Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1321: Open seal

"Where is the place weird?" Qin Lang puzzled.

"The strength of the heavens and the earth is weak, the weaker the power of time and space, the weaker the world's barriers are, so the world is the easiest to penetrate other worlds. Perhaps your seal of **** is through another world. Similar to comprehension. The big world like the world is certainly quite different from the real world.” Li Laotou gave his explanation. In the case that he is not crazy, the old man’s thinking and organization are quite clear.

"My brother is right, it should be like this." Qin Lang said, "I am going to find a desert island to study this seal anyway. By the way, see if it is good for my practice."

"Brother, in fact, you want to improve the cultivation of the realm is very simple, my brother is here to help you, you can completely abandon Wu Xiuzhen, I promise that you will be able to form Jindan in a few years, to become Jindan Avenue, and then you will be free I am free. And, with your talent, it will be fine if you become a Yuan Ying..."

"Brother, I haven't planned to abandon Wu Xiu really." Qin Lang said, "In any case, let's go find a place and study this seal."

"Just in my Dongfu."

"That can't be done. If a brother's Dongfu is broken, don't you have to spend time rebuilding it." Qin Lang insisted not to destroy it here.

"Then I will protect you." Li Laotou still loves Qinlang this brother very much.

Soon, the two found a desert island.

Qin Lang prepared to study this **** seal alone, so let Li Laotou ride the dragon turtle to play in the nearby sea.

Subsequently, Qin Lang began to “activate” the seal of the **** in the palm of his hand. When Qin Lang injected a lot of bright spiritual power into it, the seal was like “live”, constantly increasing, and then appeared above the top of Qinlang, forming a The mysterious light of nearly 100 meters in diameter, the pattern formed by this light is constantly changing, releasing some mysterious power.

The upper and lower sides of the seal aperture seem to penetrate different worlds. The key now is how to guide the power of another world.

Qin Lang injected the power of light into the seal while using the second spiritual world to promote the method of launching this seal.

Finally, Qin Lang seems to have captured some key things. He combines his spiritual strength with the power released by this seal, feels the direction of the power flow of this seal, and then he let his mental power "going upstream", affecting The operation of this seal.

Hey! ~

Somewhere in this seal, it seems that the sound of "opening the door" sounded, and then Qin Lang saw a black "empty hole" in the seal light map, as if this piece of light suddenly disappeared. This black hole is not big, and the diameter is not even one meter. However, through this "empty hole", there is a strong land of **** released from it.

This kind of **** power may be a kind of vitality, but in the shadow force and the population of the country, the power of **** is called "mysterious radiation". No matter what kind of name, in the end, this **** seal can bring unimaginable power. Whether it is "energy" or "radiation", it is ultimately synonymous with "power."

"Fish Dragon! Fighting the mountains and rivers!"

Qin Lang shouted and launched the dragon and decided to completely inhale the heterogeneous energy released from this **** seal.

Seventy-eight large and small sized dantians, full of firepower, and the dragons of the fish show a horrifying ability to swallow, and these elements are almost inhaled by Qin Lang in the body and various sizes of Dantian.

Hell's vitality, this is an extremely violent temperament, just like magic, can make people fall into a state of madness and even madness, but those who fall into this state, the body potential will also be stimulated, in a "mad" state The power is multiplied.

Yes, it is most appropriate to use "crazy" to describe the impact of the land of hell. The biggest characteristic of these hells is "crazy". This kind of madness is purely caused by the soaring power. Just like an ordinary person, the body suddenly has the power of shackles. This kind of power is beyond his control, so it will inevitably Bringing a strong desire to destroy, once power is out of control, it will only bring destruction. This is undoubted.

However, there is also a difference between **** and magic: the magic gas may give birth to the devil to dominate its body, but the **** is not, the **** will only affect the human body through the "gene mutation", become like a monster. The presence.

Enthusiasm, huge vitality, constantly injected into the body of Qin Lang.

Around the body of Qin Lang, it is still the light of light and sacred light, and inside his body, the red lotus fire has begun to burn, because only the red lotus fire can get rid of these "frenzy factors" in the hell, Honglian The fire is from hell, but it can absorb and restrain the spirit of hell.

Qin Lang got the strength from the world of hell. His body was full of powerful power, and even the soul of Qin Lang began to become stronger. The martial arts of Qin Lang did not continue to grow bigger, still the height of the eight feet, but it was more solid, just like a real statue -

The statue of black iron is cast!

The martial arts of Qin Lang became more and more solid, so that the metal texture of this "black iron" was produced. The reason why it eventually turned black was probably related to the dark reincarnation thoughts of Qin Lang’s practice. Although his thoughts on the dark reincarnation of the heavens can also be disguised as the idea of ​​a bright bodhisattva, it is only a disguise, and darkness is his heart. This is not ruled out by Qin Lang himself.

Those who use the power of light may not necessarily be the people of righteousness; on the contrary, those who use the power of darkness may not be the most wicked.

Like the martial arts cast by black iron, but the mask of this martial art is holy silver white.

The silver mask completely covers the face of this martial art, and does not see whether it is a **** or a devil. Generally speaking, the martial arts of many warriors will have some relations with the gods, such as the martial arts of the Buddha, the image of the martial arts is often similar to the statues of Buddha and Bodhisattva; the martial artists of Taoism are often the statues of Taoist gods; The person is the devil of the evil spirits. The martial arts of Qin Lang, but can not see the true content, just a silver-white mask, this may mean that Qin Lang itself has no fear of the gods, but no heart.

But in any case, Qin Lang's Wuhun is already unprecedentedly powerful, and even vaguely shows signs of further metamorphosis. The Wuhun is further transformed, that is, it reaches the realm of Wusheng and forms a holy fetus.

If you are a holy child, you can enter the realm of extraordinary sanctification.

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