Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1378: Unknown

Qin Lang actually didn't want to touch the money at all, because he didn't think it was necessary. The money was all the dirty money that corrupt officials got through various dark and **** means, even with **** smell. Qin Lang didn't intend to. However, he joked and said: "Father, our country is so rich, the world is second, and the economy will soon surpass the country. I can see it for a little money-"

"The fart is gone!"

The old man seems to be in a hurry. "The money is not a small amount of money, and our country is rich, but the state treasury is not enough. You don't know that the government is now owing money everywhere. These corrupt elements have no ability to work and make money. The ability is a set. When the Qing Dynasty engaged in a peace, it would be able to pay two years of treasury income. This is a small amount of money. In short, if the money is more or less, you will all turn over to the state treasury! I don’t ask you about the money of the rivers and lakes."

"Where, I am just making a joke to the old man." Qin Lang laughed.

"Hey! You kid! Let's do it! Recently, the national treasury is tight, and all parties must invest money. You better think of ways to squeeze out these people's money!" The old man seems to be somewhat greedy.

"Okay, I know." Qin Lang said, "You can rest assured that the Treasury will not be used for a long time and will be full. However, as you said before, you can't be too hasty."

"Small slick! You still want to teach me." The old man said a few more words, which ended the call.

Qin Lang thought that this would be quiet. As a result, Hu Qiandie called again and then joked: "Qin Lang, is this phone hotline? How can it always be busy? It will not pull my phone into the black. List it?"

"Auntie, are you not happy with me, how can I blacken your list?"

"You kid, you honestly told me that things in the southwestern provinces are you doing?" Hu Qiandie asked the mountain.

"Hey... how did you know about Auntie?" Qin Lang naturally could not lie with Hu Qiandie.

"Ha ha!" Hu Qiandie's big laugh came from the phone, and then Qin Lang heard her yelling. "Old man, you lost! You will also have a look at the eyes... I will say this. Most of them are made by Qin Lang. You still don't believe it. How do you say this, oh..."

It seems that Hu Qiandie took Qin Lang and Ren could not bet, and Ren could not seem to lose.

Qin Lang knows that he can't lose, because he can't judge things, he makes rational judgments through various information obtained, and Hu Qiandie is a woman, and women are most valued or intuitive. Ren could not judge according to the information and materials. He believed that Qin Lang could not do this step. It should be the intervention of other "mysterious forces", which caused changes in the black status of several identities in the west, but Hu Qiandie thought this was a strange one. Most of the things may be caused by Qin Lang’s kid, because this kid has such a talent.

Ren couldn’t know what the bet was with Hu Qiandie’s husband and wife. Qin Lang didn’t know, but Hu Qiandie was very happy. This shows that her impression of Qin Lang has improved. This should be a good thing.

However, next, whether it is Tang San, Tang Shengyin, etc., or the old man, and Hu Qiandie, etc., are waiting for the next move of Qin Lang, they all want to know how Qin Lang will make the next move. . However, in the next step, Qin Lang is now out of the picture.

When the entire rivers and lakes and national forces are staring at you, it is not appropriate to do anything big, because it is easy to go wrong under the eyes of the public.

The actions of several western provinces are clean and neat, and the effect is very good, but it does not mean that this model can be directly promoted. It does not mean that it can be further promoted to other provinces. Qin Lang can be sure that many rivers and lakes and black and white are waiting for the "mysterious forces" to shoot, and must not underestimate the ability of these people, the previous success, it is because Qin Lang uses the good north of this piece, Not surprisingly.

As for the next step, if you take the same approach, you will inevitably fail.

"Forget it, the next thing, let's give it to Liangbei for consideration." Qin Lang has no safe plan for the time being, so he is prepared not to make plans, but to hand it over to Liangbei for planning, it is for this guy. A test, anyway, Liangbei is now full of enthusiasm, ready to perform well in front of the "Devils."

Qin Lang was prepared to ignore the things on the rivers and lakes for a while, so it was easy to spend two days in the school, but Jianghu did not intend to let him go, so Qin Lang had just been relaxed for a day, troubles came, and this time the trouble is not small - -


Qin Lang was even involved in the dispute between the two secrets.

The news of the contest is that a monk of Tantric sent him to the school to inform him. This is very important, but it is not so much a concern, but rather a use. After receiving this information, Qin Lang understands why the Tantric people would Vigorously preaching Qin Lang is the prisoner of the Tantrics. For a long time, Jeb Living Buddha, this is to dig the pit for Qin Lang, waiting for him here.

There is a striking battle between the two sects. However, it is not good for anyone who breaks in, but Tantric has already announced that Qin Lang is their "gold medalist" in high-profile, and has already made a foreshadowing before, so Qin Lang now wants to refuse. Will not work.

The two contests are distinguished, and they call it "talking to Buddhism." However, Qin Lang knew that if he really exchanged the scriptures, he would not have to ask him to participate.

Because Qin Lang knows that the Buddhist scriptures he learns are all sloppy. If he is asked to talk to others, it is simply to lose face. The Tantric people will certainly not let him lose the face of the entire sect. Therefore, the only use value of Qin Lang is that it can be played.

In order to be safe, Qin Lang wanted to make a phone call with Tuyu Gu, and communicate.

Tuyu’s Guru seems to have also got the news and explained to Qin Lang: “Mr. Qin, this is not a good errand. You should be careful, and the two conflicts are obvious, but from what is the 'talking about Buddhism’ At the beginning, it is said that it was a high-ranking monk of the sect of the year who went to Tantric to carry out Buddhist exchanges. As a result, the two sides debated for three days and three nights and then won the game. It was said that it was played for three days and three days. Night, and the result is a situation of both defeats. The sect of the sects returned to his temple and immediately disappeared; as for the sorghum of our Tantra, it died after three days. I thought this was over. Later, the high-ranking disciple appeared five years later, and similar things began to circulate."

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