Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1424: a failed war

Qin Lang couldn't help but tremble. The words "cultural invasion" made him feel amazed, and even a little cold sweat appeared on his back. Cai Yan is a wise man. This is unquestionable. It also means that he may have seen something that ordinary people and even the position may not necessarily see.

Nowadays, with the changes of the times, the collision between civilizations is no longer the same as before. In the past, the collision between civilizations was accompanied by swords and swords and countless killings, but now war is no longer the theme melody, because the war is plundering. Although it is very direct, it may cause a double loss situation. Therefore, the collision between civilization and civilization, the state and the country is reflected in the invasion and compromise of economic and cultural.

These levels of collision and intrusion are too complicated, but Qin Lang knows that what Cai Yan said is absolutely true. Because Cai Yan only said a few words, he pointed out the problems of today's society. Cai Yan arbitrarily said "edible oil." "," "milk", "oil" and other words, these words mean that China has lost the pricing power of these industries, clearly these things are sold domestically, but the price is others.

It seems that Cai Yan is not a person who reads the book of death. The old man may have rarely left here. However, the situation of the country and society is still very understandable, and it is more thorough than many people. In the past few years, the country has indeed developed rapidly, but in the process of development, we have also sacrificed a lot of precious resources, even at the expense of the environment and human life. However, even if the economy is now at this point, we are subject to people everywhere. The financial oligarchy of foreign countries alone can get huge dividends from Chinese listed companies every year. These even include our state-owned enterprises, such as several large banks. At the time, the benefits of foreign funds are simply unimaginable.

The economy is only one aspect. The real horror is the invasion of civilization and culture.

This is the most terrible!

As Cai Yan said, it seems that our food, clothing, housing and transportation are all being westernized. Even education is like this. For a while, learning foreign languages ​​has been mentioned at an unimaginable height:

Learning foreign languages ​​is actually more time than learning Chinese! As a result, parents of students even have to pay high tuition fees to let students learn foreign languages ​​from an early age.

This is actually a very ridiculous thing.

What is the language? Language is the cornerstone of a civilization and the foundation of a culture. As a Chinese, the time spent on learning other languages ​​is actually more than the native language. What is the inheritance of local culture and the inheritance of thousands of years of civilization?

What is even more frightening is that when we learn other civilizations, we do not hesitate to lose the most precious things in our own civilization and think that these things are the shackles attached to us.

"Our people have lost 'Qian Ran', 'Benevolence', 'Friendly Love', etc. Even the most basic 'filial piety, loyalty, loyalty and shamefulness' of our Chinese nation has been lost. Many of us have become profitable. A profit is a picture. What are the hopes of the nation? Look at the things on the table, there are still a few things that can be eaten with confidence. This is the many adverse effects brought about by the cultural invasion. Now there are several people who will read the Chinese Those sage articles are busy watching the comics TVs of foreigners fighting and killing the earth and the universe. It is really sad! The saddest thing is that we can hardly learn the essence of human civilization, but see some The dregs were brought in." After Cai Yan finished, it was a long sigh.

Originally, Cai Yan was not such a sentimental person, or because Qin Lang was considered to be a half disciple of Confucianism, so I had some more sighs.

Cai Yan’s words are somewhat “grievous”, but Qin Lang knows that these are not complaints, but they are all truthful.

We kept saying that we are learning the advanced things of Western civilization. As a result, we have not learned the advanced things and spirits, but we have learned some messy things. Many foreign countries do not bother to do things, but they are relished with gusto.

On the contrary, the "dross" we discarded is picked up by others, but it is regarded as the essence of our own nation. For example, the text of "stolen" from the country of China, who knows that most of the characters in the country are Chinese men. Evolving. For example, the tea ceremony that the people of the country are relishing, the kimchi that South Korea eats with gusto, and the “Chinese porcelain” of the world, these things are originally the essence of our culture, but they are bitten by others. empty. Even South Korea has claimed that Confucian sage Confucius is their South Korean, and they are also preparing to apply for a legacy. This is to prepare Confucianism.

It can be seen that in the collision of civilization and civilization, in this cultural war, we have become losers, and this is unquestionable.

Cultural wars should have been damaged and exchanged with each other. However, what everyone saw was that foreign blockbusters were constantly imported into the country, foreign books were constantly bombarded, and some foreign so-called "literary films" were everywhere. Flying, and our electricity, our culture has stopped at home. Many people are also deceiving themselves because the level of film production in their country is limited. It is really a joke. Even the "Bollywood" in India can produce "Slumdog Millionaire" and "Three Fools". But we can't do it, and occasionally someone who can be regarded as a famous person is in the country of rice.

Losing is losing. In this battle of economic and cultural collisions, we are losers. This is undoubted.

However, although this Chinese game without smoke has lost, there is still hope.

Just as Qin Lang feels awe-inspiring in the South China University of Science and Technology, in most of China's primary schools, middle schools and universities, there is still awe-inspiring presence. This shows that the Chinese scholars are still there, which means Confucianism and The foundation of Chinese studies is still there.

Losing money for a while does not mean that the whole market is lost. The Chinese culture and civilization will still have the opportunity to rise.

However, the resistance is great, not only from the resistance of foreign cultures, but also from the prevention of some so-called "elite people" in China. Although these people wear the Chinese people's skin, they call the country a "beauty." Everything that preached the country is good. It seems that the burgers in the country are better than the ambassadors.

The complaints of Cai Yan’s old man were finished, and the next step was to do something practical.

Originally, Cai Yan had no way to interfere with the air movement of Confucianism. He could only wait for the re-emergence of Confucian disciples, because as long as the seeds and foundations are still there, Confucianism naturally has a day of rise and prosperity, although Confucianism suffered destruction decades ago. Sexual blows, but the country is breaking the mountains and rivers, the green hills are still there, and one day we can still see hope. Today, Qin Lang appeared. Although he was not a Confucian disciple, he brought new hope to Confucianism. This hope was only shackled by Cai Yan.

"Cai Heng! You come in!" At this time, Cai Yan told his son.

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