Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1643: Order that is about to collapse

The people and resources of the Dragon Snake Force have continuously entered the city of Longegas, constantly refining the base in Longgagas City.

Qin Lang left the red dragonfly and nine undead cavalry to Tina, although it was only ten undead warriors, but these ten undead warriors were the strong goods that formed the undead spar, and they were killed by Yin Lang and injected into the dead. The power of the power has increased, so the power of these ten undead warriors must not be underestimated. The most important thing is that they are completely obeyed by Qin Lang. Now Qin Lang’s order is to protect the safety of Yulia and Tina’s mother and daughter and take orders from them.

After arranging some of the arrangements in Longegas City, Qin Lang and Wu Caiyun left here because Longgagas City is currently only an outpost. After the military base is completed, it can send dragon snake troops and poisonous people. Going into the world of **** and practicing.

However, the experience in the world of **** is different from the experience of the world of the undead. The power in the world of **** must be a combination of sweeping and construction, that is, around the city of Longagas, sweeping around the city. Hostile creatures, building the city of Longgaus City, make it a springboard for the Earth to enter the world of hell.

Qin Lang and Wu Caiyun have returned to the familiar world of the earth. When the Dragon Snakes began to establish military bases in Longgagas City, the Chinese military on the ground was under tremendous pressure because now all countries in the world know China. Two wormholes leading to different worlds have been controlled. As the actual controller of the wormhole, the Chinese military must have obtained rich benefits from these two wormholes, but so far, the Chinese military has not shared this benefit, which makes many powerful countries very dissatisfied. .

Among the many countries, especially the dissatisfaction of the Mi Empire to China, it is very obvious. It not only unites the European tyrannical countries to exert pressure on China, but also secretly engages in some small moves, using some super-warriors to secretly collect the information of these two wormholes. Even secretly assassinate some of the officers and soldiers of China.

In short, the situation has become more and more tense. Although there was a previous experience of the Norfolk family, it did not allow any greed and arrogant rice empire to converge, as they publicly announced to the world: within a hundred years, the Mi Empire will continue to lead the world!

Since it is a global leader, nature will not allow anyone to rebel, nor will it allow others to transcend. Once many of the "alliance" countries of the Mi Empire have discovered it, they must actively invite the Mi Empire to "assisted" research and solve problems. Mi Di will also be very "moderate" to help allies solve all the problems and then "share" the benefits.

In the view of the Mi Empire, China has not been an obedient existence, and the recent performance is even more odious. Actually, I dare to swallow two alien wormholes. This is simply "thinking of rebellion." If these two wormholes are not in the field of China, I am afraid that the Marines of the Mi Empire have already begun to **** them directly.

But even if the two wormholes are located in the field of China, the endurance of the Mi Empire seems to have reached its limit. The tricks of pressure through the United Nations are no longer useful, and they are ready to do something of a practical nature.

The Seventh Fleet and the Fourth Fleet of the Mi Empire also approached the waters of China. At the same time, their allies, the countries, the United Kingdom, France, Australia and other countries, also arrived at the home of China, but this time South Korea was absent, no Know what these guys are playing.

Although the Mi empire claimed that this was a joint military exercise in the Pacific Rim, everyone knows that this is putting pressure on Huaxia, and this time the exercise may be changed if the empire is not getting what they want. In actual combat.

The South China Sea of ​​China, the wind is raging!

When the rain is coming from the wind, when the tyrannical pressure is over, the Chinese domestic is also a rumor. Some of the rich and the stars who have already taken the foreign green card have been the first to run. Of course, these people have been the first time. When the road is running, these guys will go to the powers of the "homeland" for the first time to become citizens of other countries. When the weather is calm, these guys immediately become overseas Chinese and continue to come back to frenzied wealth.

However, this time is different from the past, these guys who run the road not only run the first time, but also use the network microblogging, forums and other channels to post some warm-talking articles after running, saying that China is already the target of public criticism. If it is about to fall apart, what is said, China is now isolated in the international arena, and sooner or later it will be ruined...

These "running road races" are basically "upper people" in China, so their influence is naturally not to be ignored. These people suddenly published similar articles, which naturally caused a great reaction in the territory of Hua Xia. Although most of the articles have been killed, but a step later, the chain reaction has already formed, and the whole of China is now filled with a strange atmosphere, even ordinary people feel that there will be a huge change.

Under such a situation, some of the long-standing shortcomings in China have also emerged. Some evil and religious forces have revived and began to publicize ideas such as annihilation, trial, and ruin, and began to madly recruit believers. At the same time, some The national extremists also began to act and prepare for actions such as independence and liberation, but in reality these guys are only doing damage, and there are constantly civilians who have died in violent attacks.

In the case of internal and external troubles, China's social order is already in a relatively dangerous state. The reason why it is more dangerous is because the state's violent organs have not really acted. The dream of a country’s complete collapse of the order must begin with the collapse of the violent organs. The turmoil at the bottom is not enough to incite the order of the entire country.

However, under such circumstances, under the violation of evil spirits and terrorist forces, civilians have lost their lives every day, and even some extremely horrible things have happened.

For China's domestic affairs, Qin Lang is more concerned, but it does not affect and change anything, because this is not his responsibility, these things should be the things that the big men of the Imperial City should worry about, Qin Lang's current responsibility is Wu Caiyun sits in the town of Dragon Snake and responds to provocations from international parties.

Although the "United Nations Army" headed by the Mi Empire and the Chinese fleet formed a confrontational state, neither party would easily use guns because no one wanted to bear the reputation of setting off a world war.

The people of the country rarely think about the feelings of their opponents, because the countries they attacked were small countries. These countries can only let them do it, but China is a superpower with millions of conventional troops, once it triggers a real war. I am afraid that it is very difficult for the people of the country to stay out of the way.

What's more, there are also bears in the north who are watching the world.

The battle between the two sides did not begin, but the messenger of the bear Russia arrived at the Dragon Snake. At the same time, representatives of the Imperial City also arrived at the same time.

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