Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1512: Legend of the dragon

Southeast China, it is rumored that this place is the most "near" place in the earth world, because there are many self-cultivators from the earth world, or some of the sects have some connection with the earth world, so in the Kyushu Among them, Southeast China is a relatively "open" place.

In any case, it is actually a good news for Qin Lang. When I arrived here, Liangbei couldn't use it for a while, so Qin Lang earned it into a poisonous sac. For this, Liangbei did not dare to rebel because it knew that it was his best choice to obey the ancestors.

The swamp of this swamp is very heavy, and there are many unknown dangers hidden in it. However, Qin Lang is not here to demolish the demon. He just reveals his own magic species, pretending to be the devil's head, and then through the induction between the dragon and the pulse. Go outside the swamp.

The induction between Qin Lang and Dragon Pulse is like a compass for Qin Lang, so he does not need to catch the demon and monsters in the swamp as a guide, and can easily get out of this maze-like stink bog.

Out of the swamp, away from the suffocating gas, the induction between Qin Lang and the dragon vein is getting stronger and stronger. This kind of induction is two-way. Qin Lang senses the existence of this dragon vein, and this dragon vein also senses his existence, and This dragon vein also issued an "invitation" to Qin Lang, guiding Qin Lang to approach it.

For this thing in Southeast China, Qin Lang is almost ignorant. Some of the sects in Southeast China built a transmission array to the Earth World. This news is only known through Liangbei, and Liangbei is naturally obtained through other devils. Therefore, in order to materialize these messages, Qin Lang also needs to collect more information. In Qin Lang’s view, it’s helpful to talk to the dragon in the southeast of China.

Therefore, in addition to the swamp, Qin Lang followed the induction of the dragon pulse, and made every effort to talk with this dragon.

Along the way, Qin Lang saw many monks in the southeastern China. He found that the monks here are different from the monks in the southwestern Weizhou. The monks here are indeed with the characteristics of Chinese people, whether they are from appearance or temperament or clothes. Qin Lang thinks that he seems to have come to the ancient China, but the difference is that the clothing characteristics of Southeast China include almost all the clothes of the dynasties, and some modern clothes are set up, so that Qin Lang feels a little intimate.

However, when Qin Lang saw that the two monks had carried out a brutal fight, the intimacy of Qin Lang’s heart disappeared completely. He immediately realized that it was a real world after all, although the faces or temperament of these people A little Chinese characteristics, but their essence is still a monk in the realm of cultivation, so once these monks have a conflict with him, there will never be a pity for him to be a Chinese.

The fellow villagers see the fellow villagers, and the two tearful things are impossible to exist in this cruel world. What's more, Qin Lang also saw the inferior roots of China: the aura of the Southeast China has already had signs of excessive consumption. It is no match for the concentration of heaven and earth, but it is no longer comparable to the southwestern Pazhou. It is also suddenly reduced, but alchemy is more developed than the southwestern Pazhou.

The more developed alchemy, which means that the spiritual resources of Southeast China have begun to be excessively consumed. This is the old way of walking the earth world. The practitioners of Huaxia Shenzhou also used excessive mining of spiritual stones, spiritual veins and grasses. In order to carry out the refining of the altar, the result was a depletion of the heavens and the earth.

For the problem of Southeast China, Qin Lang is not very concerned. He is not an environmental ambassador. Even if Shenzhou is completely scrapping his land, Qin Lang will not feel bad for them. Qin Lang is here only to achieve his goal.

As for Qin Lang’s going to the Longmai “convergence”, it is to get some key information through the dragon veins. Qin Lang’s body has been transformed by chaotic days, so the induction of various spiritual veins is very strong, and the guardians There is also a special skill: you can "communicate" with the pulse.

Spirituality, throughout life, in the eyes of the guardian, the pulse is like a river of life running through the world. The place where the river of life passes will definitely leave some "memory", and Qinlang only needs to enter the dragon vein. Among them, you can sense the information of Southeast China, and the information must be quite accurate.

However, when Qin Lang approached the southeastern Shenzhou Dragon Pulse, he had to stop, because the front is the territory of the polar star. This extremely sect, but one of the top ten sects of the comprehension, is powerful and can be imagined. Once Qin Lang enters the realm of the polar sect, it is easy to be discovered.

At least, you must never enter with a demon.

Therefore, Qin Lang had to pretend to be a disguise. Li Yuanyin’s teaching of Qin Lang’s genius can come in handy. This knowledge can not only help Qin Lang to see through his opponent’s identity, but also can well disguise his identity. Entering the realm of the polar sect, whether it is a demon or a martial artist, I am afraid that it will cause the attention of the polar sect. Therefore, Qin Lang disguised himself as a monk who has not yet successfully built a base and continued to walk toward the place where the dragon vein is located.

About a few tens of kilometers walked, Qin Lang saw a huge mountain peaking straight into the sky. This mountain is really huge, and the height is quite terrible. If it is in the earth world, I am afraid the name of the world’s first peak in Everest. The head will be taken away.

This is where the mountain gate of the polar star is located. It is really domineering!

Around the peaks, you can see countless swords and light shuttles, which represents countless practitioners, even if the black snow city that Qin Lang had seen before, compared with the polar star, it can be regarded as a small witch.

If you go up the mountain, it is equal to entering the mountain gate of the polar star, then it will be very strictly examined. Qin Lang does not think that he can pass the layer of the polar star, so he did not venture up the mountain, and he did not need it. Be sure to go up the mountain.

At this point, the induction of Qin Lang and Longmai has been very strong. Even if it does not enter the mountain gate of the Polar Star, Qin Lang believes that he can also accomplish his goal.

There are many people coming and going to the Polar Stars. Qin Lang had to find a hidden place for himself. Qin Lang detoured the southeast direction of the polar star Zongshanmen and then entered a relatively hidden valley.

There are many trees in the valley, and there are many beasts and poisonous insects. If they are other practitioners, entering this valley will definitely cause the violent temper of these poisonous insects and beasts, but Qin Lang naturally has a way to enter here without moving. .

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