Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1408: Dolphin sound crying

Being able to interpret the crying sounds with dolphins, Tina is definitely the only one.

The cries of this little girl almost shook the tympanic membrane of Qin Lang.

How good and sloppy a little girl, suddenly became a crying child, Rao is Qin Lang is also a well-informed Jianghu people, but there is no way for the sudden outbreak of Tina .

Tina's voice is too penetrating, and almost the entire train is echoing her crying.

Qin Lang had no choice but to hand Tanna to Yulia, hoping her mother could stop her crying, or Yulia knew how to calm her.

Snapped! Snapped! ~

But what Qin Lang didn't think was that after Yulia took over the child, she reached out and slap on the child's ass, and the strength was not small.

Qin Lang suddenly stupid: Mother is not very fond of children, how does Yulia treat her children like this?

The rest of the passengers also thought that Yulia was wrong. The passengers were also irritated by Tina's crying, but when Yulia was so rude to educate the children, many passengers began to sympathize with the little girl, and then the sympathy became To Yulia's accusation, an aunt who wears glasses with enthusiasm also explains in English and Yulia: "Hello, young girl, do you Westerners educate their children not always very gentle, why should they be treated so rudely? Newborn children, it seems that you are still too young, still do not know how to be a good parent..."

"Well, don't hit the kids." Qin Lang didn't want to be the referee, so he quickly took Tana back from Yulia.

As a result, Yulia "wow" and cried.

Although she does not know what these people are saying, but as a clever elite succubus, she naturally understands that these people are accusing her of rude education for her children, and even Qin Lang seems to think that she is not right, so Yulia immediately emotionally Cried out of control.

This is good, the adults and children are suffering together.

The inside of the carriage was noisy, and Qin Lang completely became the object of the thousands of people. The eyes of everyone turned to Qin Lang, because he was the initiator. If it wasn’t for this guy to enlarge the girl’s belly, how could it appear? Such a thing. This is the case in Western countries. Once the stomach is big, basically it will not choose to have abortion, so it becomes an unmarried child. Many people guess that this is the case. And Qin Lang, naturally is the culprit.

The previous high-cultural aunt’s spear has already pointed to Qin Lang: "Young man, look at you, what is it? You don’t learn well at a young age. The situation of being unmarried is too terrible. You have the confidence to educate the next generation. Are you confident that your mother and daughter are happy? If you do things in the future, you must not be so impulsive, but now the most important thing is that you have to take responsibility for the family. As a responsible man, you see that the girl is so old and has followed you. If you have a daughter for you, then you have to be a good mother and daughter if you are a cow..."

Do cows and horses?

Qin Lang thought, I am really going to be a cow now, I am making what it is.

Oh, it’s really awkward!

If Qin Lang has no kindness, then there will not be so many things.

I don't know how long, the crying finally stopped.

Tyna once again fell into a deep sleep.

Yulia also stopped sobbing and then said to Qin Lang: "I'm sorry, Mr. Qin..."

"It doesn't matter." Qin Lang smiled and whispered. "This is probably the price that the father needs to pay. Right, don't hit the children in the future. We don't usually hit the children here. The children cry, they should be jealous." She will do it."

"Don't you fight?" Yulia looked at Qin Lang very strangely. "In our world, if the child is not obedient, then he will be embarrassed, so he will be obedient and will grow up quickly."

"Oh... here is the human world, you still use a gentle way. Well, for example, wouldn't you sing a lullaby song to the child to sleep?"

"Lullaby, what?" Yulia naturally doesn't know what a lullaby is.

"Hey... it’s the song of a child sleeping, haven’t you heard it?”

Yulia kept shaking her head. She obviously didn't listen to the lullaby. Then she stared at Qin Lang with anticipation. "You must know, tell me how to sing that kind of song. In the world of hell, I will I heard the Flame Song's 'Song of Fighting' and 'Song of Madness'."

"Lullaby...well, okay, I will sing you a song." Qin Lang cleared his throat and sang in a low voice. "Sleep, sleep, my dear baby..."

Qin Lang is obviously not a good singer, so the effect is not too good, but Yulia listened very seriously. It was because she had never heard such a song, so she felt very wonderful and seemed to return to her. childhood.

After Qin Lang sang it again, Yulia seemed to have learned, and she began to sing, but she did not sing but sang it out. But I have to say that Yulia is really born with a good voice. Her voice is really beautiful, twirling and very penetrating. In her singing, even these passengers are infected. It seems that I really want to fall into a quiet sleep.

At this time, Qin Lang also realized that Yulia was a natural singer, and her singing voice could directly reach the soul of the human soul and make it resonate.

In the long singing voice, the whole train seems to be quiet, Tina sleeps more sweet, the saliva will wet Qin Lang's clothes, but see the smile on the face of the little girl, Qin Lang is more happy It is.

The end of the song.

Many people wake up like a dream, and then express their appreciation to Yulia in their own way.

The former high-educated aunt showed a strong appreciation: "This is simply the sound of nature! Young man, your girlfriend is very amazing! She has such talent, you should go all out to help her and help her achieve her. The ideal is right, you can't be a stumbling block in her career. I know some friends in the vocal world. If I can, I can recommend her..."

stumbling block?

"When did I become a stumbling block?" Qin Lang’s heart was really embarrassing. However, this warm-hearted aunt has let Qin Lang see some problems, or should find a job for Yulia to let her try to integrate into the world. Therefore, Qin Lang recorded the name of the aunt, Song Yin, who also knew that she was a university professor.

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