Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1400: Rice bowl

The wizard's spells are also driven by mental power. If a mage does not have strong mental power as a support, then his spell power will be weakened a lot. Conversely, a person with a large mental power is also more suitable for the practice teacher, or he is born with a keen sense of the spell.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand that some mentally powerful people, even if they don’t learn spells, can even accomplish some incredible things through their own powerful mental power, and by doing so, they can be called spells themselves. It is.

A moment later, the runes of a bright spell began to appear around Qin Lang's body. These runes or pictures were very simple, but they completely shocked the two bright masters. They were so shocked for two reasons. One: First, Qin Lang’s current spells are simple, but they are incomparably pure. Otherwise, these spells will not form clear visible spells around his body. You must know that they have practiced magic spells for many years, but they have not Achieve this effect. Second, it is also the most horrible and incredible thing. Isn't Qin Lang the big demon of hell? He should be the evil spell that is proficient in hell. How can he practice light spells? And still cultivated so fast.

The Helllord actually learned the magic spells, which is the greatest embarrassment to the Supreme God and the embarrassment of the Church of Light. However, the two Masters of Light now think not about the problem of demons, but whether the world is completely destroyed. Otherwise, how could such a terrible thing happen? Once the demon of **** has learned the Holy Light spell, what can the Light Church use to resist the power from hell?

"He... how could he learn the magic spell?"

One of the Masters of Light actually asked Andford, a bright Master who spoke to a fallen necromancer, which is unthinkable. However, since the Hells of the Hells have begun to practice the Light spells, then there is nothing wrong with talking to the Necromancer.

"Hey! The master is a natural wizard, naturally can learn everything!" Undead Master Andford responded dismissively, "Is the light spell very powerful? What the master has learned is much stronger than any bright spell, if Not because you want to suppress the seal of **** -"

Speaking of this, Anderford quickly shut up, he felt that it should not reveal the secret of the owner, once the owner is angry, or the end of his Anderford immediately came.

However, Qin Lang is gathering brilliant magical spells at this time, so Anderford is not punished, but the bright mage is curious to ask: "Resist the **** seal? Your master is not the big demon from hell, why should he suppress the hell? seal?"

"Oh! Stupid!" Andford snorted. "Who said that the master is the great demon from hell? Is this your own mess? The master is the Buddha's Guardian of the Buddha, and you know what? Is it a prisoner to protect the King Kong?"

"He is the guardian of the ancestors of the Tantrics? It should be the top of the Tantric." This bright master actually knows something about Tantra.

"Do you know the secrets of Tantric?" Andford said differently.

"We have been in India for such a long time, of course we know, and we have been collecting information from practitioners of Oriental China. This is to facilitate our future "East Zheng"." Guangming Master said.

“East Zheng?” Andford said with a disdainful smile, “I just want you to go east because of these people? It’s a joke!”

Anderfoe was in the side of Qin Lang, and now it is a lot of knowledge. After seeing Qin Lang and the people around him, Andford couldn’t think of anything about the East. He thought that the practice of the Mi Empire. If you want to compete with the practitioners of China, it is a big joke. Although there are some powerful mages and warriors in the West, they are far from the warlocks of the East China. The methods of the Western Masters and Warriors are too few. If they encounter such abnormalities, they will be killed directly. .

Don't mention it for the time being, Andford knows at least that Qin Lang can use both extreme forces of darkness and light, and can also exert the extreme powers of the two extremes, but this is what the Western Master can't surpass. Because among the Western wizards, no one has ever been able to control both the light and the dark. Moreover, those who try to control these two forces, first of all, will be treated directly by the church as a pagan, and the church of the bright church, how to tolerate the church's mage to the power of darkness.

Just as Anderford and the two bright masters "talked to each other", Qin Lang was completely immersed in the practice of the magic spells. One by one, the light runes were very novel to him, and they were very useful. The things, because these bright runes, are like a single key, helping Qin Lang to unravel the secret of the seal of hell.

A little bit of Andover is right. Qin Lang is a person who can master both extreme forces of light and darkness. This is because Qin Lang’s mind has never been biased towards the light or the dark side. Therefore, his mind and body have no special resistance to light and darkness. If it is Andrford himself, as a necromancer, he will feel very uncomfortable when he sees a bright spell. How can he practice light spells? Similarly, the two Masters of Light have been immersed in the light church since childhood, and are extremely repulsive to dark forces and dark creatures. Naturally, they are not likely to practice dark witchcraft.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Numerous bright spells appear in the body of Qin Lang, constantly revealing people, and then constantly dying, just like a brilliant lotus flower, constantly blooming, and then continually annihilated.

Seeing this scene, Andrew could not help but shut up.

The other two Masters of Light can't help but be shocked. They don't know why Qin Lang is so powerful. Can they practice the magic of light to such a pure level, and let them both of them have a bright spell of light from a young age?

Isn't this the bowl of their bright Master?

Regardless of what An Defu and the two Masters of Light are now thinking, Qin Lang is constantly trying to figure out and comprehend the basic graphics of the Guangming spells. These bright pictures are actually one-and-one spells, which is actually in harmony with the Buddha. Some things in Taoism are conceived. They use the spells and runes as a carrier to induce their own mental power and the power of the heavens and the earth. Finally, they reach the sense of heaven and human beings, and instantly release powerful power. This is the magic. true colors.

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