Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1641: Moistening and silent

Wu Caiyun was right. When Qin Lang killed Anqiu, the plan succeeded more than half. The people of Yulia and the Dragon Snake Force successfully caught the new lady of Anqiu. This woman is also a succubus. And it is still a nobleman in the succubus.

However, the new lady of Anqiu now bears several crimes of "collaborating with subordinates", "murdering her husband" and "persecution of the heirs of the lord", so she can imagine the end.

After killing Anqiu, he grabbed the head of Anqiu. Under the leadership of Yulia, the group successfully entered the city of Longegas, and then in the city, the dignitaries took Tina from the cell like the castle black. Rescued in the house, everyone saw the chain on Tina's hand.

Although everyone knows that without An Qiu’s approval, the city’s wife’s stepmother may not have the courage to abuse Tina, but now Anqiu has been killed by it, so the people of Longegas City have already vented their anger to that place. The lady of the city owner went up.

Today, Tina is the only heir to Anqiu Taina, and the colleague who killed the angull who killed Anqiu is already the target of the public. So Tina has become the city owner of Longegas City, because everyone sees it. These human warriors brought out by Yulia are quite powerful, and no one other than Tyna is a legal heir.

Under the instigation of Yulia and Tina, the lady of the city was beheaded.

Qin Lang, Wu Caiyun and the people of the Dragon Snake Force began to help Yulia and Tina to consolidate the defense of the Dragon City, although these **** creatures are more exclusive to human warriors, but these **** creatures in the city of Longegas After the human warriors came into contact, they found that these human warriors did not seem to be as vicious and insidious as the rumors.

However, these **** creatures do not know, this is because Qin Lang and Wu Caiyun have ordered that members of the Dragon Snake Force are prohibited from hunting the Hell creatures in and around the city of Longgas. For Qin Lang and Wu Caiyun, Long Jiagas City is simply a natural base.

Relative to the resources of the entire Hell world, this resource of Longgagas City is nothing, as long as the Qinlang and Dragon Snake forces have established their own sphere of influence here, then even other human forces will enter. In the world of hell, it will be very difficult to fight against them.

Qin Lang informed Yulia about the process of killing Anqiu, and told Yulia that he was originally prepared to retain Anqiu’s life, but Anqiu used Longjing, and he could not stop Anqiu. . Who knows, Yulia not only does not mind Qin Lang's handling results, but instead says: "Mr. Qin solved his best, because even if you leave him, I will find a way to kill him. Anqiu Since betrayed our mother and daughter, it should be like this. When he turned away from our mother and daughter, there is no love between me and him."

Since Yulia thinks very well, Qin Lang will not say much. When Yulia’s face is given to the dragon, Tina is good for Qin Lang, but if she gives Longjing to Tina, let her slowly integrate the power of Longjing, she may grow up quickly.

Although Tina is not very old, she is a "daughter" of Qin Lang. Naturally, she has obtained a lot of benefits from Qin Lang. It is just a kind of spirituality to improve her body. Tina little girl has not eaten. Now she has entered. In the world of hell, Tana’s potential has gradually emerged, and now she is getting Longjing, and her future is naturally brighter.

"Mr. Qin, this dragon crystal is too expensive, and it is also useful to you -" Yulia may want to continue to maintain good relations with Qin Lang in order to support their mother and daughter, so I am ready to send Longjing to Qinlang, but Rejected by Qin Lang.

"Ulya, Tina is also my daughter, how can I take away what belongs to her. Moreover, the spirit of my possession may not be worse than Longjing. I may wish to tell you frankly, now You and Tina control the city of Longgagas, which is profitable for us all. Needless to say about your benefits, not just the city of Longegas, but also other cities around, in the future May become the land of your mother and daughter -"

"Mr. Qin, our ambitions are not that big."

"No! I believe that your ambition is not small, let alone if you have no ambitions, then you and Tina's city are likely to be swallowed up by other ambitious people. I am definitely not alarmist, you are all My family should know what preparations I have made in the human world?"

"For what? Is it for disaster? I think you and Wu Caiyun seem to be very nervous." Yulia guessed.

"Yes, it is a disaster. I may have mentioned to you about the catastrophe before. If you don't pay attention, then I will tell you seriously that the disaster will come, and not only for the earth." The world, your world is equally inevitable. I believe that some of the strong people in your world have already sensed them. These guys must have begun to prepare. If they are prepared well enough, the grasp of the disaster will definitely be greater. You and Tina, if you want to keep the Longgaus City, you can only accumulate more strength, and cooperate with us. Otherwise, when the disaster strikes, Longgagas City is just a small boat. I can't afford any big winds and waves." Qin Lang's conversation is open and honest, because to take root in Longgagas City, you must cooperate with Yulia, so Qin Lang does not want any misunderstanding and estrangement between them.

Therefore, Qin Lang did not even conceal Yulia from the process of killing Anqiu. In addition, the control of Longegas City was completely handed over to Yulia's mother and daughter.

Qin Lang and Wu Caiyun can of course take tough measures to deal with Longgaus City and then plunder the resources of the city. This is not a thing for the military, but it does not use the future layout to cope with future disasters. Not only need to accumulate strength, but also need to seek some reliable allies. Although Longegas City is only a negligible corner of the world of hell, it can be used as a key fulcrum of Qin Lang in the world of hell. Then Qin Lang can use this fulcrum to open up more territory and obtain more resources, even more than The harvest of the undead world is even greater.

Through communication, Yulia understood the idea of ​​Qin Lang. Yu Liya was completely accepted for the way Qin Lang was open and honest. She also knew that Qin Lang was right. If there is no ambition in this world, then she and Tina are very It may become a victim of other people's ambitions, and if there is no catastrophe in heaven and earth, she may be able to sneak a peek with Tana, but if, as Qin Lang said, the catastrophe will come, then no one can escape, wanting Surviving in a cruel environment, she must have ambition and must strengthen her own strength!

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