Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1318: Deep sea voyage

Qin Lang left the Longchao base and everyone has their own things to do. The Dragon Snake Force is managed by Wu Caiyun and Dai Ding, and the elixir provided by Qin Lang is enough. As for the rest, Qin Lang is not required to intervene, because the Dragon Snake Force also needs its own room for growth. As the guardian of the Dragon Snake Force, Qin Lang will only take the shot when the Dragon Snake Force encounters a real crisis. This is not a shelf, but to make the Dragon Snake Force develop better.

After Wu Minghou left, the sounds and momentum of the Dragon Snakes have been weakened to varying degrees. To truly establish the prestige, Wu Caiyun needs to lead the Dragon Snakes to do something. The sword is a good way to do it. But this is Wu Caiyun's business, and it is about her own glory. If Qin Lang rushed into the hand, it would not be beautiful.

For Qin Lang, the most important thing is to use the "dark sword" of the poison.

The existence of Qin Lang and the poison sect is to smooth the obstacles for the Dragon Snakes and exert the effect of the "dark sword", so that the Dragon Snake Force and Wu Caiyun have no worries.

But in fact, the worries of the Dragon Snakes still exist. For example, Liu’s staff are purely wasteful of food and people who have nothing to look for. These people appear in the military system and only affect the efficiency of the troops. However, people like Liu’s staff are “essential” because some forces need such idiots as Liu’s staff to do things for them and even become their ghosts.

Darkness and filth still exist, and Qin Lang needs to speed up the cleanup of these filth.

In addition, Qin Lang appears to have obtained the seal of hell. For Qin Lang, this is a very unexpected gain. Although he does not know the specific benefits of this **** seal, it is no exaggeration to say that this thing is indeed the treasure of Qin Lang, Qin Lang. Just find the way to open this mysterious treasure.

In order to clarify this "mysterious treasure", Qin Lang decided not to rush to return to Pingchuan Province, but to the East China Sea. Qin Lang wants to study the seal of hell. Naturally, it is necessary to take certain risks. This kind of risk must be carried out on the island. Even if there is a problem, it will only harm a small island. If it is in the Mainland, this situation can be troublesome. The situation in Balaam, Qin Lang will not forget.

There are also many desert islands in the South China Sea, but now that the country is investigating the disappearance of the seal of hell, Qin Lang does not want to be the target of their tracking. Going to the East China Sea, this is a pretty good choice.

There is a "biochemical submarine" like a dragon turtle. Qin Lang sails in the ocean, and it is just like a duck.

The dragon tortoise slowly sailed in the water for a kilometer. Qinlang plate sat on the back of the dragon tortoise, and was very free to draw the spirit and aura from the sea. For Qin Lang, this is also a kind of practice, very quiet in the deep sea, which allows him to comprehend something that has been neglected before.

Qin Lang’s spiritual strength extends far away, and the movements of the fish around him are all in his control. No water fluctuations can escape his mental power.

The ocean is an unknown world, and because of the unknown, it may be full of danger. Even with the strength of Qin Lang, I dare not take it lightly.

However, Qin Lang never expected that in this deep sea, he actually met a person!

A naked. Male, and still a nuo-like male!

When Qin Lang sensed the abnormal water flow fluctuations around, the old madman appeared in the front ten minutes of Qin Lang. The old guy is really naked, his hair and beard are messy, but the spirit of this guy is very good. There is no old-fashioned look.

The old madman’s gaze fell on the dragon turtle under Qin Lang. It seems that he is very interested in this dragon turtle: “The kid, the turtle you are riding is very good. It seems to have the blood of the ancient dragon. Could it be the dragon nine? The descendants of the sons of the children? I really can’t think of it. In this era, there are still wild animals with wild blood and blood, great! Great!”

"Old man, you stopped my way, just to see my turtle?" If you don't know that this old madman is not irritating, Qin Lang may have already opened him. This sudden appearance of the old madman, in Qin Lang's view is definitely a very simple person.

"Oh... good things, it’s a good thing to have this thing to ride. It’s a pity that following this kid, it’s just a matter of succumbing. If this thing is followed by my old man’s practice, it will definitely become a demon or even a shape. It’s ok for everyone...” The old madman looked at the dragon turtle and said to himself, it seems to be very interested in this dragon turtle.

"Old man, this turtle is mine, you are blocking my way, it should not be very polite." Qin Lang said calmly.

"Yeah, this thing is your kid." The old madman scratched his head. "The kid, have no interest in my cave, talk to you about something."

“Dongfu?” Qin Lang said, “You live on the sea floor?”

"Of course." The old madman said, "How much fun do you live in the sea, how easy you are to play. Don't talk nonsense, come with me, the old man's Dongfu, for a long time no guests have come."

This old madman doesn't look like a wicked person. Although Qin Lang feels that this old madman is a little weird, it is not a wise choice to reject his invitation at the moment. He has to do it and watch it.

The old monster's Dongfu is not far from here, just in a pile of seabed rocks a few nautical miles away.

The old monster opened a hole in the rock at the bottom of the water, and there was a winding path on the rock leading to the cave.

At the entrance to Dongfu, there are two huge clam shells, very huge, and the clam shells are 1.5 meters long. When the old monster arrives, the two clam shells are naturally opened, and two are displayed inside. The huge beads, the blue light inside the beads, will make this cave house look like the fairy house.

"This should be what?"

Qin Lang stared at the two huge clam shells. This huge shellfish should be a rumor, and it is said that a clam shell is like an ancient wheel.

"Yes, it is also an ancient alien, and it is hard to find such a pair." The old madman nodded. "Well, your kid is still a bit of a vision."

Said, the old madman waved his hand and suddenly appeared on the rock.

It's just a cave. It's not the kind of fairy house that I imagined. It's just some simple furnishings. The only thing that is special is that there is no sea water here. It is probably using the array method to separate the sea water outside the Dongfu.

It's a normal cave. It's just that there are some grasses planted in this cave, which makes the aura here more abundant, and it is a good place to practice.

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