little monk hurried back to its body, obviously not wanting to get a trace of magic.

These magical spirits continually linger around the body of Qin Lang, and then Qin Lang cast a dragon and smashed the seventy-eight large dantians of the whole body, violently inhaling all these magical spirits into the body.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! ~

Among the bodies of Qin Lang, one after another, Dan Tian made a series of "explosions", but his size Dan Tian did not explode, but was provoked to the extreme because of the violent magic.

At this time, the magical species in Qin Lang’s body “woke up”. It temporarily became the 79th size of Dantian, and let the rest of the size of Dantian focus on it, and constantly absorbed the magical power into the magic species, and then Then the magic species is provided to Qin Lang's body and Wuhun.

This is the benefit of communication.

Before Qin Lang absorbed the magic, these magical powers will be completely absorbed by the magic species, although the magic species can also provide power for Qin Lang, but the magic species is "selfish", it will only use the magic to strengthen itself, not willing to help Qin Lang has grown his body and martial arts. However, after Qin Lang and its communication, this magical species has truly become a part of Qin Lang's body. It began to provide benefits for Qin Lang's body, using magic to change and enhance Qin Lang's physique, and at the same time to strengthen Qin Lang's martial arts.

Qin Lang's body is constantly growing and strengthening, but it is completely different from the previous "magic" state. The previous "magic" state gives Qin Lang a feeling of violent, possibly out of control, and magical. Let people know that the demon head appeared at a glance; now, although Qin Lang’s body is also very strong, it is not the kind of violent uncontrollable strength, but a powerful one from himself, completely controllable –

Holy Devil!

In the mind of Qin Lang, such a word suddenly emerged. In fact, it is not a word that comes out without warning. This should be left by the memory fragments of vain.

The so-called "Sacred Devil" is the powerful existence of the inner path of the demon and the outer devil. This devil is the existence of a very high state of mind, indicating that it can completely control the devil, completely "one thought into a demon, one Year of the Buddha."

Although Qin Lang did not completely accomplish the cultivation of "one thought into a demon, one thought into a Buddha", but it is certain that Qin Lang has touched the threshold of the holy demon and realized some of the key points.

At this time, the magic stone of the magic stone is still instilled into the body of Qin Lang, Qin Lang's body and martial arts are constantly growing, but his body around, but there is no magic overflow.

I have to say that this magic stone is really a good thing, just this magic stone, Qin Lang feels that the place that was injured by the Jindan monk last time has been completely repaired, even the Wuhun is completely restored, and there is still more than before. Passed it.

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