Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1559: Crazy experiment

"No problem, now I have to worry about this problem is Guo Yuxiang and Guo Jia's people. After all, Kurdish is a problem when dealing with Guo Yuxiang. Therefore, they should first go to Guo's trouble." Qin Lang did not care. He came here, just want to figure out what this Pisces is.

"You want to study Pisces and jade here? I think it's still a problem." Wu Minghou reminded Qin Lang that when the country got this thing decades ago, it naturally did some research, but this thing was finally sealed up. Obviously it is ominous. Wu Minghou is not superstitious, but thinks that Qin Lang studies this thing, I am afraid that there will be something that cannot be controlled.

"I have to give it a try." Qin Lang informed Wu Minghou that this jade had copied a saint beetle.

"So ^ ... the mirror person of the year, is this also made out of this thing?" Wu Ming Hou 骇 道.

Mirror people, there is only one word left now, because although these "people" were mentioned in the archives, they were completely destroyed. In view of the situation at the time, these people are probably not even slag. There is a little left.

But if this Pisces jade can copy the "mirror body", then it is very likely that the mirror person is the one that was produced, not to mention that the Peng surnamed scientist who was missing in the past is actually a mirror person, and his deity should have long been hiding. Woke up.

"I don't know. However, I think this thing is very good." Qin Lang laughed. "I am going to use Kurdish to do the experiment and copy a vampire count, so that my blood-making machine will produce vampire blood for me." Doubled."

Wu Minghou didn't think that Qin Lang turned out to be such an idea, but he thought about it a bit. Now that this thing is in the world, there must be some reason, or Guo Jia and Shu Zong people know some secrets of this thing, but they must It will not be shared with the Qin Lang and Dragon Snake forces, so the only way to know the secret of this thing is to continue experimenting.

If you let others do the experiment, Wu Minghou is not at ease. After all, the researchers of the Dragon Snake Force are all elites. If the loss is on this experiment, it is a pity. But it doesn't matter if Qin Lang came to experiment. Wu Minghou knows about Qin Lang. This guy is daring and has a strong means, so there should be too many problems.

Because this pair of fish jade is very curious, so when Qin Lang did the experiment, Wu Minghou did not leave, and Wu Minghou found a few laboratory elites, let them watch it, perhaps help Qin Lang find the answer earlier.

However, these research elites knew that this thing was the rumor of Pisces Yupei, and they were excited to participate in the research. Wu Minghou saw the crazy side of the researchers, saying that the practitioners were crazy, I couldn’t think of them. The guy who studies is crazy and really doesn't care. However, because both Wu Minghou and Qin Lang knew the risks, the first experiment was handed over to Qin Lang. Moreover, to copy the scum of Kurdish, or Qin Lang personally compare insurance, after all, this guy is the vampire count, the destructive power is unimaginable.

Kurd, who had cut off his limbs, was fixed in the open field test site by Qin Lang. This time, Qin Lang used the holy scar beetle to open the box, but avoided the stigma beetle being illuminated by the green, just let the green light shine on the Kurdish.

Wu Minghou and the observed experimental personnel all entered the state, focusing on all the movements. At this moment, the box was opened. When it was opened, a green light came out and the body of Kurd was in the middle.

At this point, unexpected things happened:

Unexpectedly, Qin Lang and Wu Minghou did not copy the Kurdish, but the copied Kurdish was actually intact.

Green light just disappeared, this "newborn" Kurdish gave a sneer, and then began to break through, and also called for Qin Lang revenge, but this guy just leapt into the air, suddenly fell to the ground and twitched. It is like a sheep epilepsy.

"It seems that Pisces Yupei will completely copy you out, but unfortunately the toxins left in your body have also been copied, so you can't turn up any big waves." Qin Lang sneered, then went straight up, The replicator’s limbs were about to be cut off, but what Qin Lang didn’t think was that he hadn’t done it yet, and the mirrored Kurd’s limbs disappeared.

As a result, the test site left two disabled Kurdish counts.

Wu Minghou and several researchers came into the scene, and the researchers kept sighing: "It's so amazing! I don't think there is such a thing!"

"This thing doesn't look like a high-tech product. I thought it was an efficient clone device!" another researcher said.

“It’s impossible to clone a device!” another person said, “Clones cannot clone ideas. Moreover, cloning technology is based on the technology of gene cell replication. The new individual cloned according to the truth should be complete, that is, a complete Kurdish, but this Kurdish limb suddenly disappears, which is not logical!"

"I think this is caused by the theory of physical mirroring. According to cosmology, there is another completely opposite world in our world. This world is the mirror world. Everyone in our world has a projection in that world, and this Pisces jade It is the link between the two worlds. This device is activated, and another world Kurdish is sent over. It should be like this.” Another person put forward a new perspective.

"If this Kurdish is from the mirror world, how can he explain that he suddenly lost his limbs after he arrived in the world?" Some people began to refute, these researchers are like this. Once the scientific discussion is started, it will be endless. .

Although Qin Lang is not a scientist, he is more supportive of one of the "mirror worlds". At least it feels quite the same thing, but another person's rebuttal is also very reasonable: if it is a mirror world, then it should It has appeared that the disabled Kurdish is right.

"It should be the cause of time distortion!" The one continued to adhere to his own mirrored world view and explained the problem with time warping between the two worlds.

"Well, if you insist on the idea of ​​mirroring the world, then we are making a hypothesis. There are already two Kurds in this world. So in the mirror world, should there be two Kurds?" I asked, "Can you use this pair of fish jade to make two Kurds again?"

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