Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1575: Very boring master

"Don't expect people from the country to help you."

Guo Yuxiang’s words directly lowered the mood of the elders of the sects to the bottom of the valley. He looked around the crowd coldly. “What is the situation? As a sect of China, I actually count on foreign crickets to help you?”

"You have not got the same help from Mi Guozhen. Otherwise, can you have today's achievements?" A elder elder snorted and felt that Guo Yuxiang now seems less and less sensible, and the veteran of the sect They are less and less respected.

"I never expect the help of others. My achievements today are all made with my life. If you have this awareness, I can also provide you with the magic factor, but don't blame me for not reminding me, injecting God. After the magic factor, there will be more than 60% chance of death. If you are willing, you can try it!" Guo Yuxiang sneered again and again.

Or Qiguanshan broke the deadlock: "Hangxiang, the most urgent task is to consider how to deal with Qin Lang and the poison sect. Now is not the time of guilt. Besides, the current situation you know, whether it is the sect or your Guo family, you need that. Ghost hole, so our goal is consistent with the outside world, you don't have to doubt this?"

Qi Guanshan is the master of Guo Yuxiang. This face is naturally to be given. Guo Yuxiang nodded and said: "Yes, our goal today is Qin Lang and the ghost hole. However, these elders here are considering some stupid methods. So I really feel bored. Master, this is really no need to continue, let's go out."

Guo Xiaoxiang got up and seemed to really not want to continue to discuss with these people.

Qi Guanshan was helpless and could only go out.

When he arrived at a quiet place, Qi Guanshan asked Guo Yuxiang: "Apprentice, why do you want to do this, don't give these elders face? In this case, how do you do the master of the sect in the future? You should know that I really hope you. Be the master!"

Qi Guanshan really hopes that Guo Yuxiang is the sect of the sect. However, Guo Yuxiang needs the support of these elders, but today Guo Yuxiang’s actions are completely offensive to these people, so Qi Guanshan has such a sigh.

"Master, you should know that the family also wants me to be the owner of the Guo family. However, I am not interested in the position of the owner. Whether it is the lord of the sect, or the owner of the Guo family, it is the identity that many people envy. But I am not interested at all because I know my goal." Guo Yuxiang said firmly, and told his goal to Qi Guanshan.

"In any case, I have a disciple like you in Qishan. It is a blessing in my life." Qi Guanshan said, "Just, this ghost hole is connected to another world. We need this place. Guo also needs it. What are your plans?" ?"

"I had planned to talk to Qin Lang before, but I was afraid that there was no way to talk about the reaction of these veterans of the sect." Guo Yuxiang said, "If you want to negotiate, you must sacrifice the interests of the sect, even at the cost of giving Zong Xiang’s poisonous lord bowed his head, but this is obviously not good, isn’t it?”

"Of course this is not possible!" Qi Guanshan could not agree with Guo Yuxiang's thoughts, not to mention other elders. "But why do we have to make such a huge concession?"

Qi Guanshan is puzzled. On the one hand, Guo Yuxiang is so arrogant to the elders of the sects. On the other hand, he is so attached to Qin Lang. Qi Guanshan does not know why Guo Yuxiang has become like this.

"Because there are only concessions, we can benefit from it. We all need ghosts, isn't it, but do you think that Qin Lang will let us share the benefits? What did he get, when did the sect come back? Now Qinlang has become more and more It's powerful, and it's almost impossible to stop him from becoming stronger, even if I can't stop it. Since the sect can't make concessions, then it is doomed that the sect can't use the ghost hole. As for me... oh, I will leave the sect. I will go to other places to find opportunities." Guo Xiaoxiang sneered, actually prepared to give up the surgery.

"Are you ready to leave?" Qi Guanshan Road, "Guo Jia also needs the cooperation of the Emperor, if you leave, how can this be done?"

"Any cooperation is based on the profit of both parties. Whether or not I am here, as long as it is beneficial to both parties, it is possible to achieve cooperation. On the contrary, if it is not beneficial to both parties, I will not help here. What's more, the master should know that although you are the master of the sect, but the big thing is not that you have the final say, isn't it? In this case, I naturally have no interest in the position of this lord." Guo Yuxiang said, "Master, I Going! The sects are so arrogant in these elders, they should be taught."

Having said this, Guo Yuxiang immediately left, without hesitation.

After a while, Qiguanshan returned to the place where the elders of the elders negotiated. At this time, these elders have reached a conclusion: first test the strength of Qin Lang! If this person is too strong, then the people who jointly show the sects and the medicines will deal with him.

Hearing this conclusion, Qi Guanshan was directly depressed. It seems that Guo Yuxiang is right. Although he is the patriarch of the sect, he is a lord who cannot be the master. The key is that the decisions made by these elders are too mentally handicapped. This decision is simply the decision they have consistently implemented. As Guo Yuxiang said, these elders have never dared to take risks to take risks, so their decisions are always spying. If they feel weak, they will be destroyed. If the other party is strong, then they will unite with other sects. , form a strong enough strength to fight off the other side together.

In short, in the view of Qi Guanshan, these elders are really boring, and they are very daring. The sect is controlled by these people for a long time, and probably does not have much future. However, what is depressing is that after the elders made the decision, Qi Guanshan was the performer and he must implement these deliberative decisions.


The same is the sovereign, Qi Guanshan is extremely depressed, because he is the chief of the ancestral lord, and Qin Lang is the true master of the poisonous sect. The degree of control of the sects of the two sides is very different.

Since Qin Lang saw this ghost hole, he did not intend to leave, so he seized all the time to consolidate his "defense zone". First, he repeatedly pressured the old man to ensure that the soldiers in the outermost defensive circle were not Guo. Factional. The military in the Xinwei District has built a wall made of thick steel plates outside this area to ensure that no one is allowed to approach the area at random, nor to allow any creatures inside the area to come out at will.

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