Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1368: That's right

The monk wants to escape, but is suppressed by an invisible force. This power is so huge that he may not even have a little resistance.

At this time, the quiet monk saw a silver-haired man in a suit coming out of the bathroom. He went straight to the monk and the monk, and said with a blank expression: "The demon ancestors said that the practice of the warrior also has merit. Unfortunately, you disappointed me too much, quite disappointed!"

Said, the suit man put his finger on the forehead of the sedative monk, the monk and the monk could not move half a point, and the man in the suit directly poked his finger into his skull, and then said to himself: It’s a stinking skin, but it’s a pity that it’s a soldier!”

The eyes of the monk and monk are full of fear. He seems to think of something that makes him horrible. This kind of thing should be just a legendary existence, why it will appear here, why would he do it to him...

Fear, gradually disappeared, and the expression of the monk's monk gradually became fascinating. Then he turned to Liangbei Road: "Liangbei adults, I follow your instructions."

"Try to live like a person!" This is the indication that Liangbei gave these magic soldiers, because this is also the instruction of the demon ancestors to him, but anyone who does not obey this instruction will be directly executed.

Only when you try to live like an individual, Qin Lang’s “game” can continue.

What's more, Liangbei firmly believes that the instructions of the Devils are not wrong. This is a kind of practice, and the same is true for these demon soldiers.

Three days later, Qin Lang left Kuncheng and went to your province.

The "game" has to continue, but Qin Lang has changed some rules, and he has changed from suppression to "assimilation." What happened in Kunming and Yunhai Province has fallen into Tang San'er. He is the only one who knows what happened in Kuncheng. He just didn't expect Qin Lang to actually do it. In three days, the integration of the black roads in Kunming and Yunhai provinces was completed. Although the methods and means of integration were completely different, the results were the same. In the end, they were all under the control of Qin Lang and the poisonous sect. .

However, Tang San does not know how long Qin Lan’s game can last, because Tang San feels that other forces on the rivers and lakes will certainly be vigilant. Although they do not know what happened in the short term, if Yunhai, Guizhou and Shaanxi Similar situations have occurred in other places, so the two Buddhism and Taoism will inevitably be vigilant, and they will inevitably take action.

Once these two huge forces act, it will surely set off a storm.

Now let's see how Qin Lang's operational efficiency can reach.

What is worried about Tang San, Qin Lang himself is naturally more clear, so he constantly trains Liangbei, while constantly using the fat tiger and turtle to create some unique means, try to create some of the six doors and other rivers and lakes. The puzzle is to win time for Liangbei and himself.

In just half a month, some western things happened in the western provinces of Yunhai, Guizhou, Shaanxi, Gansu, etc., that is, some of the black and the Tao’s sorrows have turned into sexuality, or they have become good people, or suddenly Crazy, violent. However, the black gang system in these places has not collapsed. It is still the original group of people who control the hei roads in various places. However, their style of behavior has changed, and it seems that they have begun to pursue "theft is also a way."

For such changes, the people are happy to see, but many white roads and rivers and lakes are unhappy. They don’t want to use their own “violent tools” to become other people’s things, so these rivers and lakes begin to act. Woke up. The way they act is also very straightforward, that is, to regain control of their "tools", so for the hei leader who used to listen to them, but now they are disobedient, they will find a way to directly kill them. However, these rivers and lakes have found that these leaders seem to be more powerful than before. They are not so easy to be erased, and even if they are wiped out, the new top two leaders still do not listen to them.

In short, the hei gang in the western provinces has become very abnormal. Almost all the capable rivers and lakes have felt the change, but they are not sure what caused this change. The major rivers and lakes have sent countless The spies went to investigate, and after paying a lot of casualties, finally there was news:

Someone deliberately made it!

These weird changes in the hei roads of the entire western provinces were all deliberately done. I still don't know who made this move, but the ambition of this person must be very big, very big! Otherwise, he could not make such an arrangement.

However, what makes the Jianghu forces even more unexpected is that the first to bear the brunt is the poisonous sect. The young lord of the poison sect has already released the words: there is only one person who administers Huaxia hei, that is him! It was not easy for the poison sect to control the hei road in Hirakawa Prefecture and the city of Hun, and immediately there was a ghost in the vicinity of Hirakawa Prefecture and the city of Bengbu. This is clearly the opposite of the poison sect, so the lord of the poison sect has sent out to the secretly controlled person. Challenge, I hope that he can show up with the poisonous patriarch!

Regarding the challenge of the lord of the poisonous lord, many rivers and lakes are also somewhat strange, but they soon take it for granted, because the lord of the venom is indeed ambitious. It has already controlled the hei road of Pingchuan and Yicheng through Wolongtang. It is indeed There is the ambition to control Huaxia hei, this time the things happening in the hei roads of several western provinces, it seems that this should not be the backbone of this poison, because the two styles of action are completely different! What's more, this guy is not still challenging the other party!

This is a very interesting thing. After learning the reaction of this matter, Qin Lang’s classmates were proud of the small land, because this action was a magical stroke for him. The key is the piece of good north, which is just the right one. This world is not without a devil, but the devil has always been the legend of this river, because the evil spirits are also a more critical creature. For ordinary warriors, they do not bother to plunder the body, so even though in the rivers and lakes There is a devil head born, and a burst of **** rain, but this kind of thing is still very rare, it is even more unlikely to appear as large as it is now.

Because it is a large area, but no one believes that these things are all screaming out of the devil, and let those legendary horrible devils become the head of the black gang, this thing is hard to believe, because this is fundamental It is "big and small", which is simply to weaken the prestige of the devil.

According to the current response, Qin Lang is convinced that within a short period of time, whether it is Buddhism or Taoism, there is no way to find out the real reason. On the one hand, because the current people of the rivers and lakes have not understood a lot of evil spirits on the other side, on the other hand, they have not even suspected that the devil is engaged in ghosts.

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