Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1382: Not at one level

When I was about to reach the top of the mountain, I couldn't see the trees here. There were only some hard and incomparable stones and some wild grasses that were extremely tenacious and growing. Among the rock in the top of the mountain, there is a small white temple built of stone. This is where the Jebel Living Buddha temporarily lives.

Standing on the doorstep of this small temple, there is a magnificent and splendid temple on the side of the hill. The temple is Fengzhe Temple. Even if it is separated ten miles away, Qin Lang still can still hear the chanting from the Fengzhe Temple. sound.

Xiao Yan pushed the door of the small temple and made a gesture to Qin Lang.

Qin Lang stepped into the threshold of a small temple, but Xiao Yan did not enter the temple, because in addition to Qin Lang, only the Jeb Living Buddha was alone.

Qin Lang wants to see Gebu Living Buddha alone, it is now.

Four hours later, when the sun began to sink, the two prominent Buddhist conferences began to be held.

The living Buddha of Jeb is sitting in the lobby of the small temple, just like the same Buddha statue.

"Prison guard, King Kong, why do you want to see this alone?"

Jeb Living Buddha asked Qin Lang, "Do you have no confidence in the victory and defeat of the Buddhist scriptures?"

"I have confidence, I just worry that there is no confidence in the living Buddha." Qin Lang smiled.

"Let's sell less!" Jeb Living Buddha snorted. "Talk about your intentions. However, if you want to refuse to participate in the Buddhist scriptures, I believe you will regret it."

"The living Buddha is in a hurry." Qin Lang said, "In fact, since there are only two of us here, then we can't prevent it from opening the door. - The reason why I met with the Living Buddha is not to escape. Because of my strength and realm, I can completely advance and retreat. No need to worry."

"Advance and retreat freely?" Jebhu Buddha smiled lightly. "Young people really like to talk big words. You are really a master of our Buddha. Although your strength is very strong, it is a rare genius, but if you are small If you are a young master of Buddhism, I am afraid that the prison guardian King Kong will really go to hell."

"I don't go to hell, who goes to hell." Qin Lang smiled and began to fight with Jeb's living Buddha. "However, Jeb Living Buddha is afraid that you will be disappointed. I heard that this time I talked about the Buddhist scriptures, the realm of the participants. Can't you surpass Wu Wujing?"

"Yes, what about that?" Jeb's Living Buddha couldn't help but frown. He seemed to think of something unpleasant. "According to this view, your realm is in Wushou, just right for this conference."

"The living Buddha's eyes are like a torch. Naturally, it is not wrong. It is just that the bottleneck between the martial arts and the holy place is hard to break, but these days, because of the pressure, I have some practice and understanding, so I feel that I can enter the Wusheng level at any time. Once I have crossed the holy place and formed a holy child, I am afraid I will not be able to participate in the Buddhist Confucianism Conference, nor can I glory for the Zongmen. It is a pity."

Jeb’s living Buddha’s fists must be pinched, and this kid feels “pity.” He clearly shows off in front of Jeb’s Living Buddha. Once the boy immediately enters the holy place, he can be detached from this. In the battle, then the layout of the Jeb Living Buddha is useless.

Originally, Jebhu Living Buddha thought that this was a step in his next game. No matter whether Qin Lang wins or loses, it is a benefit to Living Buddha. If Qin Lang wins, then it is for the ancestors of the ancestors, but at the same time Qin Lang will become the eyes of the sect of the sect; if defeated, then the death of Qin Lang is not enough, Jeb's living Buddha eyes are not bothered. The best result is that Qin Lang wins, but he is wounded, so Jebhu Living Buddha can also clean up Qin Lang and squeeze the remaining value of Qin Lang.

The thoughts and arrangements of the Jebu Living Buddha are very good, but he did not expect that Qin Lang could be promoted from the martial arts to the holy place in a short time, because everyone knows from the martial arts to the holy place, this is simply A gap, many people need to enter the martial arts environment, through the understanding of more than ten years or even decades to form a holy child, and most of the martial arts warriors, it is difficult to take this step in their lives. Qin Lang’s age is less than twenty. How can he enter the holy place in such a short period of time?

Is this guy bluffing?

"Prison guards, King Kong, you are a good thing to cultivate in this way, but according to the understanding of this article, I want to be a holy child, I am afraid it will not be done in just a few days?"

"It is true. I couldn't do it in a few days, so I spent a few months. However, if there is some worry about the Living Buddha, I will not give you a demonstration of the Living Buddha." Qin Lang said, he began to frantically improve. mental strength. Qin Lang once took the blasting gas. With the help of the explosive gas, he once acquired the strength of the Wusheng level in a short time. Although he did not fully enter this level, he later passed through the experience in the South China Sea and the East China Sea. Some people of the Wusheng level confronted each other, and Qin Lang had already explored the mystery of the Wusheng level and spoke of the true colors of the Holy Child. In the East China Sea, Qin Lang used the power of Hell Seal to even form a holy feast. But at that time, Qin Lang stopped the pace of advancement and stopped his realm in the Wushou, because he did not want to be too hasty.

In other words, Qin Lang is now like the high school's academic hegemony. Even if he is still in high school, he can take a good university in the college entrance examination, but he is not sure to enter the top universities, because he lacks time to do it. Finally precipitated.

Now, the martial arts of Qin Lang has already emerged, the powerful and perfect Wuhun, and this martial art has been completely congested, and even has a vague life. Such a complete and perfect Wuhun, the formation of a holy feast is nothing but a matter of water, and now Qin Lang is constantly "watering" inside, Jebhu Living Buddha has already known, if Qin Lang continues to inject spiritual power into the Wuhun, continue If you climb, his martial arts will really bear the holy fetus, this is no doubt!

Once Qin Lang entered the holy place, the plan of Jeb Living Buddha immediately went bankrupt.

There is a murderous murder in the eyes of Jeb's Living Buddha. If he is now shooting, it should be able to make Qin Lang unable to form a holy child smoothly. However, if Jebhu’s Living Buddha is now shot, it will break the battle of Qin Lang’s ruin, and there will be no reconciliation between the two sides.

"Jebu Living Buddha, do you want to shoot me, so that I can't break through?" Qin Lang said quietly, but his words went straight through the soul of Jeb's living Buddha. "The living Buddha is forgotten. I am still the prisoner's prison guard." King Kong, if I am lucky not to die, the Living Buddha directly suppresses my promotion of the realm, how to explain to the secret sect? If I open the seal of hell, causing unpredictable results, how should the living Buddha deal with it? Conversely, if I do not promote the realm for the time being Well, I will exchange and compete with the people of Xianzong, and contribute to the Tantrics. How can Jebhu Buddha reward me?"

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