Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1548: Carnivorous plant

This crazy guy has some strange things in his stomach. This is similar to the information recorded decades ago. According to the records of the year, some crazy guys found unknown plants in their stomachs.

Since this person has been "dead", Qin Lang does not need to have any psychological burden, and begins to dissect directly. After all, this guy's heart has stopped beating for a long time. Since he is a dead person, there should be the consciousness of the dead.

The guy's stomach was broken by Qin Lang, and the things inside were stinky, but the guy himself did not feel pain, as hard as the zombie's vitality. Qin Lang took control of its actions and focused on the guy's stomach.

Sure enough, Qin Lang saw an unknown plant. At least at first glance, many people thought that this thing was a plant. Like a fern, it curled and stayed in the stomach. This relationship is a dark green leaf. There are white roots, how to see them are plants, but it is indeed an unknown plant, Qin Lang has never seen this thing, although Qin Lang's biological skills are very solid.

According to the previous data, this thing is regarded as a plant. This thing is a plant in terms of its shape and characteristics. However, in the case of Qin Lang, this thing is a plant, and it should be regarded as a "carnivorous plant".

Although I don't know why this thing will go to the stomach of this unlucky soldier, but a keen sense of relatives tells him that this strange thing is not dead, it just disguise itself with death.

Qin Lang is only a person. There is no laboratory here. I can't do any further research. Therefore, Qin Lang can only throw it into the poison pouch, and then burn the soldier's body with a red lotus fire.

Although I don't know where this comes from, Qin Lang believes that people in this base should know some things, but the core of this **** base is very strict, even if the worms want to sneak in.

Qin Lang has been unable to find a breakthrough, until there are vehicles dispatched from this base. The vehicle sent this time is obviously not a transport vehicle, but a container truck. There are also two researchers in the car wearing white coats. Before and after the big truck, there was a transporter guarding it. It is obvious that the contents of the container truck are still important.

I feel that this truck may have something of interest to him, so Qin Lang caught up with this truck and went along with it.

Still staying under the truck's car, although the road was bumpy, Qin Lang was just like the gecko, firmly grasping under the car.

However, when the truck stopped, Qin Lang couldn’t help but feel depressed because the truck brought him back to the area.

Qin Lang students have to be depressed, feelings are in their own circle, these guys actually brought themselves back to this ghost place.

The truck has entered the boundary of this so-called spiritual area. At this time, the car has completely stopped. It is very likely that the people in the car do not want to go deep into this place.

Qin Lang fell from the bottom of the car to the ground, and then directly fell into the gravel, just like the poisonous snake in the desert, using sand to cover up himself.

However, what happened on the truck, Qin Lang also clearly knows that after the huge compartment of this truck was opened, the things coming out from it were actually dead bodies, no, zombies!

Regarding the zombie thing, Qin Lang is no stranger, because he knows that the skill of the people who are better at the sect is to make a zombie, just as the poison sect is good at raising poisonous slaves. However, zombies and poisonous slaves are completely different things. Poisonous slaves are living things, but they are controlled by the consciousness of the living body. At present, these poisonous slaves produced by Qin Lang are basically regarded as "upgraded versions" of the poisonous slaves. That is, it already has an independent consciousness, and it can enhance the existence of cultivation. Because the poisonous slaves of the poisonous sect can be upgraded to the realm, it is only this that makes the poisonous slaves of Qinlang can blast the zombies of the sect, which is also the place where Qin Lang is proud.

However, what do these people in the sect send the zombies to this area?

Qin Lang feels that this is full of many unknown variables. It seems that this time Guo Jiahe’s people should be hidden deep.

In the view of Qin Lang, the old man and Yan Yan may have miscalculated this time, and let Guo control the control of this piece of land. This is a big mistake.

When the truck left, Qin Lang got out of the sand. He had already taken a zombie in his own poisonous pouch. The group of zombies watching the poisonous scorpion swayed into the spiritual area. Although Qin Lang wanted to go in and see it. At first glance, but reason tells him that it is not the time. It may not be possible to figure out the cause of the incident at this time, and it is likely to expose itself.

After all, the spiritual events in this spiritual region have been going on for decades, and this time I am afraid that it is not a new reincarnation, and the situation may be further magnified.

After leaving here, Qin Lang sat alone on a sand dune and began to carefully study the plant specimens and the zombies of the sects that were obtained from the stomach of the dead soldiers.

This zombie is still the "typical zombie" of the sect. It is a zombie cultivated in the traditional way of the sect. There is no improvement. This makes Qin Lang somewhat disappointed. I thought I could find the reason from this zombie, but this zombie. There is no specificity at all.

As for the plant specimens obtained from the stomach of the death soldier, Qin Lang once again studied it. He seems to have discovered the special features of this thing. After Qin Lang’s mental power detection, Qin Lang discovered that the plant specimen may be “disguised”:

The stomach juice of the human stomach has a strong corrosive effect. This plant specimen enters the stomach. It is said that it will soon be corroded by the gastric juice. At least it is impossible to maintain such a complete shape. The only possibility is that this thing is "camouflage." "It is not a plant at all!"

In order to verify his point of view, Qin Lang directly extracted the toxins of a little bit of stonefish, and then used the silver needle to carry the toxin into the plant specimen.

If the thing is a plant body, the toxin of the ghost stonefish can not cause substantial damage to it, but if it is an animal, the toxin of the ghost stonefish will make it unbearable.


But when the silver needles of the scorpionfish toxins were stuck on the "plant specimens", the thing made a scream and then bounced at a very fast speed, and slammed into the front of Qinlang. The zombie that was secretly stolen, and then directly into the zombie.

Although the speed of this thing is very fast, if Qin Lang wants to stop it, he will certainly be able to stop it, but Qin Lang did not stop it, because he began to understand that this may be the reason why the sect sent the zombies into the spiritual area. It is.

This strange "plant specimen" can be combined with zombies, and Qin Lang finally became interested in the "research results" of the sect.

Is this "plant specimen" of affection actually eating meat?

The Buddha was set to prove Qin Lang’s speculation. After the “carnivorous plant” specimen was merged with the zombies, it suddenly jumped up and flew toward Qin Lang. It seemed that Qin Lang had to be swallowed up.

The zombies of the sects were not so powerful. In addition to some old corpses and zombies made of martial arts, the sects are more powerful. The other ordinary zombies are weaker, the only strong. It is these guys who are not afraid of death and suffering. Once the number reaches a certain level, it is quite terrible. However, the horrors of zombies have always occurred in the ancient war years. According to the current situation in the world, there are not many people who die, and the "materials" for refining zombies are naturally not much. You can't use old people to refine zombies. The cremation of the body is naturally not suitable for refining zombies.

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