Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1340: Advocate of faith

The two did not go to the hotel, but went to the river.

The summer riverside is very lively, and there are still many people on the riverside barbecue, night swimming, playing and laughter constantly ringing.

Qin Lang and Ren Mei walked together, but they also felt very comfortable.

Subsequently, Qin Lang’s cell phone rang.

This call was made by Tufan Gu, who went to Qinlang for public relations. He is preparing to give Qin Lang a higher position in Tantric.

Qin Lang was originally the guardian of the sect of the ancestors, but this position is not high, at least not the top level of the Tantric, so there is not much voice.

Now, the Tufan master is going to give Qin Lang a higher "point", one that makes Xianzong have to be somewhat jealous of "points." Of course, in return, Qin Lang is going to give Tufan a lot of benefits, even to give Tanzan many benefits.

In a sense, this is equivalent to the current student spending money to "buy a diploma", and some businessmen "buy an official".

Tuyu’s tone is very happy. It seems that there is good news to tell Qin Lang, but it is actually true: “Mr. Qin, I have spent a lot of effort, and finally got a good identity for you – the prison guard This is one of the secret guards of our Tantrics! How is this identity satisfied?"

"Yes, very good." Qin Lang was very satisfied.

Qin Lang does not know how much value this "prison guardian King Kong" has, but the performance of Tufan Gus is still very satisfied with him. This "identity" may not be worth much, but at least with this identity, it is impossible for Tantric people. Cooperate with Xianzong to deal with him. How strong is the true strength of Tantric, Qin Lang can not be estimated now, but the two secrets have been fighting for so many years, perhaps it should be quite equal, Qin Lang is now with the Xianzong, but do not want to conflict with Tantric.

Yeah, the prison guardian of the King Kong, what is it to do, as long as the Tufan Master has done this, give him enough Ling Dan, who makes Qin Lang is now an enemy everywhere.

"Mr. Qin, this prisoner of protection is really good. When we are in the scope of our Tantrics, you will know the importance of this position. In addition, because you became the prisoner of the Tantrics, the Tantric has sent people out. Deal with the people of Xianzong, and let them not interfere with your actions, so as not to cause a battle between the two secrets."

"I am afraid that the negotiations are no longer useful." Qin Lang smiled. "They have already come to me for trouble, but I was defeated."

Qin Lang gave a general comment on what happened on the train.

"What! Mr. Qin, have you actually repelled the joint suppression of the four saints and the six martial arts?" Although the Tufan master did not practice martial arts, he was still very clear about the martial arts realm, not to mention the old guy’s Spirituality is not bad, he certainly knows what the Holy One means, and what the four Saints are joining together means.

In these years, there have been many frictions between the two secrets, but there is an agreement between the two sides: no strong martial arts. This agreement is to prevent the intervention of Wu Sheng master, causing tragic consequences.

After all, although there are some disputes between the two secretaries, they are all disputes in the doctrine, plus some wishful wishes, but both sides are still under the banner of the word "Buddha", so even if there are disputes, they must control the disputes. The extent and scope of the. Once there is a master of the Wu Sheng class, the battle can sometimes be out of control.

This is why Qin Lang has blocked four Wu Sheng joints and six martial arts. This is simply a shock. For Tufan Gu, the new content he seems to see from this news, he smiled and responded: "Great! Mr. Qin, it seems that you as the guardian of our Tantrics, the King Kong, is really It’s so good, I believe that the Sovereign and the Elders will have a feeling for this news.”

Qin Lang did not ask what the Tufan master was interested in, but he had already heard it. The Tufan master was really interested, so that he even forgot to ask Qin Lang for the benefits and benefits.

"Mr. Qin, this news is very important to me. I want to report it to the lord immediately, or we will need Mr. Qin's friendship very much when we come to Tantra." Tufan's guru quickly hang up the phone and seems to be eager to get the news. Pass to someone.

Tufan’s master is also a different kind of Tantric. This person only cultivates spiritual strength, but does not practice Kung Fu. However, in Tantric, it is mixed with the wind, especially in the Tibetan Autonomous Region. It exists as if it were a "spirit." In the eyes of many ordinary people, worshipping God or faith is a very unbelievable thing. This is because today's Han people have eliminated their beliefs, but for other peoples, faith is part of life and even life, even in Western countries.

If anyone masters the belief, then he is equal to mastering a number of free thugs, which is equivalent to mastering a group of fat sheep, and even equals a lot of rights. The rights brought by faith, but no one can ignore its existence. The right to believe is the so-called "theocratic power". In this world, there have been many stories in which the theocratic rights transcend the monarchy and constitutionalism.

In short, the figure of Guru is a super "god stick". Although this guy won't work hard, he can enter the upper level of Tantric and influence the decision of the top of the Tantric. This is enough to prove that this person is capable. .

On the surface, the sphere of influence of Tantrics is only in the most difficult and remote Tibetan areas and autonomous prefectures in China, while the forces of the sects are spread over many rich areas of China, so according to the normal thinking of many people, the power of the sects should be better than Tantra is bigger and wealth should be richer than Tantric. However, this is not the case, because in the area controlled by Tantrics, their followers are screaming and fanatically enshrining the teachings of Tantric Buddhism, which is far from being comparable.

Don't look at the areas under the control of Tantrics, but their believers are far more devout than the believers and laymen of the sect. These believers can worship the Buddha from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. They can donate their life's wealth to the believers. The temple is a fragrant oil. Therefore, the more barren places, the stronger the faith is. The people who control the faith are known as the spokespersons of God, and their rights are unimaginable.

However, now Qin Lang will also become a member of the Tantric. He now has the title of "Prisoner's Protection of King Kong". Although there are many guardians of the Tantric, there are not many people who can get the orthodox "address". A Tufan master really got a good identity for Qin Lang. This identity may not affect the view of Qin Zong, but at least Qin Lang can easily move within the sphere of influence of Tantric.

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