Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1581: Land of miracles

Upon receiving the call from Xie Luozhen, Qin Lang first praised the other party. Although Qin Lang and the director of the weapons research and development department did not meet much, he was very sure about Xie Luozhen because of the two years of the Dragon Snake Force. Many new weapons have been developed and used by people who are unconventional for the Dragon Snake Force. This is because of Xie Luozhen’s credit. At the same time, Xie Luozhen is also a very stable and rational person. He has a certain overall situation. Unlike other researchers, he only knows how to do research. He is not known when he is sold.

"I will be able to control this area very quickly. As for how to use this wormhole, that is what you want to study. When I completely control this area, you can enter here for close-range study." Qin Langdao.

"This is impossible! There is a strong unnamed radiation near the wormhole, and ordinary people can't get close." Xie Luo said.

"Hey? You think that the breath of death is a kind of radiation, it is interesting to speculate. But it is good, then continue to study according to your assumptions, anyway, it will not take much time, you should be able to enter here, on this point Maybe science can't explain, but the truth is." Qin Langdao.

"There is no science that cannot explain things, but our scientific level is not enough." Xie Luozhen still has his own philosophy.

"It doesn't matter, everyone has their own ideas, and my parents are also researchers." Qin Lang laughed and did not interfere with Xie Luozhen's speculation. Everyone has their own ideology, and outsiders cannot impose intervention.

What's more, Qin Lang is now busy analyzing how to control the affairs of this area, and he is already in the eyebrows. Qin Lang will build a matrix method similar to the chaotic cycle here. This array is based on Qin Lang itself. Only in his body, there is the so-called chaos force, which can promote the cycle and transformation of life and death.

Since the secret is in your own body, you can find out what is going on sooner or later. When Qin Lang tried to introduce the gas of death into his body, he understood the mystery. Although it was risky to introduce the gas of death into his body, this time Qin Lang’s adventure is worthwhile because only feeling When the death threatened, Qin Lang suddenly understood the mystery of the transformation of life and death.

Life and death are like the power of yin and yang. They are opposite each other, but life and death are two distinct and opposite opposites. If the two are to be transformed, they must have a "catalyst". This catalyst is the power of chaos. .

The power of chaos, regardless of yin and yang, regardless of life and death, regardless of the past, so can accommodate all things, can also affect and change everything, when the gas of death is filled with Qin Lang body, his life gas begins to wither, life is affected At the time of the threat, the power of chaos began to work. Qin Lang discovered that the gas of death in the body began to transform into a lifelike atmosphere like the spring breeze.

After all, it is still successful.

As long as you understand the key to the transformation of life and death, it is the most important breakthrough for Qin Lang. The next thing is much simpler. Qin Lang began to arrange the array method with himself and the "city of undead". Nature needs to consume Lingshi. When the array method has not yet been formed, the aura released by these Lingshi will be made by the pressure of death. However, Qin Lang has prepared for this. His path of the sacred path is expanded, and the gas of death can be temporarily suppressed. After the formation of the formation method, Qin Lang converges on its own path of sacredness.

Hey! ~

The formation of the formation, the aura of Lingshi and the gas of death began to collide with each other. These are two distinct forces that are naturally mutually exclusive. However, under the influence of the formation method, both breaths were guided by the force of the formation and gathered at the center of the formation. At the center of this array of laws, it is naturally Qin Lang himself.


In an instant, Qin Lang felt that two very different forces rushed and collided in the body, and no one would give in to each other, and Qin Lang seemed to be the battlefield between these two breaths. However, when Qin Lang’s body triggered the power of chaos, the two breaths suddenly became mild, just as it was delayed by Qin Lang. However, Qin Lang did not naively think that it is really easy to downplay these two breaths. If it is not because his body has been transformed by the chaotic days, I am afraid that he has already encountered considerable trouble.

However, with the help of chaos, the two breaths in Qin Lang became gentle, and then the two breaths became distinct and even began to run in a strange law in Qin Lang’s body. Like the power of yin and yang between heaven and earth.

Qin Lang slowly displayed the dragon scorpion, and suddenly felt wonderful! Both breaths can be incorporated into the body's 114-odd dantian, and these two breaths can trigger two distinct forces.

The fist of life, the fist of death, the power of life and death, seems to be revealed in the fist of Qin Lang.

"Life and death are reversed, and life is endless!"

Qin Lang shouted and suddenly slammed into the foot.

Suddenly, with Qin Lang’s body as the center, two distinct atmospheres of life and death were released to the surrounding, and the undead city’s formation was completely mobilized. In this newly built city of undead, two breaths of life and death began to continually Convergence and integration have turned this place into a strange place. It is no longer the death of the Jedi, but the "land of heaven". Because staying here, people will not feel the threat of death, but they will not feel it. The passage of life.

Any or all living beings are continually dying, and each time they live for a second, the closer they are to death, the closer they are. This place is the only place in the city of the undead built by Andover, Bai Fu and these undead warriors, because here two breaths of life and death, the two forces reach an absolute equilibrium, so regardless of the body The life of the life is small, and at the same time it will increase.

Therefore, when this formation was completely activated, Anderford witnessed the existence of the miracle. It was originally the desert of death. After the invasion of death, it completely became a death, but suddenly, Telford feels that it seems to be full of vitality. Although the breath of death also exists, the power of life has begun to take root here. He saw that the poplar tree began to grow rapidly in this undead city. And the trees are getting more and more. After a while, the whole city is already green. Then the poplar trees began to bloom, but after a while, the leaves began to succumb and faded.

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