Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1594: Devil is hard to destroy

puff! ~

The evil spirits finally spurted blood, and the generation of the demon statues was succumbed to by the Qin Lang, and the traps were suppressed by the formation of the sacred field. Actually, the gas of death can be manipulated into the body of the tyrant, thereby weakening the tyrant. The vitality and strength of the evil, then Qin Lang is even more abhorrent, directly injecting several kinds of evil poison into the body of the evil spirit.

The evil spirit finally realized that he was completely fooled. It never dreamed that this kid had so many means, and that every means was so vicious.

"Sword Spirit!"

The strength of the evil spirits is constantly weakened, but Qin Lang is not at ease, so he let the sword spirit Qin Qin also shot, this sword spirit has been watching for a long time, naturally it is the heart of the income, in fact, she has already been ready to wait, this When I heard Qin Lang’s words, I immediately formed a sword with my right hand and pointed at the tyrannical evil. I immediately stabbed a sword into the body of the tyrannical spirit, and immediately screamed and screamed, apparently being the sword. The intention is heavy.

Although this sword was sent by Qin Yu, but because it is in the field of Qin Lang, he can clearly see that the "sword" of Qin Lan is not sword, but it is more powerful than Jian Jian. This is her. With its own sharp and unparalleled sword, this sword is pierced into its body by the mental confusion of the evil spirits, constantly disintegrating its fighting spirit and its control over its own strength. It can be said that it is just right to cooperate with Qin Lang.

The evil spirit seems to be completely suppressed, and then its power and body seem to be completely destroyed by Qin Lang.

However, the resilience of this monster is also very strong. At this time, it still did not give up, but cruelly ridiculed: "Hey ^... kid, you are really strong... very sinister! And, you have a lot of means, but Do you think that there is no last resort for me to be a demon lord! If you want me to die, I will let you die too! - Devil disintegrates Dafa!"

When I heard this day's demon disintegration, Qin Lang couldn't help but frown. This is a practice of a heavenly demon. Qin Lang once heard of Liangbei. This practice is actually a self-explosive body, but its special place lies in self-destruction. In the moment, you can increase your strength to more than ten times!

Because the demons disintegrate Dafa, in fact, the evil spirits of the heavens sacrifice themselves as sacrifices. The sacrifices can be part of themselves, or they can use all of the body, and if all the sacrifices of the body are used, the power of self-destruction is naturally biggest.

At this point, the choice of the evil spirits is that all the body blew!

It seems that this is really a decision to make a mistake with Qin Lang.

The monster, it really is a monster!

Even if this monster is dead, it seems that Qin Lang will be pulled into the water.

"Dan Ling Little Monk!"

The evil spirit chose to blew itself, because it is necessary to suppress it with the holy field. Qin Lang’s defensive power is naturally not enough, and the evil spirits also saw this point, so they used the practice of losing both the losers and even the same. However, it turns out that Qin Lang’s means are more, because he uses the Danling monk’s Danbao, and he will also form a helmet to strengthen his defense.

The evil spirits have already spurred the demons to disintegrate Dafa. Naturally, it cannot be reversed. However, at the moment of the explosion, it saw the Danbao, which was promoted by the Danling monk, and felt the mysterious and powerful fairy law released from Danbao. The evil spirit is simply to see the crack, because it knows the power of the fairy law, so it also knows that it must not kill the opponent.

And the facts are as expected by the evil spirits. The Danbao of the Danling monk is a powerful magic weapon, especially the defense aspect is even more powerful, not to mention the moment when the evil spirits blew themselves, Qinlang’s holy field suddenly shrinks. In order to offset some of the power of the evil spirits. In short, although the power of the last blast of the evil spirits was terrible, Qin Lang supported the past safely.

However, in the moment when the evil spirits blew themselves up, Qin Lang felt a bit wrong. He quickly used his powerful mental power to search the past, and suddenly knew that he still missed it.

The devil's disintegration of Dafa is similar to that of other extraterrestrial demons, but in fact it is much more brilliant. Other tricks are only for the sake of both defeats and deaths, but when the goods are displayed, look at them. It seems to be self-destructing. In fact, it is through the strange method, the essence of its own life is spread out through self-explosion. At the moment of self-explosion, the field of the holy road of Qinlang is naturally affected and impacted, and the essence of this evil spirit, Or it is its countless magic, which fled at that moment.

Although in the short term, the evil spirits can not be restored, even after his magical species has grown up, it is no longer the original evil spirit, but it has escaped in this way. Perhaps, after a few years, it may come to Qinlang for revenge.

Once the goods come back, it must be quite scary.

Qin Lang has finally learned the means of this millennium old demon. Others don’t say it for a while. It’s just that this guy’s desperate and life-saving means is simply amazing. Qin Lang is not amazed, because this devil is willing to save his life. The means of land are integrated into desperate means.

In this place where the magic is all around, it is impossible for Qin Lang to find out all the evil spirits of the evil spirits. I don’t think I’m trying my best, but I’m still at a loss.

However, fortunately, this time Qin Lang is not a small gain, and now this magic stone vein, completely fell into his hands.

This is the magic stone vein. The magic stone that can be mined is unimaginable, and Qin Lang is not idle. He immediately uses the magic slaves and the magic insects to mine this vein. He must take the magic stone of this vein as soon as possible. Fully mined. Qin Lang knows the power of the magic stone, so he absolutely does not allow these magic stones to fall into the hands of others.

Qin Lang left his magic insects and magic slaves to mine ore. He returned to the ground and prepared to build a new base here, a base that belongs to him completely.

Qin Lang is ready to use the underground magic stone vein to establish a nest consisting of magic insects and magic slaves, especially the magic insects, because the magical breeding and evolution of the magic insects is what Qin Lang is willing to see, these magic insects and The demon slave will eventually become the army of Qin Lang and become his chip in the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

The earth world is not only the bottommost world in many worlds, but also a small number of people. It is far worse than the world of comprehension, let alone compared with other worlds. Therefore, in addition to the need to continuously expand the strength of the Dragon Snake Force and the poison sect, Qin Lang also needs to expand the number of troops, but it is certainly not enough to expand the army by recruiting troops alone. Therefore, Qin Lang thought of another way, is to cultivate a powerful and controllable poisonous insects and magic slave army.

If there is no such a magic stone, Qin Lang's idea is difficult to achieve, but now all conditions have matured, and Qin Lang naturally began to act immediately.

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