Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1503: The rise of the Wind Bell Valley

At the last moment of the robbery, Qin Lang finally realized the weakness of his field. Qinlang’s holy age originated from the combination of heaven and earth, and maintained the state of heaven and earth. However, Qinlang’s holy age is strong, but Still not perfect, combined with the heavens and the earth, it is bound to be bound by the sky, trapped in the sky, just like this moment, in the last thunder robbery, Qin Lang felt that the field of heaven and earth that he practiced began to collapse. Because the thunderbolt represents the punishment will of heaven and earth, the will of heaven and earth cannot be resisted.

However, at the last moment, Qin Lang reversed the situation in his life, and his heart suddenly understood the weaknesses in the field of heaven and earth, and then pushed his field of heaven and earth to the "holy field."

What is the field of the Holy Path is to control the heavens with the Holy Path.

The way of the saints is above the heavens and the earth, the heavens and the earth are dead, the saints are immortal, the sun and the moon are destroyed, and the saints are not destroyed. This is the great existence of the ancient saints.

Therefore, the will of the saints can control the will of the heavens and the earth, and the field of saints is naturally stronger than the realm of heaven and earth before Qin Lang.

Qinlang’s holy fetus was originally centered on the Holy Path. At the moment, it has transformed the Holy Path into the center of its own field and formed the field of the Holy Path.

Hey! ~

In an instant, Qin Lang suddenly burst into a strange force, and vaguely can see a group of black and white light, Qin Lang in this group of power and light, just like a martial sage.

The thunder was on the top of Qin Lang’s head.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth were white, and it seemed that they could not open their eyes.

The light is exhausted, and the heavens and the earth are unusually quiet.

The black and white light cluster around Qin Lang’s body gradually subsided.

The success of the Fengdong Army’s impact on the Yuan Ying period should have been the focus of attention, but it is called Qin Lang at this moment, because when the black and white light around his body has not dispersed, it gives people a kind of seemingly detached world. feel.

The wind east army succeeded in the Yuan Ying period, and his head showed a small baby's form, and then the little baby was hidden in his head.

At this time, Feng Dongjun bowed to Qin Lang: "Thank you for the re-creation of Mr.! If it wasn't for Mr. Rescue today, I am afraid I am already fierce."

"The door is heavy, I am the guest of the wind bell valley, naturally it should be difficult for the door to solve the problem." Qin Lang faint smile, indicating that the wind army does not have to be so cautious.

In fact, in Qin Lang's opinion, he does not need the gratitude of the Fengdong Army. Qinlang is also benefiting a lot from this matter. In addition, the words of the Fengdong Army don't make much sense. The key is to see if he will stand firm in the future. On the side of Qin Lang.

With the help of thunder, I realized the field of the sacred road. This really lays the foundation for Qin Lang’s martial arts at the level of Wu Sheng. Now the field of Qin Lang has become perfect. This is quite a huge gain, which is equivalent to let Qin Lang see a new practice. road.

Feng Qingyue saw that Qin Lang was safe and sound, and the heart that was hung was finally settled. The Qin Lu was so seen the moment before, and the wind and the moon were about to collapse.

"Congratulations to the owner, step into the Yuan Ying period!"

One of the elders shouted loudly, and suddenly caused a response from the entire wind bell valley. The wind bell valley finally gave birth to a Yuan Ying period monk, which means that the strength of the wind bell valley has completely embarked on a new level.

Nowadays, even if it is Black Snow City, it is necessary to give the wind bell valley a three-point face. The attitude of Feng Zongzong to the Wind Bell Valley will inevitably change.

After the congratulations of the calm voice, the Fengdong army said: "The reason why I successfully entered the Yuan Ying period depends on Mr. Qing Yang's help. In addition, I want to announce one thing. After I have achieved Yuan Ying, I have to concentrate on it. I practiced, and since then I have become the elders of the wind bell valley, and the position of the doorkeeper will be passed on to the elders of the wind and the moon."


The wind is clear and the moon can't help but stunned. She hasn't had much time as the elder of the Wind Bell Valley. Now she has to go to become the owner of the Wind Bell Valley. This is indeed a big change for her, so she hurriedly said modestly. "The doorkeeper, I am still young, not to mention the fact that the experience and experience of several other elders are higher than me-"

"Because you are still young, you can be more effective as a wind chime as a head. What's more, you may wish to ask other elders, are they willing to recommend you as the head?" Fengdong Jundao.

"Yes, the wind and the elders of the moon, although you are young, but young and promising, after the head of the Fengdong army, they are eager to cultivate, called the elders of the wind bell valley, you should take the lead and succeed in the position of the head." Another veteran echoed the road, not only because of the face of the Yuan Dongjun, the Yuan Yingxiu, but also because of the "Mr. Qing Yang." These elders know that the reason why Fengdongjun can enter the Yuan Ying period is because Mr. Qing Yang, the Shangpin Danshi, spares no effort to support, and this person can still resist the Yuanying Thunder, relying on these benefits, It is enough for several elders to give up their thoughts on the position of the head. As long as you can break through the Yuan Ying period, you can live for hundreds of years, and it is not so important outside a head.

Feng Qingyue did not know whether she should refuse. She turned her eyes to Qin Lang and saw Qin Lang nodded at her, so the wind and the moon had come down.

The matter is settled. The Wind Army called the elders of the Wind Bell Valley, and the wind and the moon are the new heads. However, the elders of the East Army will not immediately let go, but will continue to monitor for a period of time until Feng Qingyue is fully qualified for the responsibility of the head.

The Fengdong Army broke through the Yuan Ying period and the news quickly spread throughout the entire Black Snow City sphere of influence. Although the number of Jindan monks in the area of ​​Black Snow City is quite large, the number of monks in the Yuan Ying period is quite small, so the wind bell valley gave birth to a Yuan Ying period monk, and immediately the status of the wind bell valley has risen a lot. In one fell swoop, it became one of the top 20 forces in Black Syracuse.

Wind Bell Valley, this time is really rising.

In this matter, Qin Lang can be regarded as a great hero, but Qin Lang does not live as a hero, because Qin Lang knows that he is so supportive of the Fengdong Army and support the Wind Bell Valley, all for himself, Feng Dongjun and Fengling Valley The stronger the strength, the more benefits Qin Lang gets from it.

Before the Fengdong Army was only a monk in the Dandan period, the channel for obtaining news was naturally narrow, but now he has entered the high-end combat force within the sphere of Black Snow City, and the channels for obtaining information are naturally much wider. You can get more news from him.

On this point, although Qin Lang did not open again, but the Fengdong Army has taken the initiative to guarantee to Qin Lang, he will carefully explore these news for Qin Lang.

This time, Qin Lang will not wait, because he thinks that the time to go to the bones of the demon domain is here.

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