Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1415: Tianxinmin heart

Refining Tianxin Dan, Qin Lang will "please" the special Dan furnace that was acquired by Qingcheng. Today, this Dan furnace, after Qin Lang's many "burning Dan" warmth, this Dan furnace has been much improved than before, the soul of Dan furnace has gradually emerged.

The so-called "burning Dan" means that Qin Lang deliberately put some Ling Dan into the furnace to return to the furnace, so that the Dan furnace absorbs the aura of Ling Dan, so that the material of the Dan furnace itself can be purified and upgraded.

Qin Lang knows that this Dan furnace is unusual. After all, this is a Dan furnace that has been refining Xiandan. Although it is somewhat damaged, it is quite a good Dan furnace. If it is cultivated, it can be expected to rely on it to refine it. Some immortals.

As for the true origin of this Dan furnace, Qin Lang did not care, and this thing belongs to him anyway, this is the most important.

The materials for refining Tianxin Dan are now complete.

However, probably only the Danling monk knows the recipe and refining method of Tianxin Dan. In addition, even if the Buddha and Taoist people know the formula of Tianxin Dan, there is no way to refine Tianxin Dan, because there is In addition to the superb alchemy, there is also a need for "the power of merit." Without the power of merit, there is no way to collect the vitality between heaven and earth, and naturally it is impossible to refine the heavenly heart.

The process of refining Tianxin Dan itself is not very complicated. Qin Lang used the red lotus industry fire to quickly extract the drug names of several materials, so that they formed a very pure liquid of Dan, and the impurities were used by Qin Lang. The red lotus industry fire was completely burned.

After the formation of Dan liquid, it is the most crucial step - Cheng Dan!

It is the most crucial step for Dan Medicine to become a Dan.

The finishing touch of refining Tianxin Dan is the power of merit. Many people don’t even know what the power of so-called merits is. Naturally, they don’t know how to use the power of merit to make alchemy. Qin Lang has reached the peak of Wu Wujing, and his spiritual strength has become the crown of the same world. He naturally sensed the power of his own spiritual world, so he injected a little merit into the Dan furnace.

Hey! ~

Suddenly, the flame of Dan furnace turned into a dazzling blue color. The power of Qin Lang’s merits seemed to trigger the awe-inspiring temperament between the heavens and the earth. The sounds of the Dan furnace were pleasing, and countless Haozheng was injected into the Dan furnace from the heavens and the earth. In particular, Qin Lang was keenly aware of the innumerable arrogance from the South China United University, and there were some arrogance from the Confucius statue in the school.

Haoran Heaven and Earth, the righteousness lasts forever!

In the meantime, Qin Lang understood the meaning of these eight words, and immediately realized that his judgment was wrong, Confucianism did not really disappear, and Confucian scholars did not become extinct. As long as the temperament of this world is still there, the Confucian will be born.

Although there is no trace of true Confucianism in the officialdom, there are still Confucian teachings in the school, and there are still students who are full of ups and downs, how to plan for the social welfare, how to seek benefits for Limin... ... Although these people can no longer maintain a positive attitude after they set foot on the society, but at least the seeds of Confucianism are still there. After all, one day, this society will return to the right track and no longer pursue the pursuit of money. The true values ​​of the Chinese nation:

Pay attention to "filial piety, loyalty, loyalty, honesty and shame."

Tianxin is the people's heart. At this moment, Qin Lang experienced the heavenly heart of Huaxia Shenzhou. He also experienced the arrogance of this piece of heaven and earth. He has the righteousness in his heart, and he has a long-lasting existence. These Haozheng Zhengqi finally gathered in the Dan furnace, and Dan in the Dan furnace. The liquid is melted and turned into a medicinal herb.

Qin Lang’s mental power clearly sensed the formation of each medicinal herb, and at the same time accurately adjusted the fire. When this day Xindan began to be released, Qin Lang even heard Confucian righteous song:

The heavens and the earth have righteousness, and they are mixed with manifolds. The next is He Yue, and the upper is the comet.

Yu Ren Hao Ran, Pei Susai Cang Ming. The emperor road is Qing Yi, including and Tu Mingting.


The voice of the righteous song is not made by one person, but by the voices of countless people.

Confucian teaching, it really is the source of Hao Ranzheng, it is no wonder that since ancient times, the evil is invincible, the only building that can be built on the mass graves without being affected, it must be the school. Most of the students in the school are people who are righteous. The books they read are also full of justice and righteousness. Naturally, they can suppress any evil.

The sound of reading disappeared and Tianxin Dan became.

However, Dan became a part of Qin Lang's strength and disappeared.

Open the Dan furnace.

Like Tianyu, Tianxin Dan appeared in front of Qin Lang. Inside the Dan furnace, there were eleven medicinal herbs lying quietly. Generally speaking, it is difficult to have more than 13 medicinal herbs, so 13 It’s full of Dan, and in fact it’s not bad if one can get three or five.

Especially the high-quality medicinal herbs, which can refine three medicinal herbs, are quite good.

“Yes, quite good!” Danling’s monk saw these medicinal herbs as if they had seen their very satisfied works. Undoubtedly, the medicinal herbs refined by Qin Lang are quite good, and the quantity and quality are very good.

The Danling monk is very interested in this day, because only through Tianxin Dan, the rest can absorb the arrogance. Of course, the Confucian can directly absorb the arrogance, but it is not so easy to absorb, and after taking advantage of the temperament, it will also be "fostering", such as a Confucian, who has already cultivated some arrogance, but because of certain The reason for giving up the principle, or losing the anger when facing the stunned prince, then his own arrogance will be lost or even completely lost.

In short, Tian Xindan is basically a few Confucian medicinal herbs. It is rumored that only the people who entered the top three in the ancient times were eligible to receive the Confucian rewards of Tianxin Dan, thus obtaining the blessing of the righteousness.

This is also why when Confucian people become senior officials, they will give people a feeling of high weight and justice.

Tian Xindan has been refining, and the Danling monk gets one, which absorbs the arrogance of it, and the strength and realm of Dan Ling itself will be improved.

Qin Lang also took one.

Suddenly, Qin Lang felt that in his own spiritual world, there was a breath of greatness and greatness. This breath quickly merged with Qin Lang’s spiritual sword, and Qin Lang’s spiritual sword and this awesome combination were actually Naturally changed shape, from the sword to the "foot" look, the water chest is distinct.

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