Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1370: Medicine can't stop

The pressure faced by the Qingcheng School, Qin Lang has long been expected. With the more spirits that the Qingcheng faction sells, it will inevitably attract the attention of many people sooner or later. This is inevitable. Although the Qingcheng faction tried to avoid this, it is gradually being exposed.

The people in the water mirror are worried that Qin Lang has retracted the sales channels of Qingcheng School, so he tentatively asked: "Mr. Qin, the cooperation between us should be quite good. Are you not worried about us?"

"I am quite at ease with you. I know that you didn't deliberately betray me. Just now, Shinto has put pressure on you. How can you still?"

"This... even if it is the pressure of the Shinto sect, we will not easily tell you out. After all, our Qingcheng faction also counts on your spirit." The water mirror people bite their teeth, the Qingcheng faction now even prefers Going to offend the Shinto sect is not willing to offend Qin Lang.

"The paper can't hold the fire, and the important news like Ling Dan is definitely not enough." Qin Lang paused for a moment before continuing. "Tell God, I can provide them with some panacea, but I will add some extras." Conditions - First, as long as we don't take the initiative to fight, Shinto can't intervene to deal with our poisonous sect. Otherwise, Shinto sect and Taoist Twelve, don't want to get a panacea from us!"

"What! Mr. Qin, do you want to provide the spirit to the Shinto sect?" The water mirror was surprised to see Qin Lang. Ling Dan, who is not eager for these things, but giving the Shinto a lot of spirits means that the Qingcheng School may have one less Ling Dan.

"Why, what are you worried about?" Qin Lang said, "Do you know what I am going to talk to directly, rather than talking directly to the people of Shinto?"

"Mr. Qin means - will still follow the channels of our Qingcheng school?" The tone of the water mirror is somewhat flattered. If the meaning of Qin Lang is confirmed, it means that even after the poisonous sect, cooperate with Shinto. It will not open the Qingcheng faction, but will increase cooperation with the Qingcheng faction. If Qin Lang really does this, then for the Qingcheng faction, the benefits are actually greater. Although some of the sects will flow to the Shinto sect, they can make the Shinto sect dependent on the Qingcheng faction, thus increasing the Qingcheng faction's right to speak throughout the Taoism.

Even the Qingcheng School can use this to have a good relationship with another Taoist eleven sects. In short, for the Qingcheng faction, as long as Qin Lang opened a hole for him, as long as it is properly operated, the Qingcheng faction has many benefits to be obtained.

"Mr. Qin, hehe...you must not forget the benefits of our Qingcheng faction!" The water mirror is a real smart person, which is why Qin Lang is willing to cooperate with him.

"You understand." Qin Lang said, "In fact, I did this with selfishness. Pingchuan Province is now the root of our poisonous sect. The Qingcheng School is an important member of the rivers and lakes in Pingchuan Province. I naturally hope to maintain a good relationship with you. I believe that you think so too?"

On this point, the water mirror people are deeply impressed. Now, in the rivers and lakes of Pingchuan Province, no one can ignore the existence of the poison dung and Wolongtang, especially the poisonous sect. Nowadays, it is famous in the rivers and lakes. Can not be ignored. It can also be said that the poison sect has become the benchmark banner on the rivers and lakes in Pingchuan Province. Even if it is as powerful as the Buddha, it even begins to recognize that Pingchuan is the sphere of influence of the poison sect. If Qinlang did not expand to the city, Buddhism has even defaulted to Pingchuan Province as the sphere of influence of the poisonous sect.

Therefore, the role of Duanzong and Wolongtang in Jianghu Road in Pingchuan Province is very important. What is even more rare is that Qin Lang has now begun to bring in other rivers and lakes in Pingchuan Province. The Qingcheng School is an important part. This is a typical practice of glory and loss.

To put it bluntly, Qin Lang is now to build the entire rivers and lakes in Pingchuan Province into a whole, and advance and retreat together, so that the roots of the poison dung and Wolongtang can be as stable as Mount Tai.

In this important link, the Emei School has been marginalized, not only because the Emei School was invaded by Qin Lang, who was transformed into a worm, and it is said that even the son-in-law of the Emei School, Ye Aotian, has "evaporated". The current Emei School has become a joke in the rivers and lakes of Pingchuan Province.

Because the people of the rivers and lakes in Pingchuan Province think that the Emei people are "death", they directly fulfilled the sentence: If you don't do it, you won't die.

The fact that the Emei School and the Shadows and Shadow Forces have joined forces has been exposed by some "informed people". This news has dealt a great blow to the reputation of the Emei School because it is known that the Shadow Force is the "Guardian" Guards. The struggle between them actually involved the official, and the Emei school directly became a hawk dog for some people. This is indeed a slogan for people in the rivers and lakes in Pingchuan.

Therefore, the Emei School was stepped on, and no one on the rivers and lakes in Pingchuan Province stood up to speak for it. For the people of Qingcheng School, there are some thoughts of gloating.

"I have handed over to the Qingcheng School. I have also mentioned the conditions. In addition, the price of Shendao should not be less. You should be able to do this?" Qin Lang reminded the water mirror of humanity.

It is natural to buy things, and for the high-end atmosphere of Ling Dan, it is more to give money. Of course, Shinto is not short of money, but if you take Qin Lan’s spirit, you still have to pay enough rewards. This cannot be changed.

First, money, as for the future, Qin Lang may let them pay for something like alchemy materials. Anyway, now that the Shinto sect "circle" comes in, take the opportunity to repair the relationship between the two sides, so as to avoid the poisonous sect. In the end, the things on the rivers and lakes are just such a thing, nothing more than a dispute of interests.

As long as the Ling Dan is made out through the channels of the Qingcheng School, the next thing is relatively simple. Qin Lang believes that Shinto will give him a satisfactory response. As long as Qin Lang does not make a radical reaction, in the short term, Shinto and the entire Taoism should not come to him. In this way, Qin Lang can use his attention to deal with the Xianzong and the medicine.

The combination of medicine and Xianzong is nothing but a benefit.

According to Qin Lang's understanding, the medicinal sect can impress the sect, it is nothing more than a spiritual medicine, a panacea. The medicinal herbs can stand in China for a long time, relying on medicines, of course, for ordinary people.

It can be said that Buddhism and Taoism control most of the spiritual beliefs of this land, while medicines control the health of most people.

Mastering health means mastering life and death. This is the foundation of the medicine.

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